Chapter 473 Reverse Sneak Attack
At the second watch, King Chenliu's army launched a wave of attacks.

In the dark night, flames shot into the sky, and the army on the opposite side rushed over with a roar.

Dalang hurriedly came to report: "Sister, they have begun to attack!"

Jing Li closed the map and said, "Just let the person on duty pay attention. You can go and have a rest. By the way, let General Bai take a rest too!"

Dalang was stunned: "Sister, they have already come to attack the city, how can they still rest?"

"Conquering a city is not a one-day battle," Jing Li said calmly: "Chen Liu's army came from Nanyang and attacked for a long distance. They didn't have much preparation for fortifications and equipment. Facing such natural dangers, how could they attack it in three to five days? !”

"Tonight is just to test the truth and see if I, a female prostitute, have the ability to defend Chang'an before making further plans!"

"If we really want to attack the city, it will have to be at least ten days and a half months later!"

Dalang had only learned some theories from Huan Yuan in the past. Although he knew that attacking the city was not easy, he could not help but feel a little timid when he saw the huge crowds of people on the other side shouting for death.

"In the past few days, take Aye with you and learn more from General Bai. No matter how good you are in theory, you will eventually see the real results on the battlefield!"

This wave of impact came so quickly that the people on the top of the city didn't even start to fight back, and quickly retreated.

After daybreak, smoke rose from the opponent's position, and it was obvious that cooking had begun.

Jing Li said to Huan Yuan: "King Chenliu's army has come all the way to build siege equipment. The surrounding area has long been in a state of chaos. It is not easy for him to cut down trees and build chariots!"

"Since they don't have time to attack us, we might as well send someone over to harass us."

Jingli went down from the tower and walked through the empty Wengcheng. There used to be many people selling food here, but it has been cleared out since Chen Liu's army came here.

There is some desolation behind the Wengcheng, but after walking for more than ten miles, you will find a place with lush vegetation.

Hundreds of thousands of improved trebuchets and other equipment, as well as the earth mines developed by the Tantai Lin Firearms Battalion, although not as good as those in her space, are more than enough for Chen Liujun, who is still in the cold weapon era.

In the main tent of Chen Liu's army, Dou Wenshao said in a deep voice: "Everyone, after last night's surprise attack and watching the soldiers guarding the city, what do you think of the rumored Princess Changling?"

One of them laughed and said: "She is just a female generation. It is said that she was a peasant who escaped from famine before. What kind of knowledge can such a woman have? She just relied on her beauty to win the favor of King Changling!"

Someone echoed: "Exactly, how can a woman like her master this defensive technique without a teacher?"

Someone retorted: "Don't underestimate the enemy. This princess has killed people from the Liao Dynasty. She must have extraordinary skills. Only then can she regain several grassland tribes!"

"Tsk, it's just that you can fight with some ruthless prairie men who don't know tactics by relying on your fist and kick skills. Naturally, you are invincible!"

"But if she faces someone as brave and skilled as our general, how can she be an opponent?"

All the soldiers laughed and approved of this.

As the number one general under King Chen Liu, Dou Wenshao naturally would not underestimate the enemy like this, but after reading about the life of Princess Changling.

This battlefield veteran felt that, leaving aside the natural danger of Tongguan, the princess was really not worth mentioning.

If it weren't for the natural obstacles and the support of an experienced veteran like Bai Changhe, it would have taken three days to break into the city.

"Having said that, there is no room for error in the attack on the city. We must win it as soon as possible!"

Dou Wenzhao looked solemn and said to his generals: "The city gate is too high and heavily guarded, and the surrounding trees have been cut down. I'm afraid Tushan is the best."

"Things like catapults and ladders must be built as soon as possible. We must capture them before King Changling defeats the Jie people!"

Someone under his command was in trouble: "General, this is the most dangerous pass in the world. We only have tens of thousands of people. How can we attack such a dangerous place?" Dou Wenshao said confidently: "These princes have their own arrangements, it is not your thing to worry about. Just be prepared to attack the city!"

The last trace of fire cloud fell from the sky, and darkness slowly enveloped the world.

Chen Liu's army rushed around for several days. After arriving at the pass, they had to prepare various combat fortifications. Everyone was extremely tired.

Today I heard that there would be no preparations for siege for the time being, and for a while the camp was filled with loud snoring, leaving only the patrols on duty outside.

In the darkness, many figures slid down from the city wall.

This group of people is the elite selected by Geng Qi from the Blood Wolf Guard. Whether they are fighting as a team or fighting alone, they are absolutely the best players in the world.

They may not play a big role in a major battle, but they are extremely good at night attacks like this.

Jingli assigned each person in the group a hand bomb, which was more powerful than the one developed by the firearms battalion. The most important thing was that it had the highest safety factor, so that he would not be injured before others were hit.

A patrolman leaned against the edge of the camp and unbuttoned his pants to drain the water. The next moment, he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

The whole process took no more than a blink of an eye, and he didn't even have a chance to call for help.

The patrol in front was still looking around and didn't even notice that his companion behind him had fallen.

"Fire!" someone shouted.

The patrolman looked over and saw that several tents were on fire.

The patrol leader secretly cursed, this damn autumn day is dry, it is easy to catch fire, why don't those who light the torches pay more attention.

While cursing, he ran towards the direction of the fire and organized people to put out the fire.

Dou Wenshao's military management methods were strict. If the fire got bigger, he would probably lose his life.

He then led his people to the place where the fire broke out. There were already sober soldiers on the other side, and they began to fetch water to put out the fire. Fortunately, there was no shortage of water in this area, and they were well prepared.

Just as the corps commander wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, someone on the other end shouted again: "There's a fire!"

The corps commander turned around, suddenly frightened out of his wits.

The place where the fire broke out this time was not the tents where people lived just now, but the place where food and grass were stored.

It was a very dry day. The food and grass that had been transported all the way had been completely dried out. This time there was a fire, but it was very difficult to deal with.

He didn't care about this and hurriedly sent people to report to the peak. This matter was no longer something he, a small team leader, could make the decision about.

Dou Wenzhao, who had drank some wine and spent most of the night tossing around with a few camp concubines, had just closed his eyes, and while he was drowsy, he heard someone shouting: "There is a night attack!"

Suddenly he woke up with a jolt, took out his saber from the pillow, and cut off the head of Ying Ji who was sleeping next to him with one blow.

Poor Ying Ji was beheaded while she was sleeping for no apparent reason. Her head fell to the ground, with confusion and fear in her eyes.

The two camp girls who were sleeping on the other side were so frightened that their faces turned pale with fright. The people who had been joking and laughing together last night were now dead on the ground in the blink of an eye. It was so heart-breaking.

Dou Wenzhao walked out of the camp naked and shouted: "Who dares to confuse the people with evil words and disrupt the morale of the army?"

(End of this chapter)

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