Zhuge Bei issued orders so quickly that even if the communication planet shut down the entire server, it would be of no avail.To be fair, the technological level of the Zerg is much higher than that of humans. They just invaded a personal star network, but they could easily capture it.

What's more, in order to speak harsh words to all mankind this time, Black Tower has been preparing step by step for a long time.The final result was that tens of billions of humans across the entire galaxy watched this scene at the same time.

After finishing speaking, the Black Emperor directly cut off the Zerg's blocking of Star Network communications, leaving room for thinking to humans themselves, and everything seemed to be back to normal.But the ripples caused by the stones he threw into the pool of the empire brewed into huge waves among countless individuals.

In an instant, an intense discussion broke out in the survival base.
The eyes of the people who had just regained hope returned to lifeless eyes. What's more, their thirst for life and numbness faded away, and they turned into raging anger.

"I knew this bitch, the master of the Black Tower, had no good intentions!"
"Yes, that is the crown daughter of our empire, the daughter of the hero of the empire and the princess of the empire. The only hope after the death of the former queen! Unless the empire is destroyed, no one will want us to hand her over!"
"Go and eat shit, Black Tower! Human beings will never be slaves! It is better to die vigorously than to linger on in life!"

Of course, although the vast majority of human beings have bottomed out in desperate situations and would rather die than obey the demands of the Black Tower and the Zerg, once the population base increases, there will always be some weaklings who make different voices.

"What if what the Black Emperor said is true?"
"Isn't this the classic trolley problem? In this case, as the leader of the government, of course you have to sacrifice the few to save the majority. What's more, sacrificing one person can save all mankind."
"Humanity is about to perish! As a member of the royal family and enjoying privileges, you should take care of the overall situation!"

It's a pity that as soon as the voices of this group of people were raised, they were stamped out by their compatriots.

"Wake up, you guys, can you believe what the Black Tower and the Zerg say? Humanity has been feuding with them for so many years and has already had a life-and-death relationship. Even if His Highness is really handed over, do you believe they will really let humans go?"
"That's it, can you stop being so short-sighted and think about the future of mankind. If humans win, can we just let the Zerg go?"
"With all due respect, His Royal Highness Yuan Hanshuang experienced ups and downs since childhood. She grew up in the slums of Edge Star and took care of her brain-damaged heroic father alone. We did not choose to believe her at the end of the academy ranking competition; during the crown prince competition, I didn't choose to believe her. It wasn't until the final press conference that I realized that everything was really a misunderstanding and slander. Why bother? Leaving aside those identities, she was just a girl in her twenties. She had never She has enjoyed preferential treatment as a member of the royal family, why should she be forced to pay for the future of mankind?”

Every word, every sentence is inspiring.

There was a huge quarrel on the Star Network, and the college friends who were spreading their manpower to help were even more anxious.

Chanda jumped up on the spot: "What the hell? This shameless Heita still wants to play a public opinion war? Why, can they achieve their goal by putting the former chairman in the spotlight?"

"Indeed." Gu Mu Xing's expression was equally ugly: "First, the evidence of the Queen's collusion with the Zerg was released, and now the whole human race is broadcast live to force Yuan Hanshuang to hand over. It is clear that she is trying to divide humanity from within."

"The Master of the Black Tower is not speaking to all mankind at all. This sentence is clearly told to A Shuang alone. No, we have to rush to the command room quickly." Xia Mengrou watched the Black Emperor's live broadcast to all the stars. The first The reaction was to go to Yuan Hanshuang: "That idiot Ashuang, don't look at her normally calm and rational, she will probably be stupid when encountering this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.
Everyone in the college has a close relationship with Yuan Hanshuang, but as her roommate for one year and an angel investor in Yuan Hanshuang's early career fund, Xia Mengrou is always the one who knows Yuan Hanshuang best.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Wu Haoxuan suddenly became anxious.
Mainly if he thinks about it, this is indeed the truth. The boss is really the kind of person who sacrifices himself to save the world.

