Zerg main nest star field, lower laboratory.

The main nest star field is surrounded by the elite army of the Zerg. Behind the Zerg main nest, there are some infrastructures, such as the Zerg training ground, laboratory, mechanical research institute, insect poison research and development center, energy supply station, etc. .
The Zerg is a typical matriarchal society. The entire race is born for war and plunder. There are no entertainment facilities. All devices other than military industry have a rough and shabby feel, especially in the lower star regions.

The Queen is located at the top of the pyramid of the entire Zerg society. Due to the existence of the Zerg Skynet, she has the power of life and death for any Zerg and enjoys the worship of all Zerg.There are very few intelligent high-level soldier bugs, and the vast majority are low-level soldier bugs created as war machines.
Normally, high-level soldiers who pride themselves on intelligence never live together with low-level soldiers. They stay more in the upper star field where the Zerg main nest is, leaving the lower star fields to the humble low-level soldiers.

Therefore, the upper star field is synonymous with vastness, cold weapons and high technology.The lower star field is a dirty, messy, eerie place, paved with deformities and bionic tissues, and never seen from the sky.

Gudze was quietly looking through the narrow railing at the little light revealed in the dark gap outside.
The whistling wind outside told him that the main nest star field was heading somewhere at full speed.

When people are in a claustrophobic state of captivity, they often get confused with time.For example, right now, he can no longer remember how long he has been imprisoned here.It might be one month, it might be three months, or it might be half a year.

As the people in the cages around him screamed and wailed, they were dragged away one by one. In the end, only he and one other person were left in the dirt-filled storage room.As for where those people who were taken away went, it is not difficult to guess.This kind of device has been used by the Gu family on innocent people since joining the Black Tower, but this time it was used on themselves.

Gudze had already guessed this ending when the head of the Gu family decided to defect to the Black Tower and go his own way.

Several other federal families, like the Gu family and the Gu family, had a keen sense of smell and ran away early.Or it could be like the Gu family, who was originally the minister of the Black Tower, but after the death of Grand Duke Gu, he learned the hard way and quit the big ship of the Black Tower. By the way, he openly stabbed him in the back during the Black Tower's encirclement and suppression operation.Or, the Gu family and the Gu family, who covet the wealth and power of the Black Tower, are aiding the evildoers. Even though the top management clearly knows that the Black Tower and the Zerg have an inseparable relationship, they still insist on going their own way and aid the evildoers. In the end, they end up like this. It can only be said that they are to blame themselves.

"Huh -" Gudze breathed out a long breath and leaned against the cold iron cage.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but he heard the sound of feet swimming on the cold steel, rustling, like death's reminder in the eerie darkness.

"Help, help!" The person imprisoned in the next cage suddenly let out a scream.
The mental pressure and torture over the past few days, as well as the fear of not being able to commit suicide, had worn down his will to the lowest point.

"Ah - the Black Emperor, the bastard who is trying to kill the donkey - I am a red-level cadre of the Black Tower! Help! How can you treat your collaborators like this!"

However, such calls for help have no effect in a world far away from humans.In the face of death, everyone is equal.Especially in the Zerg society, human status, power, and money are nothing but a piece of paper.
Soon, with the faint green light, Gudze saw a tail full of barbs and insect poison hanging upside down from the ceiling, easily lifting the entire cage containing the person on the ground, and clanging away. go.

After the noisy sound disappeared into the darkness, Gudze closed his eyes tiredly again.
He has already resigned himself to a future in which he will be used as a human experiment subject.Anyway, in that year, in order to become the heir to the Gu family, his parents sacrificed him and at the same time used the Gu family's secret method to forcibly raise his mimicry level from A to S.After all the calculations, the lifespan is not long.

But soon, a voice sounded again in the darkness.This time, it was the sound of clear footsteps.
Maybe it's the advanced Zerg.Gudze thought calmly, they always like to kill humans.A large part of the unarmed residents of the Dark Star were captured and dismembered by the advanced Zerg for fun.


Hearing this voice, Gudze opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.
For a moment, he suspected that he was hallucinating.

But with that little light, the bright blond hair leaking from the black hood in front of him told him that it was not an auditory hallucination.
Yuan Hanshuang lowered his head, pointed his palm at the lock of the cage, gathered his strength, and with a sudden shock, the lock of the cage that Gudze could not open with all his efforts immediately fell down.

"Why are you still standing there?" She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Gudze, and covered him with a black hooded robe: "This is not the place to talk. It's okay for low-level soldiers and insects without consciousness. If there happens to be a high-level soldier passing by, none of us can run away, so come with me quickly."

