Right now, on the front lines.

Xuanyuan Tong stood on the top of Haoyue Level, the cold wind lifted her blond hair, revealing her pale face.
This scene was simultaneously seen by the Military Department, the Ministry of Defense, and the Privy Council, which was holding a wartime meeting, and the upper and lower parliaments.This level is also a life and death war. In order to unite all mankind, it is inevitable to conduct live broadcast for all.

But at this moment, whether it was the front line, the rear, or the Star Network, all fell into dead silence.

"His Majesty!"
Even her closest subordinate Lin Shuiyao exclaimed in disbelief, almost unable to believe what was happening before her.

There was silence in the public command channel linked to the high-level members of the Nine Legions, and everyone was nervously waiting for a response.However, before she could reply, a huge golden blood phoenix mimic appeared above the level. Immediately afterwards, with her holy level mental power fully activated, several golden streams of light flew out from her palms and poured into the battlefield without any pause. above.

"Are you kidding—"

When I think about what happened just now, it was seen by hundreds of millions of people across the empire.Xuanyuan Tong seemed to have gone crazy, with frightening bloodshot eyes appearing. He drained all his mental energy on the spot and fired nearly five planet-level sacred protections.

"Boom-" "Boom-" "Boom-"
A sound like fireworks exploded at the edge of the universe, and layers of vast sacred protection spread out, reflecting the entire dark universe as bright as sunlight.

But even so, it couldn't stop the dark green insect poison from landing in the sky.

Those highly toxic liquids passed directly through the layers of golden shields without even being blocked at all, as if passing through a membrane, once again causing intensive casualties in the imperial military camp.

The noisy front line, filled with dense artillery fire, fell silent for a moment, and you could hear a needle drop.
The Zerg on the opposite side burst into laughter directly in Skynet.

[Hahahahahahaha, the Queen of the Empire can’t release the divine protection anymore]
[Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, you are really laughing to death, the five sacred protections are just like paper]
[Returning to the Holy Level, and marching in person, but the result is dark under the lamp, rattling]
[I heard that for the sake of her throne, the human queen specially trapped the perfect product and another member of the holy royal family in the capital star and refused to let them come over. House bugs, this is not asking for death. It’s all for nothing.]

Amidst this sharp and indescribable laughter, the Black Emperor smiled with satisfaction.
He casually raised a hand and sat on the bone throne with his face propped up, his eyes contemptuous and mocking.

"After this incident, the credibility of the imperial royal family will drop significantly. The huge mistakes caused by the empress of the empire will be nailed to the empire's pillar of shame, further breaking through her psychological defense."

The transcendent status of the royal family members is closely related to the golden mimicry they master. Every member of the royal family needs to learn knowledge about divine protection from childhood to adulthood, work hard to improve themselves, and practice hard.Because if they improve even a little, they may save tens of thousands of people on the battlefield.

The original power of the royal family comes from the heart of protection.
Xuanyuanwu once mentioned to Yuan Hanshuang in class that if you want to increase the power of divine protection, you must have a strong desire to protect.Once a member of the royal family is greedy for pleasure, afraid of death, or addicted to power and loses the heart of guardianship, they will not be able to exert their due effect. In serious cases, they may even lose the ability to protect and bless them.

Therefore, if you want to test whether a Xuanyuan royal family member is patriotic and loyal to the people, you don't need to look at anything else, just the strength of the divine protection.

[Yes, I’ll leave the negotiation with the empire to you. I believe you can get humanity to hand over that perfect product, right? 】

Hearing these words, the Black Emperor frowned.
He quickly suppressed the sour feeling that did not belong to him, and readily agreed: "Of course, it is my honor to serve His Majesty the Insect Emperor."

"Please, Your Highness Xuanyuan Miaoyin, please take the chief protective position first!"
In the general command room of the military headquarters, Zhuge Ci, who remained rational, issued the order immediately.

Because the accident happened so suddenly, the number of casualties increased dramatically in just a few minutes.It was only the beginning of the battle, and they were already at such a disadvantage. In the follow-up, the holy-level psychic missile was not used as a trump card. The Zerg were coming in force. It was impossible to end the battle and come back to adjust, so they had to make up for it quickly.

"Okay." After hearing the instructions, Xuanyuan Miaoyin quickly stepped forward, squeezed into the position where Xuanyuan Tong was standing, and deliberately pushed the person away with great force. It was not difficult to find that there was a strong personal contempt mixed with it.

"You!" Offended anger appeared on Xuanyuan Tong's face.

"What the hell are you, a member of the royal family who can't even release the sacred protection, but you are still the queen. The queen who lost her heart to protect discovered this while fighting on the front line. This is the first of its kind in the entire empire. It's a shame!"

Xuanyuan Miaoyin retorted.The same golden light fell from his hand. Although the scale was far smaller than that of the Holy Order, it steadily covered the advance team area at the front, giving the panicked Imperial soldiers an insurance policy.

With the protection of divine protection, the originally spreading casualty situation was finally effectively controlled.
Both the senior leaders of the various legions on the front line and everyone in the general command room at the rear could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

"This war."

