Chapter 488

Chen Liujun was out of food again.

No matter how much King Chen Liu didn't believe in the fact that Tantai Lin was alive, the cruel reality forced him to face it.

His army is at the pass, and subsequent supplies will come from around Nanyang.

After Tantai Lin occupied Nanyang, he cut off his rear supplies.

As for the last army delivering grain, Jing Dafu took Mayi's militiamen who had been training for more than a year and went around the waterway to be robbed.

This team was formed during the attack on the refugees. Later, for the safety and stability of Mayi, the wealthy squires agreed that training should be strengthened and that they should not be left idle.

Anyway, the world is in such chaos, it is better to have troops to protect the county than to temporarily arrest people.

This escort team, which is neither short of food nor money, has practiced extremely well for more than a year, and has been taken out to suppress concubines. It may not have a chance of winning against the regular troops, but it is still very good against the logistics troops escorting food and grass. Advantageous.

The grain road was robbed again, and Chen Liu's army of tens of millions of people was completely alone at the pass.

The north wind howls in winter, white snow falls in succession, and the whole world becomes extremely clean in an instant.

"General, our army is out of supplies. We don't have enough food and clothing. Many people have already frozen to death. It won't be a problem if it continues like this!" You Qianhu said to the deputy general next to King Chen Liu.

The deputy general looked embarrassed: "Your Majesty refuses to withdraw his troops, so what can we do!"

In fact, he also understood the current situation of King Chenliu, that is, if he withdraws his troops now, where can they go.

King Changling is not dead, and King Hejian must not get any advantage.

Under such circumstances, if King Chen Liu went to seek refuge with him, he might not be left with any scraps left.

The rest can only take these deployments to attack weaker places.

But in today's world, the master of any place is not easy to get along with.

The aroma of stewed meat wafted in again.

The lieutenant sniffed and didn't even think about it. There must be another big bone stew on the opposite wall.

Since the winter solstice, mutton soup will be stewed every day on this city.

I don’t know how many sheep there are in Chang’an. They stew like this every day and they haven’t finished eating yet.

If Jingli knew about it, he would definitely return his favor. The prairie people were doing well this year, and most of the cattle and sheep they raised were sold to Chang'an.

Even in the cold winter, the trade along the river has not stopped.

Several tribes have improved their lives and have money in their pockets. Naturally, they have to buy some daily necessities that are not available on the grassland in winter to improve their lives.

There were a lot of people on the city, and it was impossible for everyone to eat meat. It was possible to boil several large pots of mutton soup and throw in some ginger and chili to keep out the cold.

For these defenders, drinking hot water was not easy in the past, let alone mutton soup.

Now, although this soup doesn't have much fishy taste, it is so delicious when I drink it, and my body feels warm, which makes me feel so good.

In the camp of Chen Liu's army, someone was wrapped in a tattered cotton-padded jacket and whispered to the man next to him: "Brother, do you still remember that time when we were short of food?"

The man next to him narrowed his eyes and said weakly: "Just say what you want to say!"

The man looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he leaned close to the man's ear and whispered: "At that time, many people quietly went to the opposite side, and now they have settled there!"

"And those who are capable are ready to take over the family's children after King Changling is stable!"

"You want to defect?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, we are not defecting, we are just trying to find a way out for ourselves, otherwise we will either freeze to death or starve to death!"

"If you want to go, go ahead. You just need to bring all the villagers with you. You can't escape and leave them to suffer unreasonable disasters!" the man said helplessly.

The man was startled: "Brother, aren't you leaving?"

The man smiled bitterly: "I haven't been in good health since winter. Even if I live for a few days, why bother everyone?" That night, Chen Liujun's camp was filled with shouts of killing.

Jingli said in the night: "When people are in desperate situations, they always have to take a risk, let alone when life and death are at stake!"

Dalang said: "Sister, if there are prisoners coming, will we continue to take them in?"

"Why not? All development is based on population. Now that Northland is stable, so much wasteland naturally needs people to open up wasteland!" Jingli said seriously.

In the light of the fire, Jingli looked confident, which made Dalang, who was originally a little worried, feel more at ease.

"Kill me. If anyone dares to escape, I will kill his entire battalion or fellow villagers!" King Chenliu shouted angrily.

Anyone who openly had a fight with the guard in order to defect overnight would probably be as anxious and angry as King Chen Liu.

The staff wanted to persuade him that the morale of the army was now as scattered as sand, and they should not continue to kill so endlessly, but they also knew that the current King Chenliu would not listen to any advice.

Groups of soldiers were pulled to the front of the formation and killed, without intimidating the remaining soldiers at all.

Those who escaped were well fed and clothed, but those who did not escape were threatened with death, which made no one feel happy.

After going back and forth like this for a few days, Chen Liujun's morale dropped significantly.

It turns out that some people fled during the day, as if they no longer took the strict military orders seriously.

Bai Changhe said to Jingli: "Your Majesty, I think we can open the door to fight now!"

Jing Li took back the telescope, "The enemy on the other side has been out of food for more than ten days. Both the combat effectiveness and the cohesion of the army must be vulnerable."

"It's time to go!"

Jing Li said as she put on her armor and went downstairs.

Bai Changhe stopped her and said, "How can this happen? You are a royal princess, so there is no reason to go to the battlefield in person!"

Jing Li sneered: "I have to go to this battle. I want to show the people in the city that even without Tantai Lin, I can still defend one side!"

"They think I'm suspected of being Si Chen, so I have to make this happen!"

"I want to see who else dares to talk nonsense to me in the future!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade her, Bai Changhe had to ask Geng Qi and others to protect her.

"Your Majesty, the city gate opposite is open!" the deputy general came over to report in surprise.

When King Chen Liu, who was originally depressed, heard this, he was immediately shocked: "Is this true?"

"It's true, it opened early this morning!"

King Chenliu stood up and ordered: "Quickly, gather all the troops. Since she has opened the city gate, this is our great opportunity!"

"Today, I am going to take Jingzhou Erlang and turn the city of Chang'an upside down!"

The military advisor on the side shook his head helplessly. He knew that King Chen Liu could no longer listen to anything at this time.

The troops in Guan Nei have been fed and fed well for more than half a year, and they have been practicing non-stop every day.

On the other hand, whether we can stand up or not is one thing. How can we compare with Chang'an Elite?

Sure enough, it was just as the military advisor expected.

It was difficult to stand among the tens of thousands of people who had barely gathered together, and [-]% of them were infantry.

Don't ask about the cavalry. Without supplies for many days, people who freeze to death will become food for others the next day, let alone horses.

The only horses now are only owned by upper-level generals. There is no so-called cavalry anymore.

Therefore, when these soldiers, who had finally assembled, saw the red figure speeding in the distance and the deafening sound of the cavalry, they were instantly frightened to death.

(End of this chapter)

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