In order to maintain a sense of mystery, Yuan Hanshuang only mentioned it once and left without any follow-up text, as if he put a cat-teasing stick on it and left.
In the next few days, Hai Dongqing scratched his head every day, wondering what great news his daughter had prepared for him.It's a pity that only Yuan Hanshuang knows this news. She has always been good at keeping secrets and adheres to the principle of keeping things secret. There is no way that her stupid father will guess the clues.After asking around and harassing the Holy Orders and high-ranking officials in the empire but getting no news, Hai Dongqing had no choice but to stop and wait for the surprise to come.

However, this matter obviously needs to be planned slowly and long-term, and cannot be accomplished overnight.
While Yuan Hanshuang was quietly preparing, she did not forget to deal with various matters left over from her deep sleep.

In the past few days, various departments of the empire have been sending documents into the palace continuously.
Of course, the surprises the empire has prepared for the beloved crown princess cannot just be the fireworks that flash in the Zerg main nest star field and the live broadcast across the star field. The entire central galaxy palace has received an overall overhaul. According to the simple and elegant design of the Crown Prince's Palace, The decoration is styled, especially the office dedicated to the supreme leader of the empire, which almost replicates the decoration of the captain's room of the Silver Star. It is seamlessly integrated into the original Hanshuang and does not require any adaptation time at all.

"Your Highness, regarding the question of whether the Zerg will stay or stay, the results of the referendum on the Star Network have basically come out." The secretary held the light screen and reported in a low voice: "Currently, more than [-]% of the people have expressed their willingness to keep the Zerg as weapons. And learn their advanced science and technology to squeeze out the last use value from them."

"Yes." Yuan Hanshuang nodded: "In that case, let the military department send people to count the remaining Zerg and classify them into formations... Let the Academy of Sciences lead a team to present a list to see what science and technology they need from the Zerg... …I will give instructions to let the advanced Zerg race only use human language to communicate from now on.”

"Yes!" The secretary quickly recorded: "Also, Your Highness, regarding the implementation of the Fire Plan before the war, there was a sudden strong wind period during the previous war, and the Fire Plan fleet lost contact with us. During this year, due to deep space, Due to the uncertainty in the Star Sea, we only sent out a fleet of drones to search and contact, but we never received a response. The public is very concerned about this news."

When the Fire Project was launched, mankind was already in a critical state of life and death.In order to continue the race, the [-] humans planned to be selected are all physically qualified and are the best in various fields and aspects, including many top talents.In addition, the future was uncertain for the journey, so the warships and resources equipped for the Spark Project fleet at that time were top-notch, enough to cope with the consumption of [-] humans wandering in the star sea for five years.During the war, almost half of the national treasury was emptied.
Of course, the Tinder Project cannot take into account kinship. The 5 people selected here all came alone, leaving relatives to send each other off with tears in their eyes.Now that the war is over, people naturally miss those relatives who were sent out more and more.

Yuan Hanshuang thought for a moment: "In this case... then the exploration plan for the deep space star sea must be put on the agenda."
"Let the logistics department draft a plan. When the military department counts out the Zerg elites, the plan to expand the deep space star sea can almost be launched."

"As ordered!"
The clerk hurriedly turned around to convey the order, and another person who was waiting behind him took a step forward: "Your Highness, the cabinet meeting will be held in 15 minutes."

Yuan Hanshuang took the opportunity to write on a military document without raising her head: "Call me when everyone is here."

"But Your Highness..." The secretary was embarrassed: "The cabinet ministers arrived 10 minutes ago."

Yuan Hanshuang: "..."
What's wrong with these people who hold meetings so actively!
In a broad sense, cabinet ministers include not only the Privy Council seats, but also the executive officers of the Enshrinement Hall, plus a series of senior officials.Many of the senior officials are elderly, and there are even a group of veterans from three dynasties with white hair and beards. They usually stay in the Imperial Sanatorium to recuperate. Only in extremely special circumstances and major events will they use this group of national think tanks.Because of this, Yuan Hanshuang did not dare to delay, fearing that the important weapons of the country would be waiting for a long time, so he quickly ordered the maid to get a coat and put it on, and hurried to the conference room in the palace not far away.

As soon as she opened the door, she heard a heated discussion inside.