"Captain Guang, what did you say?"

"No, it's nothing." Guangwuran took a deep breath: "Be optimistic about the destroyer carrying the Holy-class missiles, and you must listen to the arrangements of the rear military headquarters before detonating them."


The subordinates' responses did not conceal the worries in the eyes of the army commanders.

At the beginning of the war, neither side took any serious action, and it could be seen that even the Holy Orders on both sides had not taken action.Such a big mistake occurred during the mutual testing stage, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to morale.
What's more, the emperor of the empire usually always acts as a spiritual beacon. When Xuanyuan Tong announced that he would personally conquer the emperor, the entire empire was filled with joy and excitement, both internally and on the front lines.Now these soldiers have to face the fact that the country's top leader has lost the idea of ​​​​defending the country. The collapse of that kind of faith is devastating.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. It was just a small mistake just now, and it has been stopped now."
The secretaries of the major legions immediately became active and stabilized the morale of the troops in their respective channels.

"Comrades, please be patient. Your Majesty is not feeling well and is undergoing emergency treatment. He will be back soon. Don't let your guard down!"
"All departments are in their respective positions. This is the last battle to protect our country and our country. There is no room for distraction."

After some hard talking, he was able to control the situation and push it through without more serious consequences.As for the terrifying public opinion that the live broadcast of the frontline content will stir up in the rear of the empire, that is what the Propaganda Department needs to worry about. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the entire empire's public opinion machine and even the Ministry of National Defense will have to be mobilized to provide follow-up arrangements for the Queen.
These can be re-operated and explained and liquidated after the war.The most important thing right now is how to win this battle to defend our homeland!
Zhuge Ci stood on the podium with his eyebrows furrowed.

"It is definitely not a long-term solution to continue like this."
Xuanyuan Miaoyin is only at the eighth level, and its mimicry strength is slightly insufficient. At most, it can serve as a deputy to release partial divine protection.In such a large-scale battle, it is obviously too reluctant to let her serve as the main defender.It can be handled in a short period of time, but if it is a long-term attrition battle, Xuanyuan Miaoyin may not be able to sustain it.

"Which other members of the royal family can be mobilized to the front line?"

"The Crown Princess must stay on the Capital Star and not participate in the battle at the same time. It seems that Her Royal Highness Prince Wuri has just been summoned to the Imperial Academy of Sciences by Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess." The subordinate quickly flipped through the optical computer, sweating anxiously: "But the only one The emperor's warship carrying the special-grade space migration was taken away by His Majesty, and Executive Officer Zhu Jiuyin is not here. If we follow the conventional method, it will take at least six hours to get to the front line from the central galaxy."

In six hours, maybe the war will be over.
There was silence in the general command room.

"Can you contact the royal attendants and the royal medical team on the front line?" Zhuge Ci instantly thought of more than a dozen solutions in his mind, and rejected them one by one: "There should be psychiatrists in the medical team, let them Immediately provide psychological counseling and treatment to His Majesty."

Rather than expecting to send people for support, it is better to hope that Xuanyuan Tong will return to normal.

On the front line of Haoyue Pass, after receiving the order, the royal medical team immediately rushed to the main warship.
Unable to release the divine protection and without combat capability, it would be a hindrance to stay in the center of the level.Xuanyuan Tong was like a numb piece of wood, he didn't even know how he got back into the warship.

"Your Majesty, when was the last time you went to the Imperial Academy of Sciences to receive a test for the strength of your sacred protection?"
Professional royal psychologists quickly stepped forward.She never expected that the Queen would go wrong at such a critical moment. Thinking of the consequences on the battlefield, cold sweat broke out on her back.

Generally speaking, members of the royal family will undergo regular sacred protection strength tests. Once the strength is significantly weakened, they will be concentrated on ideological education and will not put people on the front line.

Xuanyuan Tong said nothing.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"
The psychologist was anxious and asked three times in a row.During the last time, she suddenly roared and shouted hysterically. The pressure of the holy order shook everyone to the spot, with fear on their faces.

"Get out! Get out of here, everyone! Get out!"

After everyone left, she took a step back and slumped down on the sofa in the center.
In fact, Xuanyuan Tong has not gone to the Imperial Academy of Sciences for a strength test for a long time.On the one hand, she is the queen, and no one can force her to do anything as long as she doesn't want to; on the other hand, she knows that her level of mimicry talent is actually on par with Xuanyuan Wu, and out of the desire to secure her throne, Deliberately evading.

After all, unless the emperor himself requests the imperial commander to conduct the expedition in person, in most cases, she is not required to take action.
Thinking about it carefully, the last time he made a serious move was during the coronation, when he was asked to go to the Imperial Academy of Sciences for final confirmation before the coronation.

But now, in addition to the anger of being slighted, a deep panic arose in Xuanyuan Tong's heart.
She knew very well that in this crucial battle, if she could not end the Holy Protection War, no matter whether she was a failure or a victory, the throne she had earned with so much hard work would not be guaranteed!

