Super Marvel: I let the moon come

Chapter 154 The man whose face was corroded by poisonous snakes

Chapter 154 The man whose face was corroded by poisonous snakes

There's someone here! !It would be easier if someone could handle it! !Thor thought in surprise

"Hey! Brothers inside, do you mind if I go find you? I have a lot of questions that I need you to answer. Of course, it won't be all in vain. I can help you complete one thing!" Thor said happily!
"Hehehe, of course, of course, I can answer you whatever you ask. No matter what it is, even the secrets of the gods and the future that has not happened yet, I can tell you." The hoarse voice gave out an unpleasant laugh.
"As for coming to me, of course you can, but you have to be mentally prepared. After all, I am very invisible to people."

"Hahaha, don't worry. I, the God of Thunder, Thor, am famous for his courage in the nine realms. How could I be frightened by your appearance? If you really feel that you are not good-looking, I can also make you look good. But brother, is this still the Nine Realms?" Thor said as he strode towards the place where the sound came from.
However, the voice that originally sounded very kind did not answer Thor this time.
Thor just turned the corner and saw Yimu who made him very angry.

I saw a thin man wearing tattered clothes and being tied to a big rock. Not only that, there was a poisonous snake on top of him. It kept opening its bloody mouth and dripping venom to corrode the man's face and throat. !
"Damn it, who did it to humiliate a warrior like this?" Thor shouted angrily

He knew that there must be a reason why the man was tied here, but even if the reason was as big as death, how could he humiliate a warrior like this! ! !
The man raised his head with difficulty to take a look at Thor's appearance, then he lay on the stone and laughed to himself.
Thor, turned out to be Thor, another Thor, the God of Thunder. How interesting this is. There should be something more laughable than this. Odin, have you seen everything here?Ho ho ho ho! !
"Of course this is the Nine Realms, but I didn't expect that the guest would be the famous Thor," the man on the bright side said with a gentle smile.

"It's easy to deal with the Nine Realms, but brother, let me save you first. I'm not in a hurry." Thor took out Thor's hammer.

"No! Mr. Thor, God of Thunder, you can save me, but you will decide whether to save me after listening to my story." The man's words were still so ordinary, as if there was no change at all.
"Okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway, but... how about I let you out first? You can tell me. After all, the poisonous snake up there is still spraying venom down. Maybe I can just kill the poisonous snake." I scratched my head. This was the first time he had seen someone remain calm in such a situation.
Isn't it normal for normal people to hurriedly release themselves first and then kill the poisonous snake with a knife before chatting?

"Don't feel weird. When I finish saying what I want to say, you will naturally understand my choice." The man chuckled.
"This is the story of the fall of a group of heroic and heroic warriors who are not afraid of death. The story begins with the birth of a giant and the three brothers tearing apart the creation of the giant..."

The man's voice was very light, so light that it was weak, but this light voice carried a strange magic power. This magic power guided Thor to be involuntarily immersed in the men's stories, excited by their glory, and moved by their corruption. sad!
I don't know when the man's voice disappeared, but Thor did not wake up. He was still immersed in the world described by the man and did not wake up!

"Thor, Thor, the God of Thunder, the strongest god of war in Asgard. This title became even more meaningless after the God of War Tyr broke one of his hands. He will die in the fight with Jormungandr in the future. Among them, you who killed the big snake were finally killed by his venom," the man murmured to himself, his voice getting weirder

"Now another Thor appears, ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha."

Odin! ! !Has your wisdom, which has seen through the past and the future, seen the situation here? ? ?Regaluk! !Ragnarok! ! !Ha ha ha ha

The man's crazy voice echoed throughout the cave! !
Are seemingly normal men really normal? ? ?Thor finally fell into the trap!


The helicopter stopped at a S.H.I.E.L.D.-controlled border.
Tony glanced at the time and waited silently for St. George to come back

Tony is a very proud man, but this trip to Hell's Kitchen hit his pride very hard. He received a very big blow almost at the beginning of the battle. This was different from the previous hunt for the Chitauri. !
Since the Chitauri were hunting, it was natural for Tony to suppress the vanguard. The equipment used by the Chitauri was naturally very advanced, but it was not beyond Tony's understanding. They got it!
As for their equipment, Tony certainly accepted it, otherwise how could he have simply upgraded the armor so easily!
However, this time the battle with Ping Jingqing allowed Tony to see what the power of an individual is. Almost all of his attacks could not hit Ping Jingqing, and even the few that could hit could not cause much damage.

But Thor is different, almost every hit is a heavy blow, and the scene where the nine-day thunder gathered together and turned into a thunder dragon is shocking even when Tony thinks about it now.
If, he meant what if, if Thor goes crazy, can anyone on Earth stop him?If Thor went on a killing spree, how many cities would the Earth need to lose to stop him? Not to mention whether the nuclear bomb could hit, how many nuclear bombs would be able to kill Thor if it hit? ?

The more Tony thought about it, the more frightened he became. He felt that the research and development of the anti-Thor armor would be put on the agenda. Even though it might be very difficult to develop it with his current means, it must be developed, and it would be impossible if it was not developed!

Thinking of Thor's power at that time, Tony almost suffered from paranoia!

If he didn't have the power to defeat Thor at the critical moment, Tony wouldn't be able to rest assured or relax. Now he couldn't even look at the beautiful young model anymore.

Then there is the heroic spirit. Tony is really difficult to understand, confusing, and puzzling.
Thor was so strong that he was defeated by two heroic spirits twice in a row. Tony knew that these two times were more or less tricky...

But he (○Д○) has so many strong men coming! ! ! !

Is this Servant thing real? ?Impossible, impossible! !Tony had a conversation with Nick Fury, and they both agreed that the Servants thing is just something we use to deceive others, and it can’t be real...

But looking at the current appearance, why does this thing seem to be real? ?
It's impossible. Even if there is a mastermind behind it, it's more likely than one is real. But Tony actually believes it. This makes no sense. It can only be said that St. George made Tony feel a little better about the heroic spirits. Taller!
(End of this chapter)

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