Chapter 525: The Demonic Past

The temperature at the bottom of the water was even worse. After a moment, both of them could not hold their breath and surfaced again.

Jing Li grabbed his arm: "You are very capable, don't you want to run?"

"I tell you if you dare to run away this time, don't come back. I asked Ubol to come to Chang'an and then select three thousand beautiful men. I... ugh!"

Jingli was fuming. Before she could finish her words, Tantai Lin lowered his head to block her. After a long time, he let her go.

"If you dare to bring a man back, see how I deal with you!" Tantai Lin pinched her waist and said bitterly, his eyes full of cruelty.

Jing Li snorted coldly: "Aren't you going to run away? Let me tell you, I don't have a habit of chasing people, let alone begging for men. Don't challenge my patience again and again."

The two stood opposite each other, and the night wind blew in. Jingli shivered and sank into the water again.

Tantai Lin leaned against her, and after an unknown amount of time, she murmured: "Ali, I'm so dirty and disgusting!"

"I'm afraid that one day you will dislike me!" He said in a muffled voice.

Jing Li leaned him on her shoulder and said sternly: "I don't care if you and Wang Weng want to go fishing or whatever. After you go back, if you risk the world's disapproval, I will deal with this woman."

Since this woman arrived at the house, Tantai Lin's mood has obviously changed. Her arrival must have brought back the nightmares of his childhood.

"When you come, I'll be fine!" Tantai Lin said softly: "This time I will catch all the people behind her, leaving no one behind."

"Then do you want to tell me what she did to you?" Jing Li put her hands into his hair and gently combed and massaged him.

Some people's pasts should not be known to others, while some people have too much inner demons and need a channel to clear them out. Otherwise, if they become ill over time, they will get out of control and go berserk.

Tantai Lin falls into the latter category. The moonlight is very good tonight, the surrounding scenery is also very charming, and the water is so warm that your bones are almost crispy.

In such a great environment, Jingli hoped to release the deepest pain in his heart.

Just when Jing Li thought that Tantai Lin still couldn't talk and was about to give up, Tantai Lin said faintly: "When I was six years old, she suddenly took me to the temple."

He was still young at that time. After Xiao Chen's death, Wang Bifu's temperament changed drastically and he no longer took care of him. He was helpless in the palace and could be bullied by anyone.

Concubine Chen Shu suddenly wanted to take him to the temple. He felt bad in his heart, but he couldn't stand the power of the palace people around Concubine Chen Shu, so they directly took him away at a young age. Unexpectedly, that trip to the temple became a nightmare that he could not get rid of in his life.

Concubine Chen Shu, who had been in the palace for a long time, had changed her whole personality. She actually colluded with others and often had trysts in the temple.

After many years, he still clearly remembered that day was the ninth day of July.

Thunder suddenly roared at night and heavy rain poured down. He huddled in the corner of the bed and did not dare to move, nor did he dare to go out to find Concubine Chen Shu.

Just when he was helpless and scared, the door was suddenly opened, and someone walked in from the darkness. The purple lightning flashing outside the window illuminated the person clearly.

He recognized that the person was his Fifth Emperor brother. When he was in the palace, he looked as disgusting and clingy as a fly. Although he was young, he was not ignorant.

"Mother Concubine! Mother Concubine, save me!" Even though he knew there was no hope, he still struggled and cried, hoping that Concubine Chen Shu would suddenly come out to save him.

What little hope there was was quickly extinguished.The Fifth Emperor Brother smiled ferociously and said: "Silly brother, don't you know that your mother-in-law specially gave you to me?"

The little child was extremely angry. Facing an adult like the Fifth Emperor Brother, he had no power to resist. At that moment, he hated everyone, his father, the emperor, and his mother and concubine to death.

The five emperor brothers' wild laughter and thunder roared together, and no one in the huge temple seemed to know all this.

Soon, the proud laughter of Brother Five Emperors suddenly stopped. A sharp blade passed through his chest from behind, piercing his whole body. Blood fell on his body along the tip of the blade, but he was not afraid at all, and even got angry because of it. Excited.

Wang Bifu threw the body of the Fifth Emperor Brother on the ground and gave him a short blade. That was the first time he started to use a knife. He stabbed the knife into the Fifth Emperor Brother's body crazily until Wang Bifu gently touched him. Pick up.

"No one in this palace is clean. If you don't kill them, they will kill you sooner or later!" Wang Bifu whispered in his ear.

When he was young, he carried the head of the Fifth Emperor Brother to Concubine Chen Shu's room. Concubine Chen Shu was almost frightened and went crazy. In a panic, she picked up a candlestick and threw it at his face. The hot candle oil burned his face, but he didn't. As if she didn't feel any pain, she looked at Concubine Chen Shu with a smile.

Concubine Chen Shu was completely frightened, and later she did not dare to contact him anymore. She forgot about him and even allowed the palace officials to humiliate him.

From then on, he put on a mask and lived like a mouse in the palace, fighting with others for food and growing up hard until Uncle Chen's uncle took him to the battlefield.

There, he opened up a new world of killing. The disgusting smell of rust on the tip of his nose would make him forget those nightmarish pasts.

Every time he charged, he was at the forefront. Every time, no matter how injured he was, he was waiting for the arrival of death and enjoying the breath of death in the crazy killing.

But every time he was on the verge of death, he felt very unwilling. Why should he die when those people were still alive?

It was like this endless back and forth between killing and despairing, until Jingli appeared, he felt that this woman carried the same kind of murderous intent, but she was more alive than him.

He wanted to destroy her or go to hell together.

After hearing this, Jingli said silently, "This is because I want to die intermittently, and I don't want to be nice to others."

"Ah Li, I feel like my whole body is so dirty that I can't wash it clean no matter how hard I wash it. I'm afraid you will dislike me and leave me one day." He leaned against Jing Li's neck and whispered in a low voice. Unspeakable grievance and sadness.

Jing Li kissed his forehead, "It's not like I've never seen your craziness before. If I wanted to dislike you, I would have disliked it a long time ago. Why wait now?"

He raised his head and looked at Jing Li accusingly: "What do you mean, have you ever really disliked me?"

Jing Li quickly patted his back to comfort him: "No, no, all the girls in Chang'an are jealous of me now. They are jealous that I have such a powerful and caring husband. How dare I despise you."

"As long as you don't run away in the future, it's fine. After all, I'm not as powerful as you. It's not easy to chase me."

Tantai Lin hugged Jing Li and said in a low voice: "I won't run away from now on. Even if you drive me away, I won't leave."

"Ah Li, can we stay together for the rest of our lives? If one day you want to return to your original world, you will have to take me with you."

"Well, I won't want to throw away such a good husband. I won't have to give others an advantage!" Jing Li said casually.

The temperature in the pool was extremely good, and the two of them cuddled together for a long time. Jing Li suddenly remembered and hurriedly pushed Tantai Lin away and said, "It's broken, Cai Yue is still outside!"

(End of this chapter)

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