Hearing these words, Zhuge Ci, who was standing in the main control room of the Third Legion warship, was in a trance.
He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was surprised to find that his voice was dry and choked, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Once upon a time, Zhuge Ci's greatest wish was to overthrow his father, the mountain that was pressing on his head.
He is dissatisfied with Zhuge Bei's neglect of him, and also hates that he has been compared to others since he was a child after inheriting the mechanical intelligence mimicry, even if it is "I heard that your father is the famous brain of the empire", or "little omnic" Just calling him a name can make him furious and make him feel depressed all day long.

Thinking about it now, he hadn't had a good conversation with his father for a long, long time, let alone a heart-to-heart talk.
Obviously when he was younger, the person he admired most was his father.No matter what happened in the kindergarten, I would be the first to run to the military building after school carrying a small schoolbag and share it with my father.

The knot in his heart that had been tied up for many years was suddenly untied. Zhuge Ci's eyes turned red, and mist suddenly appeared on the surface of his lenses.

He expanded his mental power, his fingertips trembling, and he touched the back door that he deliberately left at the military headquarters when he left, or in other words, the back door that Zhuge Bei left specially for him.
In the next second, two of the top S-class mechanical intelligent mimics discovered by mankind so far met in the vast star network.Illusory figures stand on a suspended platform compiled with white data streams and characters, looking at each other from a distance.

Few people know that even without a camera, he and Zhuge Bei can communicate in their minds at any time.
But the father and son had been in a cold war for so many years because of various disputes.

"You kid, you are taller than me without even realizing it." Zhuge Bei walked over and gestured, and was surprised to find that Zhuge Ci was now half a head taller than him.

Zhuge Ci didn't speak, and after a while he said, "Do you feel the same way every time you command a battle?"

"Absolutely." Zhuge Bei recalled while holding a cigarette unskilledly: "I haven't really been on the battlefield for a few years. So cherish this rare opportunity. I won't get this kind of treatment in the future."

Because he was so talented, Zhuge Bei was treasured as a secret weapon of the empire for a long time, and his area of ​​activity was only within the central galaxy.The empire's resources are tilted, and after ascending to the holy level, you have direct access to the enshrinement hall, which is quite smooth sailing.
Unlike Zhuge Ci, who met Yuan Hanshuang in the middle of the journey was like a mudslide, which directly delayed his life, in all aspects.

Before leaving, Zhuge Ci still couldn't hold it back and hugged his old father tightly.
They were all intelligent mimics and knew the slim success rate of this triangular star battle, so they deliberately avoided the topic.

For two extremely smart people, it is not uncommon for them to deceive themselves and others.

"Go." Zhugebei patted his shoulder and suddenly smiled: "A qualified commander must have the awareness to carry the lives of all soldiers on his shoulders. You already have this awareness, and you will be a good commander. Official."

"I'll be waiting for your return at the Central Galaxy Military Building."

The exchange in the information stream seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only five minutes.
But for the current Triangle Star Territory, 5 minutes is already an extremely precious time.After all, it can be seen with the naked eye that the Xing Pendulum Star Territory went from completeness to collapse to hell on earth in just three and ten minutes.

Everyone in the college group was already in full swing about what to eat after the war. They discussed the teams from each college participating in the college ranking competition this year. They happily took this opportunity to start a new round of competition on the front line.

"Speaking of which, do you want to make a bet when the insect wave arrives?"

"What bet?"

"Use each college as a group to see who can kill more. Such a big thing happened in the first stage of the college ranking competition back then. It was not fun to compete at all."

"Sounds interesting, add me!"

In fact, compared with death, the process of waiting for death is often the most painful.
In this regard, imperial soldiers who have undergone professional desensitization training are obviously better.For the old members of the Third Army, they had already had the consciousness to die when they chose to follow Hai Dongqing and insisted on seeking justice for their lord despite being accused by thousands of people of defecting.

In contrast, the Empire's non-staff troops and the top management of the Triangular Star Territory were clearly unable to control themselves.
Looking at the steady stream of bugs, which were obviously growing exponentially compared to the previous ones, and the multiple bug warships emerging from the wormholes, these people were obviously panicking under the extreme pressure.

"There are still two hours before support will arrive. This is a critical moment for the Triangular Star Region."

In the conference room of the Triangle Star Territory, high-level officials gathered together.They all had very bad expressions.
After all, for the Triangle Star Territory, knowing that one has been abandoned again is definitely not a good experience.

"I knew it." A senior executive who had been opposed to Yuan Hanshuang's arrival in the Triangular Star Territory was furious: "She has no good intentions at all. Just like her mother, she left on her own at the critical moment."