"I think what the omnic executive said makes sense. It's time for mankind to create a new dynasty!"
"Yes, this is a great achievement that is unique among thousands and the first in the ages! It symbolizes the end of the history of hostility between humans and insects! The beginning of a new dynasty!"
"Save it, no one objects to this. The parliament unanimously approved the issue of the New Dynasty a week ago. You just came out of the nursing home. How many versions are you behind?! What needs attention now is the name and national emblem of the New Dynasty. Symbols, and national surnames!”

The noisy war of words ended abruptly when the door of the conference room was pushed open.
Yuan Hanshuang was stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes: "...Hi?"

"Your Highness, you are finally here!" The Minister of State saw her and quickly asked her the question that the senior officials had been arguing about for almost a week: "Do you have any ideas or preferences about the name of the new dynasty?"

Yuan Hanshuang was silent.
Before this, she really never thought that one day she would be able to become the co-queen of humans and Zerg.
When Xuanyuan Sheng told her about the prophecy of the royal family, Yuan Hanshuang still didn't believe it.Although she participated in the whirlpool of the power struggle at that time, the main reason for participating in the crown prince competition was to treat her father, not to fight for power and gain, let alone have the ambition to change the dynasty.I didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence in the end, because it ended a period of history, opened a new chapter for mankind, and finally reached the predicted ending.
The prophecies of the First Creator are, in the final analysis, the ability within the Creator’s authority to see into the future.If one day Yuan Hanshuang could fully understand the rules of the universe, he would be able to achieve the same level.

But speaking of Xuanyuan Sheng... She clearly saw this guy when she woke up, but his eyes were still evasive.Yuan Hanshuang has been busy these two days and has no time to talk to him in detail.However, based on her understanding of her idiot brother, since she appeared in public, she had made up her mind. Then she just had to wait for Xuanyuan Sheng to come to her door and explain why she had avoided seeing him before.

"Most of the names of new dynasties are closely related to the founding monarch."
"The name of the Holy Xiyi Xia Empire was decided because the founder of the country, the Sun King, initiated changes from the Xia tribe and led humans to rebel."

Seeing that Yuan Hanshuang did not respond for a long time, as if she was deep in thought, the group of senior ministers came up with ideas for her.
At this moment, Zhuge Ci who was present at the meeting suddenly said: "The three major prophecies mined from the miracles mentioned that the destiny black bird will give birth to Shang. Since the black bird is one of the mimics of the Crown Princess, , it’s better to start with the word Shang. It just so happens that on the prophecy tablet, another tribe of ancient humans named Shang was also mentioned.”

"Huh? This little omnic's suggestion is interesting."
"Indeed, taking the name of mimicry is very representative. Moreover, Shang and Xia are both characters with ancient pronunciation, and there is a link between them."

After the war, a lot of new blood was added to the cabinet ministers.Zhuge Ci has already proven himself in the Battle of the Century, and he is naturally the next successor to the Imperial Brain.In addition, the remaining bloodlines of several major families in the federation also received a Privy Council seat, which fell to Gudong, Gudze, Gu Mu Xing and Gu Beifeng respectively.The latter, because he led his family aboard the Yuan Hanshuang ship, gained enough say in the family's elder group, and officially took over as the patriarch of his family in the past two years.

Yuan Hanshuang's eyes also lit up: "This is a good idea."
"Since the dynasty is not changed by force, how about inheriting the name of Xiyi Xia and calling it Shengtianyi Shang Dynasty?"

The name of this new dynasty was almost unanimously recognized by all the audience present.
Almost immediately, the meeting moved on to the next topic.

The next issue is also closely related to the new dynasty.
So the meeting lasted for two hours, and Yuan Hanshuang listened to the ideas and ardent expectations of this group of ministers for the new dynasty.Fortunately, all the ladies respect her ideas. Basically, as long as she expresses her intention, such as the style of the national emblem, the logo, or even some minor reforms aimed at the country's top officials and cabinet, they will be unanimously approved by everyone present.

After chatting, the next step is to determine the time.
"As for the date of the founding ceremony and enthronement ceremony, the Ministry of Rites has selected a few auspicious dates. What do you think?"

Yuan Hanshuang looked over it and chose a day without going forward or backward.