However, before he could finish speaking, he felt a gust of cold wind pass by.The gray-haired killer, who had been silently following the group of people like a shadow, suddenly swung across the distance of a corridor and appeared at the end.

"Damn, the agility department is amazing." Bian Yu was blinded as soon as he took a few steps out, and he was quite dissatisfied.

A group of people chased each other and rushed outside the general command room.
Because the college ranking competition was very dramatic that year, and the crown prince competition was a big hit, and because they were good enough, these talented people who followed Yuan Hanshuang became famous and were called the "golden generation" and were known to ordinary people. Familiar.Of course everyone in the military recognized them, so they didn't stop them.

In the general command room, after the Black Tower live broadcast was cut off, the atmosphere was extremely tense for a moment.

"Sir! The Haoyue level cannot be defended!"
The silence was broken by the urgent reconnection of the correspondent.

After the screen returned to normal, the situation on the frontline suddenly changed.The Zerg seemed to prove that they were indeed qualified to threaten all mankind. They opened fire on the spot and launched a fierce attack on the vacancy where the Second Legion had been completely annihilated.Everyone in the command room instantly forgot what happened just now and began to engage in the tense and fierce frontline battle again.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The most terrifying thing about the Zerg is that they are all at the command of the Zerg Queen. The low-level Zerg have no intelligence. With Skynet contact, they can be regarded as a whole and are not affected by morale. Such an army, regardless of the Invincible everywhere.

"Listen to the commander and retreat!" Zhan Mu, commander of the first army, and Guang Wu Ran came to the front to cover the retreat.

The inspectors of the Zerg and the holy ranks of the empire have a fixed number, which is equivalent to a carrot and a pit. As long as the other patrol makes a move, there will definitely be a holy rank on our side to meet them. In most cases, in order not to affect the battlefield below, the holy rank Our battlefields are usually conducted in an exclusive area above the battlefield.

But the strange thing is that when they retreated this time, the Zerg patrols seemed to have no intention of pursuing the victory.
The dark group of high-level Zerg clad in black robes were suspended in the universe, their faces covered by hoods full of cat-and-mouse playfulness and carelessness.

"Rumble rumble—"
Finally, with the combined efforts of the Zerg army, the steel bars above the Haoyue Level were all broken, and they shattered into pieces as if a domino-like joint effect had been achieved.

Countless soldiers shed tears on their clothes and couldn't bear to watch anymore.
In the end, this last hope of mankind fell into the universe.

In order to tell the entire galaxy, the words of the Black Emperor, the spokesperson appointed by the Queen of the Zerg, had some weight. After the Zerg conquered the Haoyue Pass in one go, they issued a ceasefire signal.Tens of thousands of deformed warships and fighter jets retracted their black muzzles, turned to defense mode, and stood guarding the main nest.
Seen from a distance, the Zerg main nest containing the Eye of the Abyss is suspended quietly among the ruins of the Haoyue Pass, staring at the territory of the empire inside, like a hanging scythe. "The Zerg have really stopped attacking?!" Some people were surprised.

Although the Imperial Legion on the frontline suffered heavy casualties, no one dared to give way. Even if the Haoyue Checkpoint was shattered, the two sides still looked at each other across the ruins, wary of each other, fearing that the Zerg's move was just to lower their defenses.

"Take advantage of the temporary truce to focus on treating the wounded!" Zhugebei quickly ordered.

Taking advantage of this time, the college friends wrote a note and asked the staff to hand it in.Yuan Hanshuang turned around immediately after seeing it. Just as she was about to leave, Zhuge Ci suddenly grabbed her wrist after catching a glimpse of this scene.

"You can't go!"

Seeing that the always rational former Qingbei Chairman lost his cool, Yuan Hanshuang slowly asked a question: "It's Mengrou and the others who are here. They are waiting for me outside. Where did you think you were?"