"What's the use of talking about this now? The area around here has been blocked by the Zerg. The most important thing now is to think of countermeasures."

"If there were countermeasures, could we still be sitting here?"

"Even the military headquarters can't help it. Other legions could originally provide support, but now that the space is blocked, no one can enter and have to wait for the holy level. If Yuan Hanshuang hadn't taken away one-third of the third legion's troops, maybe we could still Hold on for a while longer.”

When they saw a fight in the conference room, Duan Yongge had to come out to maintain order.

The tragic situation in the Starfield just now really frightened this group of people.
The triangle level is too close to the ascending triangle star field. Even if the Zerg now consolidates its forces and immediately withdraws its troops after breaking through the level to focus on the next level, the insect poison spread in the battle is enough to wipe out the main star.

For example, just now, in the middle of the battle in the Star Pendulum Starfield, they viciously released black pitch.
Once this famous insect poison appeared in the invasion of the two major campuses, once it spreads to the Triangular Star Territory, the consequences will be disastrous.I'm afraid it will turn into a dead city before help arrives.

Some senior officials wanted to say more, but after hearing the words on the channel, their expressions suddenly turned gray.
As if as an omen, several deformed Zerg warships gradually appeared on the opposite side of the wormhole, tearing apart the peaceful and breathing surface, revealing the bloody and ferocious interior.

"They are here."

Zhuge Ci's voice was transmitted to the ears of every soldier on the front line through the radio.Before the war, he spoke calmly and calmly after fulfilling one of his wishes.

"Prepare to fight."

The top brass could barely remain calm, while ordinary people were truly panicking.
On the streets of the underground city, more and more people came out of their homes and gathered on the streets.

They stopped here, looking up at the sky.After a period of transformation and the unremitting efforts of the Third Army, compared with the dirty and messy environment when entering the underground city, the ground is now paved with brand-new floor tiles, and small trees suitable for underground growth are planted on the roadside. Even the sky above The artificial light has also been upgraded from the oil and water collected during the robbery in the underworld, and it shines warmly on the body.Everything is getting better, everything is thriving.

After opening the dome, you can directly observe the triangular level through the perspective of the dungeon.
Higher up on the main star, the red support lights representing support for Yuan Hanshuang are floating over the star field, complementing the coming blood.

"Mom." The little girl looked at the Zerg army emerging from the wormhole in the distance. She hugged her mother's waist in fear and her voice trembled: "Will His Highness never come back? Why did I hear others say that Your Highness gave up?" We are.”

"No, it won't be." The woman touched her head, forced a smile and said something against her will: "If you are scared, just go home and take a nap. Your Highness will be back when you wake up."

In the conference room, the senior executives left their seats one after another and walked to the top of the rooftop.
Looking at the spontaneously organized underground city residents on the street below, the senior management who had been having a huge quarrel just now were like firecrackers that had gone silent, showing a silent sadness that was greater than the loss of heart.

At the front line of the checkpoint, the two Zerg inspectors in black robes have merged and are suspended in the center of the universe.

"It's useless to talk about this now. These are two inspectors."
Duan Yongge shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Even if the child didn't leave with his troops and stayed at the triangle pass, he was just waiting to die."

If there is divine protection, maybe we can still struggle. Leaving early is not a good thing.

"Who doesn't know?" In the dead silence, someone laughed at themselves: "We just don't want to be abandoned."
"Anyway, I've even thought of an epitaph. Never believe a blond's words."

Yes, I just don’t want to be abandoned.

Duan Yongge lowered his head and looked at this barren land.
No matter how bad or bad the Triangular Star Region is, in the eyes of people like them, it is still their hometown.No one will despise their hometown.

The reason why I have such a big opinion against the third princess is because she clearly brought hope to this place, but she left without any warning.But now they were abandoned, once again.

Central galaxy, military building.
Zhuge Bei stood in front of the light screen, holding a cigarette at his fingertips, staring deeply at the warship of the Third Legion opposite.

Through the porthole of the warship, he could see his son standing there, with his back straight and a calm expression giving orders.
He is a qualified commander.

He smiled silently, but his smile was hard to see, and he could only take a deep breath of cigarette.
The lingering mist obscured the gradually deepening eyes: "Prepare to shut down the live broadcast of the Triangular Star Region to the entire interstellar."

Following this order, the military clerks below stood up one after another and silently saluted inside the light screen.
The imperial soldiers are supreme. They are far behind and are powerless. The only thing they can do is to preserve the last dignity for these heroes who are about to sacrifice.