So Gudze stood up in a daze, dragging his body that had not moved for several months, and staggered behind her.It wasn't until he walked out of this dark experimental reserve room, stood on the cold and deformed trestle, and looked at the universe that was moving rapidly around him like the changing stars and moon, that he finally came back to his senses.

This is not a flashback before death, nor is it a dream.Yuan Hanshuang did appear in front of him.

"Why are you here?! Where are the others?! Where is the empire? Where is the army? Did you sneak in alone?" Gudze, who realized this and didn't see anyone else outside, suddenly turned pale: "Did you really believe the Black Emperor's lies?! Even if you sacrifice yourself, the Zerg will never let humans go!"

He never imagined that after Xuanyuan Tong's death, the empire would allow their princess to seek her own death.

"It's too late to realize it now." Yuan Hanshuang was a little helpless: "I'll tell you slowly, you should follow me first. I found this road after exploring for a while, don't lose it. .”

Helpless, Gudze had to go with her.
Walking nervously along the way, he was surprised to find that there was not a single soldier insect on this road.

"Don't be afraid, I figured out a way to get rid of them all in advance." Yuan Hanshuang whispered: "The low-level soldiers have no sanity and can only obey the orders issued by the high-level Zerg from the Zerg Skynet."

"Can't they realize that you are a human?" Gudze said in disbelief: "Even low-level soldiers can smell the smell of blood and meat on humans and launch an attack."

"This is too long to explain. You can simply understand that I am no longer a pure human being. Zerg society depends on power and position. For example, low-level Zerg cannot attack high-level Zerg. This is engraved in the Zerg genes. Instinct. And with the position of power I hold now, as long as I release my spiritual power, most of the Zerg will not be able to attack me, including the Zerg inspectors."

Afraid that Gudze still didn't understand, Yuan Hanshuang simply gave an example: "At the end of the crown prince competition, weren't there three inspectors who besieged me together? Logically speaking, as long as they attack together regardless of the consequences, they can completely defeat me. He was killed on the spot, but they left quickly after meeting each other because my power level was higher than theirs."

At that time, Yuan Hanshuang was too cautious.
She didn't know that she had taken the golden apple a long time ago and had already embarked on the path of evolution. She had the same rank as the Zerg Queen who swallowed half of the silver apple.If she had known this information in advance, she could have taken advantage of the Zerg Queen's sleep to directly invade Skynet, seize the Zerg's supreme power, and issue orders to the entire Zerg.There is no need to experience so many tragic wars and changes in the future.

At that time, the inspectors saw that she had the same power as the Insect Emperor, and they retreated first when the entire Insect army was ahead of the humans. They did not even go to the wormhole opened by Xuanyuan Wu to continue the massacre. She left without looking back and hid the main nest star field far away. She was frightened by the news, fearing that she would take the initiative to enter the Zerg Skynet.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

After the Zerg Queen woke up, she regained control of the Zerg Skynet.As long as Yuan Hanshuang dares to invade Skynet and issue orders, the vast mental power of the demigod level will directly crush her consciousness and turn her into a brain-dead vegetative state on the spot.
Because of this, Yuan Hanshuang was extremely careful along the way, only daring to use her mental power to confuse the audience and make the low-level soldiers and insects mistakenly think that she was a high-level insect.But after all, this is not a long-term solution. If you encounter high-level Zerg, the other party will exchange information in Skynet anytime and anywhere, and you will have to lose your horse if you meet them face to face.

With that said, Yuan Hanshuang took Gudze to a hidden stopping point in the lower star field.This is the most mixed place in the lower star field. Farther away, a large number of soldiers and insects are doing hard work and occasionally cannibalizing their own kind.

Yuan Hanshuang opened the door of a Zerg fighter: "The Zerg fighter is made of high-grade alloy and will not leak your smell. It is safe here, you stay here."

"Now the Zerg main nest star field is heading towards the central galaxy at the fastest speed. It will arrive this afternoon. By then, the Zerg and humans will fight. After I send the signal, all the holy orders will be gone. By then, the entire main nest star will The whole domain will be in chaos. When the time comes, you can take advantage of the chaos and leave with a fighter jet, find a quiet deserted star to stay. If the battle is over and we win, you will come back."

"What do you want to do?"
Hearing the tone of this explanation, Gudze felt bad: "I want to be with you."

