Chapter 422 Recruitment
After Dalang finished speaking, he immediately got the support of many refugees. It was not cold now and there was food at the city gate, so it didn't matter if he stayed for a few more days.

At that moment, several young people came out and took the old man to Dalang: "Sir, this man has been teasing me just now, saying that the prince did not want me to wait to enter the customs. This man's behavior is suspicious, and I am afraid he is here to instigate me on purpose. Right and wrong!”

Dalang nodded and told the people around him: "Send this person and his accomplices to the criminal supervisor and let him interrogate them carefully to find out who sent them!"

The man was still resisting: "Let me go, you have all been deceived by them. King Changling is murderous, how could he be so kind!"

The guards around him immediately blocked his mouth with a cloth and dragged him into the city like a dead dog.

Dalang continued: "Later, herbal tea and boiled water will be distributed in the city. Everyone must line up and receive them one by one. You are not allowed to jump in line and bully others at will!"

"There will be guards patrolling the city gate. Anyone who bullies the weak or forcibly cuts in line will be sent to the western suburbs to build the city wall!"

"If you abide by the rules and help the weak, once verified, you will be given first priority!"

The crowd was excited again. They had traveled to too many places and experienced too many cold looks and ridicules. For the first time, someone began to think about them, making the hopeless road ahead suddenly full of hope.

In the crowd, a skinny little girl ran back and slapped the frail woman awake: "Mom, we will start giving porridge tomorrow. We are saved!"

The woman held the child in her arms and said with numb eyes: "These noble people are just lying to us, and they won't give us food and drink at all. If you have the time, you might as well go out and find some wild fruits and vegetables!"

The little girl looked embarrassed. This pass was already deserted, and now it was crowded with people. Where could one find wild fruits and vegetables.

The woman was a little angry and said, "Aren't you going yet?"

An old man next to him said: "From the Shen family, this place has been full of people all year round, so there are no wild fruits and vegetables anywhere. If you let your child go out at this time, aren't you deliberately trying to kill her?"

The little girl looked at her mother with tears in her eyes. The woman said impatiently, "You lazy idiot, just don't go if you don't want to go! Then you will starve your brother to death and you will be happy!"

Soon, a line of guards came out carrying several large wooden barrels and said to the crowd: "No looting, everyone is lining up to get herbal tea!"

The woman stared at the little girl: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go quickly!"

The little girl turned around and quietly wiped away her tears, and ran towards the herbal tea with the woman from the same village.

The herbal tea was delicious, cool and sweet. The little girl watched her mother drink most of the bowl for her brother. When her brother didn't want to drink it anymore, she drank it all by herself.

After the woman finished drinking, she handed the bowl to the little girl: "Go on, I have no food in my stomach, and I have to point to this thing to fill my stomach!"

The little girl turned the bowl over, hoping that there would be a drop left for her to taste, but the bottom of the bowl was clean but not a drop was left, so she had to drag her tired body to the back of the long queue again.

"Which families will be giving porridge tomorrow?" Jingli asked casually while standing on the tower.

The city guard immediately replied: "Tomorrow it will be Donglaixuan Chen Dongjia, Boss Xu of Jubaozhai, and several other people from the Taiwang Palace."

Jing Li was a little surprised: "Oh, is there anyone from Prince Tai's Palace?"

"How many days do they each give porridge?"

"The Chen Dong family registered for five days, the Jubaozhai registered for five days, and the Thai Prince's Palace registered for ten days!"

Jingli nodded: "Very good. The daily porridge time and the kind-hearted people who donate porridge are clearly written on the notice outside the city. If you receive favors from others, you have to be grateful. Don't eat other people's porridge and return it. Turn around and scold others for not cooking delicious enough!"

The city guard bowed in response and immediately arranged for his men to arrange it.Jing Li then said to Geng Qi who was following him: "Add more people at the gate. There are too many refugees. If they are instigated by someone with intentions and a riot breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous. Be sure to pay attention to what's going on at the city gate at all times!"

Geng Qi responded: "When the empress ordered the city guards just now, I already told several of them to pretend to be refugees every day and pay attention to the movements of the crowd at all times!"

Hearing this, Jing Li turned around and glanced at him. Yes, he had already made preparations before he even gave the order. He was worthy of being a personal guard.

It was already sunset when we came back from the pass, and there were scattered hawkers doing business on the street, which was very different from the bustle of the past.

Jing Li frowned. Now is the time to develop the economy. We have to wait for more than a year to see how these people who rely on small businesses can live.

Although many places under Chang'an were deserted due to wars and various reasons in the past few years, if refugees continue to pour in, looking at the current situation, if the war continues for a while, then the influx of people will continue, and the resettlement of these refugees will be very difficult. Big question.

Land is limited, and blindly seeking land solutions will definitely not work. Industry must be boosted in advance.

Printing plants, textile industries, and inns along the ancient trade routes can all be built. After these industrial chains are completed, a place can be set aside to welcome wealthy merchants and nobles who come to avoid disaster.

Jing Li touched her chin and thought secretly, she had to attract rich people to make the economy liven up. Otherwise, relying solely on the local people in Chang'an, the flow of funds would be limited.

After Jingli found out several ancient methods related to the textile industry and sugar production, she found that it seemed different from what she had imagined. The background of the dynasty was different, and the mechanical structure was also very different.

She is not a handicraft expert, nor can she improve machinery, so she needs talents.

Sure enough, no matter what dynasty or generation, talent is always the scarcest.

The next day, a notice was posted on Shunchang Street, "Recruiting talents!"

Today is a big market in the city, and there are a lot of people coming and going. When they saw the notice posted, many people gathered around to study it.

"What is this written about?" someone asked in confusion.

The people who saw the notice in front spread the word: "The princess wants to build a workshop, and the equipment needs to be improved. I specially put up a notice to recruit talented people!"

"Especially those who are good at traps, strange skills, etc., will be given priority!"

"Once hired, you will receive a salary of ten taels per month, fifty kilograms of polished rice, thirty kilograms of flour, fabrics and brocades according to grade, and New Year and holiday gifts."

The people in front kept reciting it, and the people behind them became more and more excited as they listened.

Some people kept pushing forward, asking while pushing: "May I ask what are the requirements for this?"

The previous words continued: "No age limit, no birth limit, no limit."

The man who read the notice stared at it, and after a long while he slowly uttered two words: "Male or female?"

The guard standing in front to maintain order said disdainfully: "What's wrong? No?"

"The princess has said that the conditions are only what you can't imagine. There is nothing she can't give. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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