"Okay, the Ministry of Rites will announce this date in six months to the people of the empire in advance." The ceremony officer took back the selected date board.Before leaving, he suddenly seemed to remember something: "By the way. On the day of His Majesty's enthronement, is there anyone you would like to choose as the royal wife?"

"What?" Yuan Hanshuang didn't hear clearly for a while. "Husband." The ceremony official repeated respectfully: "Among the emperors of the empire, there are many emperors who enthroned their husbands or queens after they ascended the throne... Of course, the Holy Xiyi Xia Empire did not explicitly abolish the regulations of side chambers, but only in the past 500 years. , there has never been an example of conferring another concubine. But as the founding monarch of Tianyi Shang, you naturally and legally enjoy this right. If you want to confer a concubine first, it is also very feasible."

As he said that, the royal ceremony officer seemed to have remembered something, and said with a hint: "Your Highness is still young. If you want to enjoy your youth, you can also get in touch with the young talents of the empire. There is no need to rush to conclusions."
It is said that His Highness has a very deep relationship with the Pope of the Temple of Light, but in the eyes of the ceremony officer, first love is the first time after all, and one has to see the colorful world before he can draw a conclusion.The Pope of Light's popular base is there, and he holds a high position of power. If he wants to be canonized, he must at least be given the title of royal husband, which is always not fun.

Yuan Hanshuang was ashamed: "...This is not necessary."
Seeing the confused expression on the face of the ceremony officer, "Your Highness, do you really just want to have fun?", she quickly added: "According to my age, I have just graduated. At least in the past few years, I will not consider this issue."

After all, mother and grandfather have not come back yet. It is better for relatives to witness such important events in life.But in order to keep the surprise, Yuan Hanshuang couldn't say these words, so he could only talk about it first.

"Okay, I understand, Your Highness."
In the end, I didn’t know whether the ceremony official really understood or pretended to understand, or whether he had made up something in his head. Anyway, the other party nodded and said it was okay.

Yuan Hanshuang felt relieved and continued the meeting, but little did he know that the news brought out by the ceremony official had already begun to reach the ears of some interested people in less than half an hour.

Hai Dongqing, who was the first to receive the news, of course agreed with both hands and feet: "That's right, at such a young age, you must not step into the grave of marriage. My daughter is so talented, she should pursue a career!"
It's best to let that brat from the Temple of Light wait for two more years. It's best not to rush him to death.

Next came Silver Star’s friends.Of course, no one could express any opinions. Only Gu Dong, who was leaning against the wall and playing with a dagger, paused slightly. His fingertips were inadvertently scratched with a shallow wound.Although this was a stupid mistake he hadn't made since he was six years old.But the gray-haired killer lowered his head and stared at his fingers. His expression showed no annoyance. Instead, the low pressure that had enveloped his body in the past was swept away, and he faintly revealed pleasure.

The omnic father and son were still attending the meeting, which led to Zhuge Bei, who should have been the most informed, to become the last group of people to know the news.
However, after Zhuge Bei learned about it, he immediately advised his son earnestly: "Since you like it, you must be brave and active and seize the opportunity. Don't be like last time, when you had such a good opportunity, but ended up messing up because of drinking. Fortunately, in the last century The outcome of the battle is good, otherwise we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

"Let's talk about it again." When he said this, Zhuge Bei rarely looked in front of and behind him.
The top floor of the military building is empty. Everyone has gone on vacation. Only the father and son are still working overtime here, which is quite miserable.

"Your Highness is about to ascend the throne as the empress of the new dynasty. She is the founding emperor of the country. Not to mention the three palaces and six courtyards, there must be at least three husbands and four attendants." After confirming that there was no one, Zhuge Bei lowered his voice: "Although Your Highness himself did not have this idea , but in the end it is a clear path. The entire empire’s top management is paying attention to His Highness’s lifelong events. With such a smart mind like yours, as long as you plan carefully, you are afraid that you won’t find a way out?!”

Zhuge Ci: "..."
Since reconciling with his father, the majestic image of the Imperial Brain has gradually collapsed.

"What's that look in your eyes? Could it be that your father and I are right? As long as you swing the hoe well, you won't be able to dig him down."