"This is the last time, Lao Feng."
On the battlefield, Wei Wenwei suddenly smiled.He moved his joints: "This battle must be fought beautifully."

"That's necessary. No matter what, you have to become a martyr and hang your portrait on the Imperial Heroes Monument."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then jumped down from the top of the level and jumped into the vast universe.
Behind them, everyone in the academy who had agreed to compete on the battlefield again followed suit.

——At this moment, everyone is ready to fight to the death.

"It's already this time, why can't I draw SSR?"
Wu Haoxuan, who was adorned at the end, was doing his own card drawing business. When he saw the R card popping out of the rabbit hat, he looked annoyed: "You can't put it on the head of the patrol. The level difference is too big. It's estimated that the holy level It’s no use at all.”

When he raised his eyes, he accidentally caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a flash of stars on the other side of the wormhole at the end of the universe.
Just when Wu Haoxuan was wondering if he had seen it wrong, the starlight bloomed again.This time, there were obviously many more people in sight than before.

"Something happened in the wormhole!"

Seeing this, everyone's already frozen hearts couldn't help but feel cold again.
The two Zerg inspectors are enough for them to drink from a pot. If something happens again, no one can afford it.

But soon, people were stunned.
Because they saw that the wormhole that was continuously pouring out soldiers and insects seemed to be still for a moment.

An instant later, dazzling golden light rose into the sky, illuminating the brilliant universe.


All the Zerg touched by this light howled, torn apart and melted, disappearing into nothingness before they had time to react.
The sacred mimicry, as deep as eternal night, passed through the space tunnel, and with the ferocious attitude of a raptor, it tore a hole large enough to accommodate it.Where there was clearly a dead end, a road towards death suddenly opened up.
It suddenly spread its wings and flew arrogantly. The soldiers and insects were frightened by the news, and the Zerg patrols looked shocked. Even people as far away as the Triangular Star Territory seemed to be able to hear the penetrating roar.

At the same moment, all the headsets in the triangle level channel were buzzing with electricity, which seemed to be coming from an extremely distant place. Because the connection was not smooth, it presented an unreal and inorganic texture.

"It took 42 minutes and three seconds to complete the Silver Star mission."

In the entire triangle level, only two people have this full channel authority.
Zhuge Ci, who serves as the commander, is already familiar to everyone, but is actually the real highest officer. He has not spoken on the public channel since the sudden attack of the insect wave.As a result, all the soldiers who heard this voice appeared in a trance and couldn't believe it.

"There's no giving up here."
Yuan Hanshuang's voice reached the ears of every soldier. His words were just a few words, but they miraculously brought peace of mind to everyone and brought tears to their eyes.

"I am with you."

