Chapter 199 There is actually a football field?
In order to cultivate Jiang Xiaotiao's patriotism, Zhong Tao opened a classic anti-Japanese game "Blood Battle on the Bund" for him.

Jiang Xiaotiao had never seen this before. Strong patriotic feelings burst out instantly, and he took the mouse and pointed at the hateful little devil.

The electronic reading room is also one of the benefits provided by Zhong Tao to the villagers. Of course, everything must have a standard. It cannot be like an Internet cafe and let everyone call it their home 24 hours a day.

The current regulations are that each person will be issued 2 hours of electronic information reading coupons per week, and minors will be issued 1 hour.Then, for every half-day of work, which is four hours, you can get an additional 1 hour of reading papers.

Of course Zhong Tao does this not just to play games.

In fact, the Internet can provide architectural drawing software, online sales at clay sculpture shops, Excel statistical tables at gourmet shops, as well as various teaching materials and agricultural knowledge.

The 21st world is the century of the Internet, and the third revolution in human productivity is no joke. Functions such as playing games and watching short movies are far from enough to reflect the greatness of the Internet.

At this time, some folks came here with reading coupons and opened QQ skillfully.

Chairman Xiao Zhong secretly glanced at the chat content curiously.

"Are you GG or MM?"

"I'm handsome GG, do you want to date online?"

"I fall!"

The content of this chat was really dated. Zhong Tao looked at the bearded uncle who wanted to date online and sighed, online dating is indeed very risky.

Zhong Tao looked at the next old uncle again, and saw that the old uncle skillfully opened the computer, skillfully moved the mouse, skillfully clicked on my computer, and skillfully found the software hidden in a strange folder name. ——


"I go!"

Zhong Tao was shocked. What on earth did that damn Internet cafe owner install in those computers? Fortunately, I had some sympathy for you before... The police station should have taken you away directly!
Zhong Tao originally thought that the old man's face was glowing red and he looked like a passionate man, and he thought he was a student of Spring and Autumn Period.

I never expected... Tsk, the sword is still young!

Before the old uncle could make any move, Zhong Tao took the first step, ran to the host computer, opened the Internet cafe management system, disabled and uninstalled eDonkey.After thinking about it carefully, I simply disabled the browser.

As for the Internet function, it seems that it will not be too late to open it up until everyone is taught how to use the Internet correctly, especially when they know how to use the Internet to learn.

Zhong Tao doesn't expect everyone to use computers to do business.

Playing games and reading movies and novels are actually quite good. As long as you don't engage in pornography, gambling or drugs, life always requires entertainment.

Of course, the value of the Internet goes beyond this. It is undoubtedly the best tool of this era. As everyone's understanding increases, they will surely feel its true value.

Zhong Tao continued to check the computer and deleted all the miscellaneous things. After only keeping some stand-alone games, chat software, and reliable video players, Zhong Tao organized some study materials and placed them in a conspicuous place on the desktop. .

What are the prevention and control of diseases and pests in soybean planting; what are the key points of standardized potato cultivation techniques; what are the techniques and management of tomato planting...

All in all, regardless of whether it can be put to use or not, let's put it on the table first. As long as a fellow villager benefits from it, it can be regarded as a great merit.

Zhong Tao did not force himself on this at all. It is up to the villagers themselves whether they are willing to learn.

Zhong Tao came to the window and looked at the lively villagers below, laughing sincerely. A strong sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously.

8 hours of work, 8 hours of life, 8 hours for myself. This is the ideal situation in his mind.

As for what a waste of time is?A waste of life?

Russell once said that as long as you can enjoy wasting time, it is not a waste of time.

As ordinary people, we must realize that we generally cannot bring any special significance to this world. After all, there are only a few people like Einstein who influence the destiny of mankind. In this case, why bother to be depressed and forceful? To find the meaning of life, it would be better to be a fun person and live happily.

But there is one person who is definitely not happy at this time. "Ah! Brother Zhong Tao, brother Zhong Tao! Why did it pop up!"

Zhong Tao came to Jiang Xiaotiao and said, "Oh, it's time!"

"What time is it?"

"It's time to surf the Internet and you were kicked off."

"It's time... get off the plane?"

Jiang Xiaotiao was stunned for a moment, and then became confused.

What kind of electronic information reading room is this? Isn’t this an Internet cafe?

"Everyone only has two hours of electronic information reading per week...half the amount for minors!"

"Ah? One hour, what's enough for one hour!" Jiang Xiaotiao stamped his little feet and said angrily.


"Nothing!" Jiang Xiaotiao's eyes lit up again.

"You can exchange it with the test paper." Zhong Tao took out the 'Junior Junior High School' test paper and said calmly, "If you score above 80 points, you can exchange for an extra half hour, and if you score above 90 points, you can exchange for an extra hour. Uncle Jiang and I responded, your Your grades are not good, Xiaotiao."

Jiang Xiaotiao stared at the familiar test paper and looked at the eldest brother who looked amiable but was actually despicable and sinister.

He just knew——

This test paper is prepared for yourself!


Ma Jiayuan from Sanma Town found that Zhong Tao's podcast account had been updated when he turned on his computer at the Internet cafe.

As a struggling high school student, after the summer vacation, his online life was suddenly reduced to a pitiable level. Taking advantage of the rare Sunday, he could finally play his beloved "Kart Racing", but before that, he I decided to watch Zhong Tao’s updated video first.

Paired with the Wu Dalang Shaobing I just bought, this electronic mustard is just right.

"Taoyuan Village Cultural and Entertainment Plaza, let me see... I'll go!"

As soon as the scene started, Ma Jiayuan was asked to swallow the whole Wu Dalang sesame cake in his hand.

"A village actually has a football field?"

Speaking of which, Sanma Town Middle School is the largest middle school in the town, and will soon be the only middle school next year. It is quite large, and the playground is also very large... But it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the football field. Not even a hair touches it.

Not to mention that when you kick the ball, it will be filled with dust, and you will be scolded by your mother when you get home... It doesn't even have a ball frame now.

And a small Taoyuan Village actually had a football field at this time. Although it looked quite small and the turf of the football field was quite adequate, Ma Jiayuan was still envious when he saw the people in the village playing happily. My mouth was drooling, and I took two more bites of the cake.

Then, he saw the villagers happily playing badminton on the badminton court - he was still envious.

Tennis...he had never heard of this thing. Seeing the powerful swing of the racket and the tennis ball flying to who knows where, he couldn't even express his envy.

Table tennis, this is okay. Ma Jiayuan has regained a little confidence. There is still no shortage of table tennis tables in the school, even more than in the video. Ma Jiayuan spent a huge sum of 49 yuan to own a Double Happiness racket, which is envied by all his classmates. Crying and shouting, I lent it to them to play with.

While he was playing, Ma Jiayuan suddenly saw young men from the village playing billiards happily under the shed. There were soda drinks and watermelon on the small table next to them.


(End of this chapter)

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