"So father. Do you have any experience in relationships?"
Zhuge Ci turned his army around and said, "In other words, you may have experience in poaching. You can teach me your experience."

"..." Zhuge Bei was silent this time.
A male mother who was single and even used in vitro autogenous reproduction to give birth to her children, and who even nursed Zhuge Ci from a young age, fell into a suspicious silence.

The father and son, who were hailed as the smartest in the empire, but whose combined emotional experience was approximately zero and who always talked on paper, looked at each other in embarrassment and were speechless.


On the other side, after the heavy meeting, Yuan Hanshuang was so tired that she just wanted to go back to the bedroom and fall asleep.
As a result, as soon as I walked to the bedroom door, I suddenly saw a familiar figure.

The silver-haired pope was wearing pure white pajamas and leaning against the door frame of the palace.The clear moonlight shone from behind him, as if coated with a layer of hazy divine light, dyeing his silver hair fluorescent and flashing, with a hint of loneliness.
Hearing the footsteps, Lou Jia turned around with a bright smile: "I heard the news from today's meeting that His Highness intends to restore the system of three husbands and four attendants?"

"In this case...then I can only offer myself a pillow seat by offering myself a pillow."

Yuan Hanshuang: You are not talking about three husbands and four attendants, I don’t have one!
How did this rumor spread? Hey! ! !

The author has something to say:
Because you have signed up for the Jinjiang Essay Competition, you need to vote for nutrient solution, so (eye hint) don’t fill up the crow carelessly! ! !

The lottery in the previous chapter was held last night. Is there any European Emperor baby who won the prize? Raise your hands in the comment area~

In this chapter, we will continue to draw 300 babies to give out lucky red envelopes from Crow Crow. Everyone is welcome to leave a positive message and encourage them~