The author has something to say:
The following is the list of new shareholders added to this article:
感谢在2023-09-17 23:24:24~2023-09-18 17:33:27期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: YUMI, gzcyyds, Tamix 1;
Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: 3 Su Luoyao; 1 Spring Fall, Gu Jiujiu, Mi Xuan, Zhizhi Miaomiao, Gaoxuanr, Fei Chenzi, Si Niannian, and Yumi YUMI;
Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 8 from Si Niannian; 6 from Awake in the World; 3 from Gu Jiujiu and Su Xiaoxian; 2 from Mengshuixiang, Wawajiang, and Louise.; , whisper, deciar, Gu Zixi, Su Luoyao, Jin, Zimengyuan, Qiyu Sweetheart, Zhouxi, Zhwwww 1;
Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xi Xixi 376 bottles; Ma Xiaoda 265 bottles; Alliumaceae 219 bottles; Casbia 184 bottles; Glory Bubai 174 bottles; Wan Wan 126 bottles; Meng Qing Qing Ya 116 bottles; 115 bottles of Su Xiaoxian; 101 bottles of Sujiang; 100 bottles of Gaoxuanr and yy; 99 bottles of Lalanya; 95 bottles of Nin; 83 bottles of Cheng Qianyu; 70 bottles of SK and Xue Na; 62 bottles of Wenwen Wife; 24256021 bottles of 52230401 and 60; 59 bottles of Hua Lian Love Witness; 55 bottles of When Will My Author Become a Day; 52 bottles of Embrace the Crown; Jia Yuanyuan, Xiao Luo Luo Cong, Jin, Maizi, Everyday Shuhuang, Cadbury, Saint, Lan Yue, Hi, Children's Shoes ! , Picky Cat, 50 bottles of ending; 46 bottles updated every day; 26689226 42 bottles; Jiang Ziliu. , Huangtao Guoba, cecilia, 21378432, I don’t want to fall in love, I just want to do things, end of September 40th, ifyou, senior VIP 37883971 bottles; 38, opened 37 bottles of Coke; this baby has to study hard 36 bottles; trace the flow of 10648993 bottles ; 30, Mumu, ten consecutive golds, quilt is not late, glutinous rice balls, small lemon yellow and yellow, gjlilu, Guoguo is just an NPC, Weiwei 29 bottles; xi 28 bottles; chunand, healthy and auspicious girl bag 26 bottles ; Just too lazy to name 25 bottles; Twenty-one 22 bottles; Melody 123456 bottles; Lian Lian Lime, Dark Blue, Rachel, Xi Xi Fu Xi Xi, Peanut, Grapefruit Tea, This eh hey, not that eh hey, Ah Xi, "Seven O'Clock", Ginger Sugar Milk Tea, The Man Who Stealed the Moon, Luo Luo Luo Luo, jtlhjcgbjcl, Malulu, Dongfeng, Daodaoahahah, Melon without Skin, Sugar Three Spoons, Wanwan, Niuniu, MINION, 789@ 46132489. Shishishi, Yan in the Corner, timoffy, Nini and Nini, Weixi Huihui, Killing Many Rabbits, Yueqiao, NonPer, Bright Night and Dragon Heart, 20, aphonia?, Zhizhi Meow, 3 bottles of fairy tales; 19 bottles of Little Zhuge, (╯18╰), Kihou Butao; 16 bottles of Feitianzhu, Yanjia Xiaoqi; 15 bottles of Qianshuqianye, qwerasdf; Xiaoyuanzi, Xiaotianhe, Yeyoumancao, 13 bottles of Baili Zhuohua; 11 bottles of male Durban counselor, Fifty Strings; 11819794 bottles of I-color, Chun, and Yuyi; 23111898 bottles of Zichunyou, 34318468, Hehuo, Linglinglinglong, Linjiang, Mi Xuan, a string of tenderloin, round, Shu Yun, 41126692, wandering with God, I don’t know anything, 777, Liangfeng Youxin, Joan, floating life is like a dream, Xi Ci, Pangpangjing, Lanxi, polarbear, Salan, 25767564, 45205093er, Qian Qiong, jiemoshan, Shen Shanli, Xing La La, Buried Youth, Amelia, Yu Fu, Little Cutie, Starry Star, biubiu the fat guy next door, Gui Gui Hey, what are you talking about, 10 , Suqi, account binding failed, mamoru, 9, the shining little sun, Yuqing, 襥, Pauca, private exclusive, ES recruitment, the big bastard is me, it’s me, wonton, 桸棣, OOtou very 20510708 bottles of Big and Beiyi; 7 bottles of Buddhist Look; 6 bottles of 25786640, Red Bean, Schrödinger’s Cat; 23700277 bottles of Nadidian, SMAII; Chubby Big Head Treasure, 49808599, 248784, Pandora, Euphonium, mascot , Taoyuan Nainaisheng, ououou, qiandaomiaom, raw pinellia, grow, myjova, Zhouxi, Han Xiaoben, caramel star, Honghong, 5, Fengye, 4, Achenchen 3 bottles; secretly begging for 21641248 bottles; Xi Yan, accccC, ulrica, 2 bottles of Wenyou; 1387000, shirleyskate, Yaoyao, wowo lamb, Rongxi, 67877284 bottles of Paigujia’s pork ribs; Qingqing Zijin, Yuru LXY, 34243403D Ma, A Don’t be so proud 4724, Cynthia, Zhuan 葑ゞ灬Simo, LalaLa, Yania, Cocoa Sauce, Little Monster on the Cloud, Yingying Monster, No ID, Xiuxiu Rabbit, Ahuiiii, jx, Leyouyou, cindy, Tudouzimao, Adeline, Vine Girl. , ling, 67823588, 31297695, Cuicui, 37340144, Fuhuan Huanmengye, Amenmen, His Royal Highness Lanzi, Qiuqiu, 1, Yuxun, the cat who loves to eat fish, just because he picked up flowers and smiled, Maihou Shiqinghe, Li Li , The Little Fairy of the Xiao Family, The Caterpillar Who Loves Reading Novels, Yinxi, Nanfeng Knows What I Want, Haha, Wenshuang, An Bo, Try to Go to Bed Early, The Lan Family, Years in the Cloud, Soft Dad Fan, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yiboxing [-] bottle of Tushunli, Ya Ge, Xiaofengche, Pleasant Goat, YS Na, Liyou, pear, [-], Xiaojiangsi, viviwlck, [-];
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