"No." Yuan Hanshuang immediately refused: "My mental power can only make low-level soldiers ignore me. If you follow me, not only will your own safety not be guaranteed, but my identity will also be easily exposed."


"No but, I have the power, so you don't have to worry. Besides, you should also be able to see that I have the strength of a saint, so self-preservation is not a problem."
Yuan Hanshuang interrupted him: "By the way, I haven't finished speaking yet. If you lose, you can drive this fighter jet to the opposite direction of the war, and go to those edge planets that have not yet had time to be raided by the Zerg. Some sufficient nutrient solution, it is best to bring a self-reproduction machine, and then hide far away. When humans here perish, the future reproduction of humans will depend on you, the Adam and Eve of the new century."

It was obviously a cold joke, but when it came to this, Yuan Hanshuang couldn't continue.
If humanity loses, Gudze can of course run.As long as he pilots the Zerg fighter jet and takes advantage of the chaos, he has a very high chance of survival. At least his survival rate alone is higher than the current survival rate of all mankind combined.

But even if he could make a time difference and collect enough nutrients and supplies from planets that had not been destroyed by the Zerg after the emergency evacuation of humans, Gudze could only wander aimlessly among the stars to avoid annihilation.
Humanity's territory is occupied by the Zerg, and the original territory of the Zerg has long been turned into a Death Star by them, without any vegetation and unable to attack energy.Even if it was true as Yuan Hanshuang said, Gudze self-reproduced and created the first batch of humans, there is no healthy planet that can allow humans to develop for thousands of years and grow up to fight against the Zerg.

Thinking of this, it is inevitable to feel sad.
In this huge universe, there is no place for the last human being.

"So. The Zerg must die." Yuan Hanshuang murmured to himself.
She realized so clearly that if the Zerg race did not die, humanity would have no future at all.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, just go up quickly."

"No!" At this point, Gudze could no longer control his emotions.
Even knowing that he would be used for experiments by the Zerg and that he might die without a burial place did not make him collapse.But Yuan Hanshuang's simple words made his eyes turn red.

"That's how you saved me back then on that desolate star with the ruins of an ancient civilization."
Immediately afterwards, there was a death notice and no news for many years.

Gudze rested on the door panel of the fighter jet, with veins on the back of his hands clearly visible, showing his inner unrest.
No matter what, it was impossible for him to see Yuan Hanshuang die in front of him again.

This burly black man, whose red lips and white teeth had changed greatly from his childhood, lowered his posture, and in a pleading and choking voice, he spoke humbly: "Please, my short life is not worth saving me a second time." Second-rate."

Seeing that Gudze refused to cooperate, Yuan Hanshuang relied on his status as a saint. Without saying a word, Yuan Hanshuang knocked the person unconscious and threw him into the fighter jet. He also set up a program to take off automatically after ten hours.

"Well, although it's a bit embarrassing to say this, I'm not here to save you this time. What's really worthy of my rescue is the future of all mankind."

If given a choice, who wouldn't want to die surrounded by thousands of people.But someone has to be the lone hero.

Standing in the filthy lower star field, Yuan Hanshuang looked at the Zerg main nest in the middle of the upper star field surrounded by stars in the distance, his eyes full of sharp determination.It was like a sharp knife cutting through the air and stabbing at the target.
After being silent for a few minutes, she went around to the back of her head, tied up her loose blond hair again, slowly pulled up the black hood, checked her equipment for the last time, and re-entered this dangerous and dirty world.

As for the empire, after receiving the news that the Zerg army had set sail from the Haoyue Pass, it entered a state of wartime alert.

Those who stayed behind were on standby at their respective posts and did not dare to let down their guard at all.

If we say that before the Black Emperor made the seven-day doomsday declaration, many humans still hesitated in their hearts, and showed anxiety under such urgent and huge pressure.Well now, after seven days of rest and a good farewell, people have completely figured it out.There is no retreat in this battle!There is only one battle!Only then can we gain a chance of survival!This is humanity's last chance and its last battle.win!Humanity will be reborn; lose!Humanity will become extinct!

Under such circumstances, people's mood bottomed out, and all the previous fears and anxieties turned into unity and unity under the good guidance of the Imperial Propaganda Department.

In order to prevent panic and unpredictable consequences in the early stage of the war, the empire's senior officials finally decided to suppress the news of the disappearance of the Crown Princess. Only the senior leaders of the major legions and the Royal Guards responsible for the search knew about it. "How about the arranged timed biochemical weapons? Is the star chain energy sufficient? Is the anti-star weapon aimed at it?"
Interim Marshal Si Jiexin, who took over the original position of marshal, is making final preparations and debugging work.