The following is the list of new shareholders added to this article:
感谢在2023-11-14 00:02:14~2023-11-15 11:49:00期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: 1 got rich overnight;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Are there any similar ones in Garuda? Please give me 2;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Is there anything like this in Garuda? Please, 2 excited big female monkeys; 1 woo woo;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Is there anyone similar to Jialou? Please give me 4; Wanwan, Jinyu, Wentian, kkkkk 2; Suture, Fathead Yuyu, Wuwu, Nana W, Leng Meihan丶, MY , Chestnut, Bright Night Point Dragon Heart, Shen Chi, Ayi 1;
Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 164 bottles of a salted fish; 158 bottles of Hengji; 124 bottles of cicada; 120 bottles of a bottle; 117 bottles of sun; Reading novels is my job, Qingyi offers wine, Lingxiao Chi o(≧v≦)o 100 bottles; Prisoner Card V 88 bottles; Schrödinger's Cat 74 bottles; Winter and Summer Nights 73 bottles; Silent 69 bottles; BIUBIU, おうな 66 bottles; Q 55 bottles; Yulian, 50 bottles of yaya, chasing light, smoke top, ginger sugar milk tea, Yun Waixin; 48 bottles of FFF team leader; 41 bottles of one-click mental status query; 40 bottles of Lililililili, Naming Waste, Chuxia; 38 bottles of Ziyan ; A durian, leameyer1???? 33 bottles; Tower Wu 31 bottles; Erming, EKML, Momo, 26689226, vaguely remember love, soft sister, Ah Li, Nana W, Dada, did you update today, Chuchu , 30 bottles of pear crossbow; 28 bottles of zero error; 26 bottles of gold, Yanling Yanling; 24 bottles of Chang'an Missing Moon; Cat, Big Big Update, Little Windmill, Doudou, Please Eat Oranges, 42290679, Jimo Xuefeng, Li, Su Wan, Luoyang, Stir-fried Pigeon Essence, Wooden Fish is Shaoyu, You have to work hard to get ashore, Xiao Zhouzhou , Shenxian Town, Ling, Luotuo Buji, W, _, -v-, Abai, Yun Danfengqing, Meng Lanxun, Qianqian, Achen 20 bottles; Bai Liu's 33 health points 18 bottles; 42958762 14 bottles; If you see me, please scold me and go to study 13 bottles; Candy, Stinky Tofu Macaron, A Smile of Joy, 185 bottles of 12 Idiot Handsome Guy; PuddingJ, Just La Mosu, Orange, Bright, "Seven O'clock°", Esther, Zhou Gongjin, Olivia, bubblelu, Cuicui, Cream Amber, Wanjuan of the past, Shuiqing soup dumplings, emma, Notes from the Past, 37320917, Shui Lan, Believer of the Wind, primula, Yue Tianqing, Jianjia, Hot Soda, Han , Lots of Banknotes, Ms. Zhang, Bu Zhong, Mu Chao, Michelle, Big Cutie, Yoho, Xin Ran, Shaomai Maimai, Zhang Hui, Crispy Sugar Sweet, Yiya Ya Ya Luo, ES is recruiting the big bastard, it’s me, late Feng Zuojiu, wo, Clarityo0, Yu Qinglu, Shuangpinfan, My Dearest You, Liuliubaby, Xiaotaozi, 56226743, Crazy Electric Eel, Senyu Elk, Lazy Man Xinghao, Kanwen Yuan Zhong, smooth ice, moonjun, Qi, if there is an afterlife, orange, spring pomelo, April Fool's Day night, starry sky on a rainy night, 10 bottles; Want to Eat Meat, Ji Ai y_ 9 bottles; Gu Zixi, Xiao Xiaoranran 8 bottles; 7 bottles of Yichuan Cigarettes; 6 bottles of Lemon Coconut Drunk Milk Ting, Gui Gui; Ouyang Xue, tutu, sad polenta, JR treasure, naming is really difficult, crackle tree flower, youth, don’t know what to call it, heart Yan, Trosei, Jingmo are lost, wandering in Qingmu, Yinxi, Shimu, 46556944, The tree that loves to dream, Jiang Jiang must come ashore, Xiao Juju, Jiang Siyu, Jinyu, Jing Qianxun, Momo, lala, The happy big female monkey, fairy, Juanlu, Ah Chen Chen, Tian Tian’s Wangzi toffee, my left eye is crying, my life has an end, but I don’t know anything, 5 bottles of 豱; Sigma, Kashima Kiriyan, Xue Li Ling 4 bottles of Baldhead, Candela; 3 bottles of Dr. Duck Duck, Wentian, White Rabbit Milk Candy, Haha, Gu Li, Yu Nanxue, Gululu, Yiyi, @..., Winnie, Qianxiao; The baby who reads, sculls Hongjing, Si Shen, Yan Zhang, Da DaZhang loses his hair and, jx, His Highness Lan Zi, Jue Jue, Makabaka loves reading, Qian Tu, Peace and Joy, 37340144, 68157138, Are there any similar ones in Jialou? Please give me 2 bottles; Mibaimi, Youmi, Invincible Lovely, Milumilu, Sail, Sprite and Ice, Chen, 41108959, Insouciance, SSS, dd, Jingyan, I am a serious reader, Orange flavor, Ye Shenghe Wen Jianyan's?, violet color, 44697642, Maomao, ai you are not two or three days, little S who loves snacks, Xinxin lighting, Gongqiaoke, R Maopu, mountain breeze blowing fog, Yuanqi, so hard to find, Fanjun, 21197863, Cheng Cheng, Tou Tou Zi, Dao Mu Ju, Qi Mu, AAA eating soil Xiao Q, Xi Wu AA,., zzz@花花花, Spare Ribs from Pai Gu Jia, jiajia, Luo Ziyan, are you lucky today? , Xiao Jiangsi, Bai Ye, Earth Observer, Adeline, Sui Yuer'an, Bojun Yixiao, Lianlian Lime, God's Will, Jackfruit Coconut Juice Calculator, absolute, Moji, Lan Family, Xiao Na, Like Meat, Doctor, k Chensheng, 50622412, Miaomiaowa, Siyu, Muyu Jiangww, Aizhidao, May the motherland get better and better, green grass, light snow, 253866, Ajiu, Zero, 3'GX, rainy days, Among Cute People, Dragon and Phoenix, Ling, Yaoyao, Cat-loving Taurus, I don’t read novels, Yu Yi, Guo Guo is so cute, Alina, Weilan Xiaoqing, Wen Pre, An Bo, 丅魔珋火, I want to lose weight ~_~, Your Highness does not want to drink 1 bottle of medicine;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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