Zhuge Ci was stunned for a moment and quickly let go.
He turned his head sideways, his ears turning a little red: "Sorry."

"Don't worry, the words of the Black Emperor and the Zerg have no credibility at all. I still have this common sense." Yuan Hanshuang smiled: "I will not do anything stupid."

This sentence was not only spoken to Zhuge Ci, but also to all the military clerks in the general control room.Obviously, after hearing her personal assurance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and smiles appeared on their faces again.

Before leaving, Zhuge Bei specially took the time to tell her not to care about Xingwang's comments.Soon the Star Network will also be included in the scope of military management. In the face of a powerful enemy, the first thing mankind needs to do is to unite.Previously, we were busy with the war and did not make great efforts to supervise and control the Star Network. Now it is time.

"Human beings are not as fragile as you think." Even though he personally announced the start of the Fire Project, there was still no despair on Zhugebei's face, and people couldn't help but follow his words to raise hope: "We still have many things that are at the bottom of the box, the universe star Chain, biochemical attack, star energy protection. If the Zerg wants to exterminate mankind, they have to see if they can gnaw on this hard bone that has been around for thousands of years."

It turned out that Zhuge Ci was not the only one who felt this way. After walking out of the general command room, the college friends who were guarding outside swarmed over, with obvious worry on everyone's face.

"Boss! You must never abandon us!"
"A Shuang, the Black Emperor talks nonsense, you must not do anything stupid!"
"Former Chairman, the conditions proposed by the Black Tower are definitely a trap. Several families in our federation were almost deceived by it in the past. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Gu."

Gudong, who was innocently cueed, said: "Yeah."
Gu Qiu, who was standing behind him, glanced at his brother in confusion. He didn't know why he was the first one to run over just now, but he didn't say anything when he saw someone.

"It's really not true." Yuan Hanshuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She could only repeat what she had just promised in the general command room. As a result, she turned around and saw a few people from the old department hurriedly arriving.

When Feng Bai saw her, he quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Young Master, in the next few days, we will protect your safety."
Today is different from the past. The empress was killed in battle, and nothing could happen to the crown princess no matter what.The security around the few royal members remaining in the central galaxy has been increased to the strongest level.

"Okay." In order to reassure everyone, Yuan Hanshuang did not refuse.

The two omnics and the empire's senior officials are responsible for large and small matters such as the evacuation of front lines and personnel, and the Spark Plan.In the last seven days, the only thing she needed to focus on was to work overtime to improve her strength and train how to control the Zerg.

The feeling of urgency is like a clenching of the heart, making the person unable to help but suffer from pain and anxiety.

If this is a battle that humans must win to survive, then Yuan Hanshuang alone holds [-]% of the hope.
The road to becoming a demigod has been opened. As long as she can raise her cultivation level to a high enough level during this period of time, humans may not be able to fight against the Zerg!
Not long after he walked out of the general command room, the royal optical brain on Yuan Hanshuang's wrist suddenly dinged: "Your Royal Highness, the highest authority of the empire has been opened to you. You can use all the energy crystal cores accumulated in the central galaxy palace warehouse at will. .”

"If you need anything, you can always ask me to wait."

After the warehouse door was opened, there was a mountain of piles inside, and the colorful crystal cores almost blinded people's eyes, making the college friends outside have their mouths open.

Yuan Hanshuang: ".This is truly incredible wealth."
Because of years of fighting, the empire has always had the habit of hoarding crystal cores as energy reserves.These crystal nuclei are of high quality and are connected to the defense matrix composed of twenty planets in the central galaxy. They will never be used unless absolutely necessary.If all mankind's treasures had not been bet on her, they would not have directly revealed this trump card and fed it all to her.

