Chapter 301 That girl is so sweet

"Hey! Brother Zhang is a kind person. He knows that I miss my family, but if I just pass by like this, does the leader really not have any thoughts?"

Chen Yugui's smiling eyes narrowed to slits. He was not worried about what Wang Dasheng would do to Chen Yuzhang if he left, but he was thinking about whether he was relying on his younger brother to enjoy the glory and wealth. In the past, he had to have a good excuse.

Zhang Xiong smiled warmly: "How could it be possible? Your brother has a new baby. This is a great thing. Even the leader of the church went to congratulate him in person. How can we miss you as my dear brother?"

"Well said!" Chen Yugui gave Zhang Xiong a thumbs up, and then lowered his voice and said: "Brother Zhang, I'm just telling you this, let's say it from the bottom of my heart, don't look at my five disciples and six Yes, at that critical moment, it will be me, my brother, who has to make the decision!"

"You said that my parents are old. If I weren't here, who would my brother consult with about anything? Then wouldn't I have to go there?"

"That's right. Then, I'll arrange the vehicle for Brother Chen?" Zhang Xiong still smiled like a spring breeze, without any disdain.

His subordinate couldn't help but twitch the corner of his eye. How did the elder brother cultivate his moral character and cultivate his character to be able to tolerate the ignorance and arrogance of this damn fat man.

"Haha, thank you Brother Zhang!"

Chen Yugui happily packed her luggage and headed to Yecheng, while Tantai Lin finally received Jingli's gift in return.

When Chen Zhongyu came over with a big box, Tantai Lin was sitting in the tent handling military affairs.

At the end of August, the autumn tiger is still rampant, especially in the southern region, which is humid and sultry. Even if you stand still, your clothes will be soaked for a while.

Chen Zhongyu stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then squinted his eyes and looked up at the fireball-like sun. He wished he could not even wear any inner clothes except his armor, and could not get out of the red river all day long.

"Your Majesty, I've brought you a gift from Chang'an!" In such a hot weather, Tantai Lin still wore straight clothes. Even though he was serving in the army, his clothes didn't even have a wrinkle.

Hearing this, he didn't even raise his head and said: "The tail of the Mid-Autumn Festival is gone, who is so ignorant and still gives me a gift for the festival!"

Chen Zhongyu suddenly expressed a hint of dissatisfaction: "A lot of the food here is food. If the prince doesn't like it, the children can share it!"

Hearing this, Tantai Lin stopped writing and looked up at Chen Zhongyu: "Who sent it?"

Chen Zhongyu's expression froze. Should he react so quickly?
"Well, it seems that it was probably sent from Mayi!" Chen Zhongyu said cautiously.

Tantai Lin looked at Chen Zhongyu with a half-smile but said, "Chen Zhongyu, is it the heat that makes you confused?"

Chen Zhongyu hurriedly rubbed his temples and said: "Your Majesty is saying that my mind is a little confused and my eyes can't see clearly!"

"Let me take a closer look. It's Lao Bei."

"Get out!" Before he finished speaking, Tantai Lin snatched the box away.

Chen Zhongyu had no choice but to walk out of the tent angrily, "Your Majesty, where is your calmness?"
Tantai Lin opened the box. There were moon cakes, spicy beef jerky, dried wild flowers, etc. There were quite a lot of things. No wonder they had to use such a big box.

In addition, what pleased Tantai Lin the most was that there was also a letter as thick as a book.

The mountain breeze at dusk has faded away from the heat and humidity, and is refreshing with a hint of naughtiness, making the sky curtains whistle.

The afterglow of the setting sun flickered across the camp tent, casting a faint twilight through the gap in the skylight.

Tantai Lin leaned on the cave, slowly reading the letters in his hand under the soft light of the afterglow.

On the third day of August, he encountered bandits, killed 37 of them, and built a capital temple on the bank of the Beishui River!
Tantai Lin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of smiles. She was indeed the girl he liked, and her behavior suited his taste.I turned over the back and found that there was a picture. The picture attached to the text showed a stick figure with a ponytail riding on a horse, holding a long knife high, and behind the ponytail was dragging a stick figure who could barely be identified as a man.There are two teams of stick figures fighting around.

Tantai Lin clenched his fists against his lips, his chest was rising and falling, and it took a lot of effort for him to suppress the laughter in his chest.

In the end, he couldn't help but lean on the desk, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

I must teach her how to paint when I return to Beijing. What is she thinking about and why she draws so cutely?

On the ninth day of August, there is a locust plague, and the whole people are fighting against the disaster and rushing to harvest and eliminate the pests!
Tantai Lin's heart suddenly tightened when she saw this. She was in good health, so busy harvesting and killing insects. Can she bear it?
Should Dr. Shen's apprentice be allowed to live in the village so that she can take good care of her body?

When I saw the picture on the back, I couldn't help but laugh.

There are still piles of stick figures, some are busy harvesting in the fields, and some are catching insects with cloth nets.

There are also blazing fires, dug trenches, and locusts covering the sky.

This time Tantai Rin saw clearly that those with hunched backs were old people, those with little ones were children, those with skirts were women, those with short skirts were men, and those with flowers on their hair were girls.

No way, sooner or later he will be laughed to death by this girl.

Looking back, Tantai Lin's face showed chills.

Yang Shiyue, how dare you let the White Lotus Army carry out such a sneak attack while I'm away.

very good!If I let you die too happily, I can't bear to give you a hard time.

Through the groups of stick figures, across thousands of mountains and rivers, he seemed to see the clamor in front of the tower, and in the light of the sky, the girl stood calm and composed on the tower.

The end of the letter on that page is: The city I defend for you is mine by default. Do you have any objection?
Tantai Lin's eyes were full of tenderness, well, it's yours, it's all yours, even me is yours!

On the last page, the bright moon is in the sky. There is a little man standing by the river. There are figures swaying in the river and blending with the moonlight.

That was naturally the girl he was longing for. Tantai Rin rubbed his fingers back and forth on that little person. She was such an interesting and cute girl!
Chen Zhongyu, who was standing outside the camp, looked at the sky speechlessly. God knows what the girl wrote!

The prince, who was not in the right mood to begin with, sometimes made him laugh out loud, and sometimes gritted his teeth and geared up.

Do you want to send a message to the girl? Next time you write, be more gentle, this innocent master is not picky!

After reading the letter, Tantai Lin couldn't calm down for a long time. He picked up a piece of moon cake and took a bite.

Things that used to feel cloyingly sweet now feel just right sweet.

His fingers unconsciously twisted the dried flower stamens, and inadvertently they twirled out crumbs, which scattered all over the ground and ruffled slightly when the wind passed by.

He suddenly missed her very much, missed her dazzling beauty, her weak waist, and her stubbornness in her duplicity.

His thoughts drifted away with the night wind. If she were by his side, he would ride with her through the mountains and fields, scooping up all the beauty in the mountains into the palm of her hand.

Walk hand in hand with her in the mountains and fields, and never care about the affairs of the world.

The night is slightly cooler, and I miss you so much that I can’t sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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