"The princess who is siding with the neutral faction will definitely face trouble in this name. If she submits an application for abdication to the parliament, my decades-long foundation will be destroyed."

Thinking of that possibility, the veins on Xuanyuan Tong's forehead popped out, his face was twisted like a demon, and his eyes were blood red.
After decades of hard work, decades of planning, and eliminating countless opponents on the way to the throne, he finally enjoyed the fruits of victory.

How is it possible for her to give up this sweet power? !

Uncontrollably, Xuanyuan Tong looked at the black folder placed on the table on the other side.
In addition to the memory provided by the Black Tower, which was forcibly extracted from the Black Prince's brain during human experiments, and the information that could knock the original Hanshuang into dust, there was also a confidentiality contract.

The content of this confidentiality contract is tantamount to losing power and humiliating the country. It goes against the consistent education of the Xuanyuan family since childhood, but it allows her to maintain her dignity and not let any public know about it.

"My dear Royal Highness, you really gave me a big surprise."

"Who?!" Xuanyuan Tong stood up suddenly, with shock in his eyes: "Stop pretending to be a ghost, get out!"
Ever since she discovered Black Tower's documents on her desk several times, she had ordered the ANBU to check everyone around her, but after several batches of them, Black Tower could still take advantage of them.

What's even more hateful is that the other party's control over people's hearts is at its peak. Every time something is sent to her, no matter how reluctant and resentful it is, Xuanyuan Tong will use it helplessly in the end.

"Don't be so excited. Think about it, which time did I show up not to help you? Without my guidance, as the first princess, you would not have been able to accumulate power so smoothly, let alone the subsequent battle for the crown prince. Oh, you really didn’t realize that I was adding fuel to the flames? Of course, I’m not just here to reminisce about old times or take credit.”
That voice is still as scornful and confusing as the false promise made under the moonlight decades ago: "I am here to negotiate with His Highness on behalf of the Zerg."

"You mean the surrender agreement?"
Xuanyuan Tong sneered: "Go ahead and dream about your dreams. It's impossible."

She clenched her palms tightly, and her long nails left deep blood marks on her palms.
Even if he panics about the loss of power, the collapse of public trust, or even if he loses the throne, Xuanyuan Tong will not allow himself to comply with the prophecy and become the true king of subjugation.

If that agreement is signed, mankind will return to the days when it was just created and enslaved by the Zerg thousands of years ago.
Ancient humans pulled stone mills, built temples amid heavy labor day after day, and finally raised high torches to embark on the process of uprising.If Xuanyuan Tong signs it, she will become a true sinner through the ages!Human traitor!
"Unless I die, don't even think about it!" Her tone was filled with deep hatred.Naturally, Xuanyuan Tong couldn't have a good look on this person who dared to play with his feelings and was the culprit of the misunderstanding.

"Your Highness, don't be anxious." The Black Emperor smiled: "Of course I know that Your Highness will not agree, so I brought another more generous contract. As long as you are willing to sign, the Zerg can cease the war immediately and give humans a way to survive. .”

Amidst the fierce gunfire and screams outside the ship's window, the soldiers roared to defend their homeland.

"Just in time, I believe you will also be interested in the content of this contract." The evil ghost crawling out from the Reflection Temple used a seductive voice to seduce and erase the bottom line of people's hearts bit by bit: "Just I need you to issue an order immediately to dispatch Hai Dongqing’s good daughter to the front line. If I’m not mistaken, Your Highness, you also want to deal with her as soon as possible, right? How about it, is it very simple?”

The author has something to say:
Second update today.Contains nutrient solution Chapter 3 plus updates.


Below is the shareholders meeting:
感谢在2023-10-19 21:45:30~2023-10-19 23:51:35期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 Si Ping Xiu Yao;
Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Beny; 97 bottles of Hug Carrot; 53 bottles of Gunara Big Bad Cactus Egg; 50 bottles of Ignorance of the Moon; 30 bottles of Jiang Siyu and Niuniu; A'.29 bottles of Yunman; 21 bottles of Bright Night Dragon Heart; 19260928 bottles of 33538991, 20, Stars, Peace and Joy; 18 bottles of Autumn Whisper; 1 bottles of 16jshssz; Wu Li, Cindy, Liang Hahaha, Sleepy Rourou, Rotworm , What are you watching today? Are you getting rich today? Milu Mulu, Banliang Gentleness, Jingluo, 10 bottles of hot soda; 9 bottles of grow; 8 bottles of Xiyan; 5 bottles of ink cartridges; Wrongful Sauce Ruan Ruan, ?(?? 3`?)? 4 bottles; 3 bottles of Star; 2 bottles of Stardust Shimmer, Cardamom Years, Thin Air; Natural Awakening ((__))z, Sui Yuer'an, Li Congxin, Duo Da Da, Lao Ayi Yiyi, Lang , Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have a smooth star journey, Galaxy Light Speed, jx, lots and lots of money, Helena, the vast horizon is my love, little flame, me who reads seriously, wowo lamb, 67877284, fascination, burning 1 bottle;
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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