Chapter 451 The vixen seizes the body

Dalang lowered his head, becoming more and more ashamed.

Jing Li knew that he had a soft heart.

He must have remembered how difficult it was for his group to enter the customs, so he didn't want to see people injured and bleeding.

I guess that person was the one who took advantage of Da Lang's temperament, so he took advantage of it.

"It's too late to punish you now. Don't make such a mistake again!"

"It can be considered a lesson, otherwise you don't know how dangerous people's hearts are!"

Jing Li then asked: "Has the corps commander named Song been under control?"

Dalang hurriedly said: "We have been taken to prison and sent to Jing Zhaoyin!"

"Dezi, go tell Geng Qi and let him do it himself this time!" Jingli called Dezi over and gave instructions.

If there wasn't a driving force behind this, she wouldn't believe it even to death.

Soon, Jingli knew what this family was going to do.

"Have you heard? There are rumors that Princess Changling is a vixen. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so obsessed with Prince Changling, who is not close to women!"

Rumors are spreading in teahouses and restaurants in the city. Fortunately, it is a national mourning period and drinking is not allowed. Otherwise, I don’t know how the rumors would spread.

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense! My princess is fine. If she hadn't been here, how would our Chang'an City be as stable as it is now!"

"But her own mother said so, so how can her own grandmother know that her granddaughter is a child?"

"You have never seen it, but I have really seen the face of that princess. She is still without makeup and not much dressed up. It is really not an exaggeration to say that she is a vixen!"

"That face, that figure, tsk tsk. That means Prince Changling is so lucky!"

"Be careful, brother, you must know that she is the concubine of King Changling, and that murderer will not blink an eye!"

Rumors spreading in the city spread to the house, making Cai Ling cry angrily: "Princess, these people have gone too far. I don't even think about it. When the White Lotus Army attacked the city, if the princess hadn't come back with the prince in time, there would still be people here. What's wrong with them!"

"For saving a life, instead of saying thank you, there are all kinds of rumors. How can they just say it!"

Whether the princess is a vixen or not, how can people like them, who are waiting for God, not know?
If he was really a vixen, he could still ask the prince to go to the north to quell the chaos, and he could also try his best to find a way out for the girls placed in the Wang Family Courtyard.

Caichun was also very aggrieved: "Girl, there must be someone behind this. Should we write to the prince to tell him about this?"

Jingli cut off the excess buds very calmly: "No, I just finished a big battle with the Jie tribe, and it's time to calm people's hearts. Why bother him with such a trivial matter!"

She has always been used to handling her own affairs by herself and doesn't like to rely on others. What's more, now is the time when Beidi is defeating the Jie people. If she writes to Tantai Lin at this time, isn't it going to cause trouble for him?

Dezi came over cautiously and said: "Princess, General Geng, please see me!"

"Let him come in!" Jingli put away her scissors, and the summer roses were in full bloom and had already gone around the pavilion, wrapping the entire pavilion with flowers, which made people feel relaxed and happy just looking at it.

She had to trim off some excess buds to allow the entire branch to grow better.

Geng Qi came in and saw Jing Li pruning flowers as if nothing had happened. He was a little stunned for a moment and said, "Mother, don't you know what's going on outside?"

"So what if you know?" Jing Li smiled calmly: "Am I going to arrest and kill all those who spread rumors and cause trouble? Or am I going to shed tears and just hope for death?"

Geng Qi said with frost in his eyes: "These people are too presumptuous, so of course we can't let them go easily!" Jing Li was about to speak when he heard the noise coming from outside.

"Your Majesty, someone actually came to the door of the palace to curse!" Dezi came to report in fear.

"What a big deal, there are people in Chang'an who are more valuable than the princess, who are they?" Uncle Fang scolded Dezi.

"Insulting the princess is punishable by death!" Geng Qi turned around and cupped his hands at Jing Li and said, "Empress, my subordinates suggest that all these people be imprisoned and tortured severely!"

"Why bother? They are just a bunch of talkative people!" Jing Li said nonchalantly.

Geng Qigang wanted to persuade her not to be too soft-hearted. You must know that these people are always pushing their limits.

If the prince were in the house, he wouldn't even dare to pass by the door. Now that he dares to come and abuse him, he simply doesn't want to live anymore.

Then Jing Li continued: "Have people wear plain clothes and sneak into the crowd, jail the culprits, and send the rest to the western suburbs to build the city wall!"

"There isn't much room in prison to support such people who gossip about right and wrong!"

Geng Qi was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, right, this is the princess who can fight side by side with the prince, and will not be ruined by rumors.

Jing Li clapped her hands: "By the way, the palace guard captain can be changed!"

Geng Qi felt a chill in his heart. The princess was still too soft-hearted. If the prince were here, none of these people would survive.

The majestic Changling Prince's Mansion is easily accessible to ordinary people. Before reaching the entrance of Prince's Mansion Street, someone will warn you that if you take one more step, your life will be at risk.

So many people rushed directly to the gate of the palace. This should not happen and is even more impossible.

Uncle Fang was very worried and said: "Mother, don't we respond?"

Jing Li didn't take it seriously at all: "Why should I respond? What qualifications do these people have for me to respond?"

"Just wait and see, after a few days, when the people behind the scenes can no longer hold back, someone will naturally jump out!"

Didn't it mean that she was a vixen? She had to let these people see the vixen's ruthless methods, otherwise she would not be able to bear their troubles.

In Donglaixuan's restaurant, Boss Chen was scolding a table of guests: "If you want to gossip, get out of here. People like you are not welcome in this restaurant!"

The young man who was kicked out said disdainfully: "What's so great about you? You're just a restaurant owner. That vixen played a game like a selection with you. Do you really think you're something special?"

The waiter on the side picked up a broom and went to blast the man: "Are you going to get out? A kind-hearted person like the princess can actually be arranged by people like you. Are you still human?"

The young man continued: "Every one of you has been dazzled by the vixen. You can't see her true face, and that's why you say good things about her!"

"That's nonsense!" an old man in the seat scolded: "If you are a monster, why would you see the sky setting up a porridge shed at the pass and checking the pulse of people entering the pass? Is this what a monster would do?"

"You are in a peaceful place like Chang'an, and you don't know about the turmoil outside, but you actually arrange people like a woman with a long mouth. How can you be a gentleman?"

The old man was about 60 years old. His beard and hair were all white. His bun was messy and a little down. His beard kept trembling as he spoke. He was obviously very angry.

"If you don't know what the outside world is like, you might as well go to the fiefdoms of King Hejian or King Chenliu, and you will know what purgatory is on earth!"

The young man still refused to give up: "You old man must be the sitter invited by that vixen to say good things for her!"

"Shut up!" The man next to the old man stood up angrily: "Do you know who my husband is?"

(End of this chapter)

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