Chapter 558 The world is in chaos
Although the brothers and sisters were disappointed with Mr. Xiao, after all, he was their biological father, so how could they remain indifferent!

The brother and sister knew that the situation outside Chang'an City, which was stable and peaceful, had collapsed beyond control. Xiao Zhizong's family went to Youzhou, but left Mr. Xiao behind in Shu. They thought that Eucommia ulmoides would not treat Xiao who stayed behind. The family has a good face.

"Brother Xiao, it's not that I, Mr. Du, don't give you face, but that Xiao Zhizong is too rampant now. He doesn't recognize your majesty's orthodox bloodline and actually establishes himself as a young master in Youzhou. It is really treason." Du Zhong persuaded.

"Brother Xiao, as the eldest son of the Xiao family, do you want to watch the Xiao family's century-old foundation be destroyed in one fell swoop?"

Mr. Xiao put down the pen in his hand, cleaned his hands in the basin, and then said slowly and calmly: "What do you want, Mr. Du?"

Du Zhong said calmly: "Brother Xiao is a sensible person. You should know that your Majesty's lineage is the orthodox one. The King of Hejian risked the power of the world and proclaimed himself king. This is a matter for rebellious ministers and traitors, and everyone will punish them."

"Now that the Xiao family and his daughter are in charge of Youzhou, we should persuade them to abandon the dark side and join the bright side, and return to the unified system. What do you think, Brother Xiao?"

Mr. Xiao stood still and looked out the window with his hands behind his back. After a long time, he murmured: "The hot summer is passing away and the cool autumn is coming. Mr. Du, the world will probably see the real chapter soon."

Seeing what he said, Du Zhong was a little confused for a moment: "Brother Xiao, what do you mean by this?"

Mr. Xiao smiled calmly and said: "When my second brother left, I had already taken life and death lightly. My second brother has always been obsessed with power and will definitely not give up so easily."

"I think my elder brother also saw this clearly, so he ran away from home in anger. So far, there is no news."

"If Mr. Du wants to use me to blackmail my second brother, I'm afraid he will be disappointed. Mere brotherhood is not enough to shake my second brother's ambition."

"I also advise Mr. Du to stop as soon as possible. The world is unstoppable. Don't work hard only to make wedding clothes for others."

When Eucommia saw that Mr. Xiao was not getting enough, he was so angry that he left.

Xiao Zhizong, that rebellious minister and traitor, has already set up a puppet emperor to separatist power. If he is still so hesitant, how can he be willing to fall behind others?

In the raging midsummer, the Yellow River suddenly flooded, leaving the people on both sides of the river homeless. Bandits and gangsters once again took the opportunity to cause trouble. With the change of power in Youzhou and other places, the situation in the world began to become chaotic.

With the news that Emperor Longxin of Shu was terminally ill, the remaining princes from all over the country rushed to support themselves. Everyone has the blood of the Tantai royal family. Why should a person named Xiao and a person named Du control the government, but he is a serious royal family member? People have to bow down to two people with foreign surnames.

Anyone with some strength and ambition has taken up the banner of killing the rebellious ministers and restoring the country.

It's just that both Shu and Youzhou are remote places, and the opponent's troops are strong. It's unrealistic to rush over and attack those far away. So let's attack the nearby areas first. Naturally, the more territory the better.

Smoke was everywhere in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and wars and banditry were frequent. The number of refugees in the already crowded pass and Jingzhou was increasing day by day, and all parties reported financial constraints.

Jing Li looked at the budget expenditure in his hand and said to Ma Shiyong who came to discuss: "The population is increasing so rapidly. If it continues like this, both the front line and the rear will be tight!"

Ma Shiyong said sternly: "What the empress said is true, so I will discuss with you all to temporarily close the gate and suspend the reception of refugees!"

"Nowadays, there are constant disasters everywhere. Floods will cause countless deaths and injuries, and the plague will inevitably follow. If the plague is accidentally spread to the city, it will be difficult to deal with it!"

Jingli was also quite embarrassed about this. Now it was no longer a matter of whether to accept the refugees or not. If he wanted to accept them, it would be open to the whole world.If they don't take it back, they can only send troops to recover it. Chang'an and Jingzhou are both at a time when people's livelihood is steadily developing. If wars are frequent at this time, the people who have finally settled down will be exhausted. Over time, it will naturally affect the stability of the rule.

What's more important is that Erbao has been having trouble with him from time to time, and his body is already weak. Once he catches a cold or fever, he will almost die. In the past few months, Doctor Shen and Jingli have put all their focus on him. Dare to be careless.

The purpose is to protect the child, so that he can successfully set off to southern Xinjiang after spring, and find the Moon Pond Holy Spring and the Biluo Flower for the second treasure as soon as possible.

The current situation is such that people are overwhelmed. If Tantai Lin wants to make progress, she has to stick to the rear, but Erbao cannot afford to delay.

At night, Jingli watched the two children and discussed with Tantai Lin: "You can't escape. After spring, I will take the children to southern Xinjiang first!"

Tantai Lin said with a worried expression: "The two children are already young. How can it be so easy for you to take care of them both by yourself?"

"What's more, the journey to southern Xinjiang is long and there are many dangers along the way. How can I feel at ease if you are the only one going there?"

Ubol from Yuechi and Yiluo Zhuo from the Yuluo tribe, the two of them seemed to have a good relationship even though they were currently trading. However, if things really went wrong, it would be hard to tell whether they would take the opportunity to take advantage of others.

Jing Li leaned on his shoulder and gently stroked Dabao's sleeping face with her fingers: "Dabao can't live without anyone. If we don't take him with us, I'm afraid she will make a big fuss later and no one can take care of her."

She has another level of worry. Dabao seems to be fine right now. What if something suddenly goes wrong later? It's better to take the two of them together so that they can be taken care of in case something happens.

Jing Li comforted him and said, "I still have a lot of extremely lethal weapons in my space. It's no problem to keep us, mother and son safe, not to mention the blood wolf guards to protect us."

"After I leave, Chang'an and Beidi have just stabilized. What if there is another disaster?"

Tantai Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Recently, let the firearms battalion increase production and stabilize the areas around Longxi and Jingzhou. These people will not dare to make any more moves. I will go to southern Xinjiang with you."

Jing Li shook his head: "No, no matter how hard we fight, the world has become such a mess that we won't be able to clean it up in three to five years."

"But we can't delay the matter of the child, so just go ahead and beat yourselves. We will discuss the matter of sticking to the rear before winter. After spring, I will take the child to southern Xinjiang."

While the two of them were talking, Dabao looked like he was about to cry, not knowing whether he had a nightmare or something.

Jing Li reached out and patted her gently, and then she put away her grievances and fell asleep again.

Tantai Lin put those troubles aside and said with a smile: "This little girl doesn't know who her temper is. It seems that the Tantai family has never seen her like this."

The two of them talked about their children and put aside all the troubles outside for a while.

The room was quiet for a while, but the tranquility was broken by the hurried arrival of Dezi.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Mr. Huan is here to discuss something urgent!"

(End of this chapter)

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