"Report to the marshal! The Zerg army is expected to arrive at the first line of defense in 10 minutes!"

"Okay!" Everyone in the command room cheered up.

They arranged three back-ups on the only way from Haoyue Pass to the central galaxy, namely biological and chemical weapons, anti-star weapons and defensive star chains.According to the plan, as long as the Zerg enters the P47 star field, they can directly detonate ten small planets around them in a series; then, during the sudden attack, they can use their anti-star weapons to carry out a powerful strike.
Several legions have already set up ambush around the defensive star chain, ready to act as the opportunity arises.

"Countdown to 10 minutes!" "5 minutes!" "3 minutes!"

As the huge red dot on the command screen and the billions of small red dots around it advanced, countless pairs of eyes focused on it, and they couldn't help but breathe softly.

Si Jiexin gave the order: "Detonate!"

The next second, ten planets exploded together, instantly dyeing the entire rear monitoring screen bright blue.

"Quick! Attach the anti-star weapon!"

Dozens of elevated star weapons that had been adjusted for range and aiming at the target suddenly began to accumulate energy. The majestic energy converged into a high-pressure beam at the muzzle, and then suddenly launched, cutting through the stars in the universe along the way, and violently injected into the blue fog. within.

"How's it going? Was it successful?"

After a while, someone slowly spoke.
Only by successfully catching the Zerg by surprise here can the Holy Rank Executive Officer and the Nine Legions behind take action.

Because the field of view was blocked, all surveillance videos on the command screen were out of order, and the situation of the Zerg army could only be determined from various equipment such as sound waves and red heat detection.
The inspector who was sitting at the back and closely monitoring the scene did not dare to express his anger. He stared until his eyes started to get sore, and suddenly saw the red dot in the center disappear.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief to make sure that the red dots had indeed disappeared, and immediately trembled: "Success?"

It's like a signal has been turned on.In the command room on the left, everyone jumped up, with excited expressions on their faces, crying with joy: "Success! We really succeeded!"

"The Zergs are gone! There is hope for humanity!"

However, the next second, the voice of the omnic executive suddenly came from the broadcast above the command room: "All members, please calm down and return to your posts. Don't be distracted. The battle is not over yet."

Hearing the voice of the top executive, Si Jie secretly thought something bad in her heart, and the smile that had just appeared on her face stopped.
Sure enough, a moment later, Zhuge Bei gave the final result.

"The plan failed."
His voice was still so calm and steady, but the news he brought was shocking: "At the moment when the planet's biochemical weapons exploded, the Zerg Queen started space movement."

In Zhuge Bei's surveillance field of view, the large red dot was not eliminated, but suddenly appeared behind the cosmic star chain set up by the empire!Perfectly bypassing all the backhand they set up!At the same time, several major Zerg patrols took action brazenly, accurately clearing the planet where the anti-star weapons were installed.

Space moves.This is another concept that exists only in the human imagination.
Although humans can use the technology of space migration, their achievements in space are still not as good as those of the Zerg. This is evident from the fact that the Zerg can expand wormholes.

"Another demigod-level product like Dimensional Attack!"
In the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Academician He slapped the table: "It must be!"

In fact, when the Zerg Queen directly moved the main nest star field to the front of Scorching Sun Level T11 last time, the empire was already prepared for the Zerg to move space again.But no one expected that the Insect King would react so quickly, without even a gap in between.

Sure enough, at the same time that Zhugebei announced that the plan had failed, the sound of breaking was heard from the cosmic star chain.
On the screen, those densely packed red dots seemed to be mocking human beings for their overestimation of capabilities.

"Don't be discouraged. These trump cards themselves are unlikely to be effective, otherwise they would have been used at the three major levels."
Zhuge Bei comforted him at the right time: "At least our biological and chemical weapons have cleared out a lot of the advance troops of the insect soldiers headed by the explosion insects and shield insects in the outermost circle of the Zerg main nest star field. This will be very beneficial for the next battle."

It's just a drop in the bucket compared to the total volume and previous estimates.

"Commander, what should we do now?" Si Jiexin couldn't help but ask.

The originally high-anticipated blow did not produce the desired effect, and morale was inevitably affected.

"Wait." Zhuge Bei spat out one word: "Looking at the current appearance of the Zerg, it should be that they haven't discovered that the Crown Princess is no longer in the central galaxy. The Zerg Queen's target is the Crown Princess, so it is impossible to launch a dimensional attack."

