Chapter 284 The critical attack of the hungry people

Tian Gengzi on the observation deck shouted: "Level [-] battle preparation!"

The big drum at the entrance of the village was beaten. This was prepared by Jingli ahead of time, just for panic and gathering.

Shen Zhiming came with people. The first one was the Jingwei of the Jing family, followed by the village man holding a machete and a hoe, and then the woman holding a sickle and a big stick.

Jing Li stood at the gate, holding a loudspeaker and shouting outside: "I don't care where you come from or what difficulties you have, as long as you turn around and leave now, I can forget about it!"

"But if you insist on fighting, don't blame us for being rude!"

People outside were noisy for a while, and then someone shouted: "Don't listen to her, they are the richest in the entire Chang'an City now!"

"As long as we occupy their village, we won't have to worry about food and drink in the future!"

The people in the village were furious after hearing this. They were these bastards. The people from above went down and told them again and again that there was a locust plague and that people could not survive. They also thought that King Changling wanted to forcibly requisition food to harm them.

Now that we have nothing to gain, we start to loot. Do you think it's easy for us? When the heavy rain came, we all robbed in the mud. We finally got the food from the locusts' mouths. Even if we risk our lives, I can't give it to you. of.

People outside started banging and banging on the door, and the people in the shack were extremely grateful. Jingli had someone build a high wall and install a thick iron door.

Little Sister Su came over and found the eldest daughter-in-law of Uncle He's family: "Sister-in-law He, take everyone in your group to our courtyard. Don't look back and scare the children!"

Mrs. Baozi, who was with Mrs. He, was so excited that she almost cried: "Hey! Hey! Thank you so much to my boss and the others. Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

It was so scary. These hungry people were even scarier than when they came to the village. She was really afraid that the iron gate couldn't stop them and they would just come in.

Sister-in-law Su moved the people in the shanty area, and Jingli started to signal the Tianqiangzi and the others to shoot arrows.

A swish of arrows rained down, and the sound of crying and howling came from below.

"Dad! Dad, wake up! As long as we get in, we can eat and drink!"

"Second brother, second brother, don't sleep. When you get into the village, big brother will ask the doctors there to treat you. You will definitely survive!"

In the midst of the commotion, there were shouts with the pain of losing a loved one.

Tian Gengzi closed his eyes, opened them again, and another hail of arrows shot down.

As night falls, darkness seems to start hunting!

People outside lit up torches and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Folks, we must rush in. They killed our family members. We must rush in and take revenge!"

"Come on, once we go in, everything will be ours!"

"Fight! We can't let our family members die in vain!"

From another observation deck, Shen Zhiming personally went up and threw down the bamboo tube filled with kerosene, then lit a rocket and shot it into the crowd.

All the hungry people outside were crowded at the gate. As soon as the oil went off, many people were wet in an instant. It was dry and dry at this time, and people were wearing thin clothes.

The rocket went down and burned several of them into fireballs.

These people were already densely packed, and they fled in a hurry as soon as the fire caught fire. The panic-stricken crowd quickly lost their senses, and many people fell down quickly. Many people were trampled to death and injured.

Jing Dafu called Tian Gengzi: "Gengzi, if you can't bear it, just get down here and I'll get up!"

Tian Gengzi's eyes were red: "Uncle Dafu, I can do it. I can protect our home and our village!"

His mother shouted from behind the crowd: "If you're not afraid, just shoot me an arrow. If they don't die, our family will be destroyed!" "Yes, kill these idiots. If they don't die, we will die!"

"Kill them so that these bastards will never dare to come to our village again!"

The people in the village were so excited that they wanted to rush out immediately and massacre everyone outside.

After a wave of fire, the hungry people outside became more and more irrational and began to throw rocks, sticks and other things inside through the iron gate.

Uncle Tiesheng and his men came out from the gap in the railing of the iron gate with spears and spears, and stabbed anyone they saw.

There was even a bold one who wanted to reach in and grab the spear, but Jingli raised the knife and dropped his arm.

There was blood flowing at the gate, and the hungry people outside used brute force to attack inside.

The people inside were very leisurely. When the battle reached a certain point, Jingli also saw that the people outside were all villagers gathering, so there was nothing to worry about.

So the old ladies set up a big pot on the field and cooked mung bean soup and herbal tea.

When the first group of people came down, someone quickly handed them cold tea and mung bean soup, and there was a basket of whole-grain steamed buns next to them, so they could eat whatever they wanted.

The woman following behind was no longer anxious and scared, and was in a mood to start pointing out the battle situation outside.

The hungry people outside smelled the aroma of food inside, and they tried their best to attack but were exhausted. Before they could even pry open the big iron door, most of their own people had been killed.

People outside began to kneel and cry: "Good Samaritans inside, we are from Jinzhong County. We were hit by a disaster and had no way to survive, so we took this desperate road. Please be merciful and give us some food!"

Several old ladies stood not far away and cursed: "Who can blame you for not listening to me and not collecting food?"

"You came to rob us when we had nothing to eat. Do we owe you something or something?"

"Now start begging us for food. How much should we give? One day or two days? Let me tell you, there is no door. If you dare to beat us, we will be killed!"

"Anyway, this grudge is settled, and it will never end. Don't pretend to be miserable."

The people outside heard the old ladies scolding them and knew that these people were determined not to give any concessions, so they began to gather people again and began to make the final fierce attack.

The old lady cursed for a while and felt thirsty, then turned back to the field to drink water. As soon as she turned around, she heard another cry of murder outside.

Jing Li was also stunned. Why was there a fight outside? Could it be that one of his own had betrayed him?
Shen Zhiming could see clearly from above and shouted to Jing Li: "Ah Li, it's Brother Huang's people who are here!"

Huang Biao's mother heard Shen Zhiming's voice from a distance and hurried forward: "Is Biaozi outside?"

Huang Biao shouted at the other end: "Girl, there's no need to open the door, these little bastards are no match for our brothers!"

There were constant sounds of fighting and screaming outside.

Old Mrs. Huang was frightened but did not dare to speak. Jing Li motioned to Wang Jinlong and others: "Open the door! Let's go out to meet Brother Huang!"

The big iron gate that the hungry people had longed for opened, and before they had time to rejoice, they saw the people inside coming out with gleaming swords. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to fight at all, so they ran away, fearing that someone would chop off their legs if they ran too slowly.

Mrs. Huang looked at her son and felt relieved when she saw that his son was fine and not injured.

The people at the drying yard were chatting and lighting torches to clean up.

The sky gradually turned white. Jingli yawned and was about to go back to sleep when she heard the sound of rapid horse hooves coming from outside. She was so startled that she lost all drowsiness.

(End of this chapter)

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