Thinking like this, Yuan Hanshuang summoned two mimics of himself.
Since advancing to the eighth level, Kun's body has expanded like a blown balloon. The length of his complete body is comparable to that of an asteroid. Now he can only come out in a reduced body.Xuanniao was as arrogant and cold as ever. After coming out, he inspected the surrounding territory and made sure that there were no annoying bugs. Then he quietly squatted on Yuan Hanshuang's shoulder to act as a guardian.

Seeing Kun happily wagging his tail and diving into the ocean of crystal nuclei, Yuan Hanshuang sighed inwardly.
Although she has not been able to figure out the upper limit of this guy's food intake so far, there are ten such warehouses in the palace, so she hopes that it will not be full.

Kun: What!Is there such a good thing?

The author has something to say:
Below is the shareholders meeting:
感谢在2023-10-22 00:02:41~2023-10-23 07:26:18期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 brave little basin;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xiaodu Yiqing, anran℡ 1;
Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: 2 Xiaodu Yiqing; 38524535 1;
Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 910002 100 bottles; Lao Bai is a cute ghost duck 87 bottles; Teacher, I won’t cheat 80 bottles; Jia Yuanyuan 52 bottles; I am Xiaoxin, Geometric Already 50 bottles; Liu Meng 40 bottles; 81 bottles of Jiujiu38; 36 bottles of Gardenia; 32 bottles of Guess or Not; 30 bottles of Xuanmu, Hua Mengxue, Lime Soda, and Mumu who have to work hard to make money; 26 bottles of Huaxue; Lingnan 23 bottles; A Wind 22 bottles; Big-faced cat, the first day of the first lunar month, Hi, children's shoes! , Crunchy Tao, Gulu Da La, Irene, Zaizai Wanwan, Zhe Er Miao, Mutton Noodles, Yisei, Chun, Jinwen, Jiang Ziliu. , 11819794, 20 bottles of Chelizi Chengjing, Dufeng; 18 bottles of Starlight; 16 bottles of Nanqianwan; 15 bottles of CLGY; 12 bottles of Fathead Fish; 2. Jiaoyu, my favorite food, chris, Beixiang Nanzhi , Amenmen, The Little Fairy with Brewed Brew, Kuchazi Feifei, YY, Kenzie, Jelly Sugar, Leisure in Dreams, Wu Xi, Wang Xiaoyu, Yu Haohaohaohao, Mantou Huajuan Bean, Si Nian Nian 10 9 bottles; this cat will not drop it 8 bottles of Mao; 7 bottles of Youxixi, Wangwang Snow Cake, and Dawn Star; 1 bottles of I’m so annoyed to change the name; 6 bottle of Mu Mu Xi, Si Nian Nian, 5 hibiscus does not bloom, bookworm loves cats, I am like a Can't find Guatian 4 bottles; Mr. Crab, Yan Si Zhang, sleep until I wake up naturally, lemon, lingering fear 3 bottles; Beicheng Bunancheng, please update 2 bottles; Jiangjiangjiangjiangjiangjiang, Lingzi, Si Niannian, Mandrill, 67877284 bottles of Bright Night Dragon Heart; 41412632 bottles of Xiaofufu, Wongjiang Ruanruan, Y, Passerby A, Invincible Lovely, cheddarQ, Lan Family; Fanjun, Milumilu, Mo Qiqi, Ayan, cindy, Qizhi, Just Meet You, Lang, Qiaotou, Luo Ziyan, 59962124, 1, Peace and Joy, Xiaobu Xiaobu, Zhuo Zhuo, Cardamom Years, Xiwu AA, Reading Baby, Hidden Xuanji, Viola, Caramel Stars, Your Highness doesn’t want to take medicine, warm wine to inspire an army, a pineapple head, spicy Ah Tang, the other party is growing hair, a cat that loves to eat fish, Your Highness Lanzi, seeing whales when the sea is blue, a cup of lemon black tea, Mi Ai , Yan Qi, Jiusi, The World's Most Adorable Tan, Ah Shen, [-], Gui He, Shui Lan, Ask Me Venus [-] bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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