Without turning on the dimensional attack, although there is still a strength gap between the Zerg army and humans, at least they will not be instantly smashed into two-dimensional images after just one encounter, which gives them a time advantage.

After bypassing the three major back-up forces, there was no longer any obstruction from the empire's rear. The Zerg army drove safely into the central galaxy, looking at the capital star across the void from a distance.Worrying about the missing Yuan Hanshuang, and receiving orders from Zhuge Bei not to take action, several legions and saints could only surround the Zerg main nest star field and be wary of each other.


Sure enough, when driving to a cordon distance, the Zerg army suddenly stopped.
Immediately afterwards, a sound was amplified through spiritual power and exploded like thunder.

This is the last battle for mankind. Whether it is ordinary people gathered in the evacuated starship or various departments in the rear of the empire, they all once again saw the face of the so-called "Zerg external spokesperson" in front of the army through the camera.

He was standing in front of the abyss of the Zerg main nest. The huge door behind him and the darkness concealed the mountain-like body of the Zerg Queen.Squatting on the steel beam behind him were three guards and nine inspectors.
For this long-awaited day, the Black Emperor put on his most solemn clothes.

He turned around first, respectfully asked the Zerg Queen for instructions, listened attentively to her orders, and then turned around and conveyed: "Along the way, I really felt the grand welcome prepared by everyone. Friends came from far away to celebrate in such a warm way. It is our honor. His Majesty the Insect Emperor is quite happy and has given humans two extra days of breathing time."

At this moment, any human in the empire could look up and see the swarming Zerg army in the sky.They are like locusts passing through, blocking the entire fan-shaped area in front of the central galaxy, causing people to despair.

For thousands of years, human beings have been suppressed and beaten. If they cannot be beaten, they can only retreat, and deep fear is implanted in their bones and blood.
How can a race like this, where all the people are soldiers and born to fight, survive?

"I think that from the Haoyue Pass to the front of the central galaxy, the Zerg have shown enough strength to destroy humanity in an instant. Resistance is not an excellent virtue." The Black Emperor straightened his sleeves slowly: "At least in the future At such an urgent moment, knowing how to surrender is what a person who understands current affairs should do."

"Speaking of which, have you asked her for her opinion? According to my understanding of Hai Dongqing, a good daughter, she does not seem to be a person willing to hide in your shelter. So, where is Yuan Hanshuang? Are you really Don’t you plan to hand her over?”

In just a few words, the hearts of almost everyone who already knew that the Crown Princess had left alone would jump into their throats.
After talking for a long time, the Black Emperor received the order from the Zerg Queen again, with obvious regret on his face.

"Because of the fooling of the third princess of the empire, His Majesty was very angry. Nine days of survival time was the last time limit given to humans. Just now, His Majesty issued an order. If Yuan Hanshuang does not appear again after the countdown of 30 seconds, the Zerg army will Directly launch a dimensional attack."

Dead silence.
The entire empire was incredibly quiet, no one spoke.The eyes of any human being are burning at this moment, not only with humiliation, but also with perseverance and courage that refuses to give in.

"Thirty, 29, 28."

"Even if His Highness had not left, we would not have been able to hand him over."
"That's it, go live your Zerg dream, he tui!"
"Humanity has no cowards! We fight for survival!"

"Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen."

The soldiers and talented people surrounding the insect nest all took up arms.
They knew that in 30 seconds, a bloody battle would break out.At this moment, all words have lost their value. Only actions can show mankind's determination to die rather than surrender!
"ten, nine, eight"

The saints, who represent the highest combat power of mankind, adjusted their state and took a deep breath.

Seeing this, the Black Emperor felt even more regretful.
Rather than the so-called unity of all mankind, he wanted to see Hai Dongqing's good daughter stabbed in the back by all mankind.

It is interesting just to think about the imperial princess who has the world in mind being betrayed by the people she protects.

"Seven, six, five"

[Let’s go, let’s finally go on a killing spree]
[Yes, I can already smell the meaty aroma of those humans from a distance]
[Hurry up and kill all the humans! 】

The Zerg patrols jumped down from the beams one by one, gearing up.The three personal guards also began to move. In the following battle, they were responsible for guarding the queen who had no offensive capabilities.

