The peasant girl who escaped the desert: she cried when she found the cruel prince

Chapter 317 The mountains and rivers are exhausted and the Yaochi is revealed

Chapter 317 The mountains and rivers are exhausted and the Yaochi is revealed

snake!There are snakes crawling on the cave floor, hovering on the cliff, and even in the water. They are all densely packed with snakes!
This is clearly a snake cave!

Jingli is not a person who is afraid of snakes, she has even killed snakes!

But there were so many snakes, squirming and twisting everywhere, and Jingli felt a chill in her heart.

At this time, he no longer cared about the biological crisis affecting the environment, and took out all the ground incendiary bombs and various deadly powders in the space.

The medicinal powder was shot out with a biochemical gun, and the snakes quickly stopped moving.

Jingli threw the low-pressure incendiary bomb out again, and the flames lying on the ground seemed to be alive, burning along the cave wall and even the water surface.

Jingli used isolation tape to surround herself and Tantai Lin. This kind of treated flame had no temperature at all, but once it came into contact with a living thing, it would definitely burn to ashes before being extinguished.

It is an excellent weapon against zombies, not to mention these snakes.

After burning it twice, I saw that no snakes were coming out anymore.

Jingli was worried, so she put some bait on the ground to attract snakes, and then surrounded it with highly lethal drugs.

Only then did he begin to deal with Tantai Lin's injuries.

Jingli used scissors to cut open his clothes bit by bit. Some of the wounds were stuck to the clothes. Jingli had no choice but to inject him with an anesthetic, and then cut off the rotten flesh that was stuck to the clothes. Come down.

After removing all the clothes, Jingli couldn't help but burst into tears. Didn't this person even know how painful it was?

There was not a single good spot on his body. There were scars all over his body. The most serious one was a stab wound on his abdomen. The wound was so hideous that it was shocking to see.

Fortunately, there were enough supplies in the space, so Jingli used them all without any money.

It was not night or day in the cave. Jingli treated and bandaged Tantai Lin's wound, and applied the healing agent and anti-inflammatory water at the same time.

He took out the clothes prepared for him in the space a few days ago and put them on, and then wiped his face with water, and then he looked a little like a human being.

Jing Li probed his forehead. Fortunately, he didn't have a fever. She felt a little calmer, but she didn't dare to be careless. He was so seriously injured that she had to guard him tonight.

After Jingli packed herself up, she raised her hand and looked at her watch. It was already past eight in the morning. There was no day or night in the cave, and a whole night had passed without her realizing it.

Jingli ate something and went to see where the bait was. Sure enough, several long snakes were dead. She didn't dare to take it lightly and put bait again.

Then replace the lighting, take out a motorized boat and go outside the cave.

The mobile ones naturally came faster, and the roar surprised the resident creatures in the cave, and they all flapped their wings and flew out.

Jingli was a little surprised, why were there only snakes in the cave? These things were all near the river. Could it be that they were afraid of the snakes inside?
It didn't take long for them to come out of the cave. It was indeed bright outside. The sun was scorching the earth like fire. The sun in the south was too hot. Jingli fixed the lighting lamp from last night on the cliff to absorb the sunlight.

After returning to the cave, Jingli checked the time and drove the motor boat. The round trip took nearly an hour, not to mention the life raft that could only be paddled manually. No wonder he walked for so long last night.

Tantai Lin still didn't wake up, and his forehead and wound even felt a little warm.

Jingli was a little worried, so she took a few more injections of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, and applied them with an ice pack in the space.

Three hours later, the fever slowly subsided. Jingli checked and found that her vital signs returned to normal, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Zi was not going to die, so I covered him with the quilt and hung up the injection.Jing Li sighed and thought, Tantai Lin, you have to thank me properly when you go back this time. Because of you, half of my belongings have been reduced!

On the third day, Jing Li saw that Tantai Lin's face started to turn a little rosy and his vital signs were a little stronger, so he started to check in the cave with confidence.

After walking a few hundred meters inside, she discovered that this was actually a colorful natural cave with all kinds of stalactites standing in it, and there was actually a hot spring below.

Turning up the lighting, Jingli looked at the smoky hot springs in front of her. Reflected by the colorful stalactites, it looked like a wonderland in a fairyland!

Jing Li stretched out her hand to test the water temperature, which was quite suitable for a bath.

Forget it, Tantai Lin is still in a coma. Let's just endure it for a while and wait until he feels better.

Jingli took a bucket and fetched some water and went back to wash him. The hot spring water should be excellent for wiping his body.

After removing the gauze that was seeping blood, some wounds had scabs formed, while some severely injured areas had not yet scabbed.

Jingli changed his dressing and bandaged him again.

There was heavy humidity in the cave, so Jingli added several layers of moisture-proof mats.

After finishing all this, Jingli took out the stove in the space and cooked some millet porridge. After two days and two nights, she could finally have a hot meal.

Jing Li held the bowl and sighed leisurely as she looked at everything in front of her. When Tantai Lin woke up, all this could no longer be explained.

The snakes in the cave gradually disappeared, and there was a lot of food in the space, so Jingli didn't feel sick about getting snakes to eat.

She went to the stalactite cave to fetch water again, and continued to wipe Tantai Lin's body, but as she wiped, she felt something was wrong. Why did she feel that his body temperature had risen?

Jingli hurriedly tested him. There was no problem. All the physical fitness indexes were normal. What was going on with the temperature?

She didn't think too much and continued to wipe him. She slowly looked at a certain place where there was a reaction, and her old face turned red.

Staring at Tantai Lin suspiciously, is this guy really unconscious?
Jing Li wiped his body and washed his hair. The quality of his hair was so good that he could go and advertise for Mou Rou.

Jing Li combed his hair carelessly: "Let me tell you, I spent a lot of money to save you this time. If you don't compensate me well in the future, you won't be able to bear the pain of traveling all this way!"

"Do you know how long I traveled to save you?"

"I haven't slept a wink since Liangdu. Counting today, it's been about five days!"

"The last time I endured this, it was when I was on a mission in my previous life. I never expected to be here, back to my old job!"

Jing Li kept talking nonchalantly. It was too quiet in the cave. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold on and fall asleep, and that Tantai Lin's injuries would recur and not be discovered in time.

After wiping his wet hair dry little by little, Jing Li said to herself: "Huo Shen, do you know that in this life, you are the first person that I have treated with such care!"

"But your temperament is still so uncertain. Do you know that I am most afraid of trouble in my life? What should I do if I get into trouble like you?"

Jing Li didn't know how long she had been talking, but finally she couldn't hold back her sleepiness and fell asleep leaning against Tantai Lin.

The person next to him moved his eyelids, and finally opened his eyes, holding the person in his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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