At this moment, an accident happened suddenly!
"four three"

Just when both sides agreed that Yuan Hanshuang would not appear again and the three personal guards were about to take their positions, a bright light suddenly flashed from behind the Zerg main nest.
Immediately afterwards, the golden shield suddenly tore this darkness apart, and under the crazy blanket of mythical mimicry, there was a sharp sword light that suddenly pierced out!
Yuan Hanshuang, who had been lying in wait for a long time, silently improving himself, and striving to kill with one strike, jumped suddenly from the air, his blond hair dancing, and his red eyes filled with cold killing intent.
She held the lightsaber in both hands and watched as the severed arm of the Zerg guard fell into the bottomless low-level Zerg pit below like a kite with its string broken, and was killed by countless densely packed soldiers who smelled the smell of meat. The insects swarmed up, ate up all the food, and slowly straightened up.

"What's the dog's name? I'm here with your aunt."

The author has something to say:
Below is the shareholders meeting:
感谢在2023-10-27 08:25:25~2023-10-28 16:40:05期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: a dignified eight-foot sweet girl and Wuyou;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: self-knowledge of warmth and coldness*, and ninety-one;
Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: 4 Nian; 3 dignified eight-foot sweet girls; 29390407, Wan, Organic 2; 54917224, 68880293, 69733064, and Jiu 1;
Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: litchi_li 80 bottles; Gu Dashuai played the flute today 77 bottles; Roast duck eggs 67 bottles; Tree w 60 bottles; Contestant No. 50 of Silent Love, Moonlight in the Flower Forest, Not on the Moon's Surface, and Talking Talk. 45 bottles; Yulian 643429 bottles; 44 40 bottles; Yangliuqing, Buddhist Jingzi 34 bottles; HUA. 33 bottles; Holding the rice bowl to chase rice 32 bottles; Candy 31 bottles; Wei Crow 30 bottles; Maomao, Yiqingfeng, Ye want to go ashore ! ! ! , 29 bottles of A Sea Otter Sauce, Zhi, Gu Li, Shi Shishi; 28 bottles of Sweet and Sour Garlic; 27 bottles of Wise Men Fall in Love; 25 bottles of Gu Gu Gu; Jin Se, ??^???^??full I can’t move 22806689 bottles; I first met, Yun, Yikan, Xiaobai in all seasons, xiaoxiao, Xiong Dabao, Yamamoto Yohji, a bunch of tenderloins, 20, Aesculus, Pharmakon, Donkey Beauty~~, OO very head Large, 19 bottles per piece; 17 bottles with rice and scrambled eggs; 15 bottles of a good man's flat chest; 11 bottles of chubby; 69733064 bottles of hibiscus without flowers; 34325808 bottles of Qizhi; Convince people with bricks, Lunarlo, Seal with a kiss, Little Overlord, Pinellia ternata, Miao Miao Xi Yu Mu, 123, My Lifelong Love, Rich Man, Mu Yan Feixue, 10, Long Yingxue, Four Bowls, Qingqiu, Xin Na Orchid, Xiao Ma 8, Nan Ye, Marshmallow Candy, Madness 20991890 bottles of Electric Eel, Message, Cluzz, Taoyuan Nanaisheng; 7 bottles of Love Sleep; 6 bottles of 42559490; 25767564 bottles of Cherry Seed; Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye, Mucha, Qisi, Luo Guan Temple, Caramel Xingxing, Sheng Yan, Wang Yu, 5, ONE, whale, grow, 38060674, Ah Jiu, Antarctic and Starry Sky 3 bottles; Stars, 54560111 2 bottles; Small fortune is not a dream, Ah Shen, Piao, Xiao Chen Xiao Chen is thinking about something Cheng, 51552911, Bright Night Lights the Dragon's Heart, Mo, Invincible Lovely, Invincible Da Da, Gang Jing Dispersed, Heart Is Remaining, Yu Meng 15867392 Bottles; Little Flame, Never Return, Ayaka, His Highness Lan Zi, Shu Mo Zi Da Shu, A baby reading, an unknown passerby, a cat-loving Taurus, crying, 85, Li Congxin, peace and joy, 16, fascination, Qiaotou, whales when the sea is blue, Mulu Mulu, I just met you, cindy, years in the clouds , I want to think carefully, Stardust Shimmer, Miumiu, I am a serious reader, No. 67877284 sweet without sugar, 1, SMAII spin, ting, Shao Nu, Pleasant Goat, Nicknames within fifteen words oh dear, Amenmen, Nine Si, Bright, Yu Yin Rao Liang Zi, Yan Si Zhang, Xiwu AA, Natural Awakening ((__))z, Cardamom Years, Mountain Wind Blowing Mist, [-], Help me ask Venus, Guihe, peppermint, Li Li [-] bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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