The central galaxy is thousands of miles away.
This is an extremely rare planet. 99.9% of it is thousands of meters deep and has an endless blue ocean, with only a small patch of land in the center.In the center of this remaining piece of land, with the help of the uncanny natural topography and knife-like cliffs, a towering and huge building was pulled up out of thin air. The entire building covers an area of ​​hundreds of hectares. The main body is mainly pure white, and the surrounding decorations With sharp and solemn lines.

It also has another name - the Hall of Worship.
As the most noble reserve center of combat power in the entire empire, the center where important weapons of great powers are concentrated, and the supreme temple in the hearts of countless talented people, this place takes over an entire planet and is far away from the mundane world.

The enshrinement star is not far from the capital star of the empire. For the Holy Order, if an emergency occurs, it only takes a few minutes to cross the cosmic star sea and reach the central star palace by using all the mental power.
In the past, this place was extremely quiet, with few people except for the holy-level executive officers who were in retreat here and a few executive officer disciples.

But today is a rare time for people to gather in the worship hall.
The central hall, which was piled with giant stones and covered with velvet carpets, was crowded with people. There were blazing torches burning in the surrounding braziers, casting shadows on the steps.

If anyone were here and saw this scene, they would definitely scream in surprise.Because the people sitting on both sides of the long table are all the big names who are famous in the world and have been written into the textbooks. They are wearing the robes of the enshrinement hall that symbolize strength and authority, and they are all holy.

"It's a regular meeting again. The frequency of meetings has been a bit high in the past two years."
The executive who arrived early could not help but speak.
"Indeed, it seems that things have been troubled recently. Those who come back should be neutrals."
"Where's that old guy from Ba Zhao! Why didn't you see him?"
"Not only Ba Zhao, Zhu Jiu Yin is not here either."

At the end of the long table, the holographic projection of the omnic executive spoke calmly: "The eight-claw executive is determined to side with the Queen's faction. Today is a gathering of the neutral faction, and no party invitation was sent to him. The same situation is true for Zhu Jiuyin."

He deliberately did not say which faction Zhu Jiuyin supported.

"What? That old guy with eight claws actually took sides?"
"It's strange. I haven't seen how much he likes to get involved in this. Is it because of his granddaughter?"
"Not to mention Ba Zhao, Zhu Jiuyin, who has always been wise and wise in protecting himself, unexpectedly did the same"

This topic did not continue to be discussed for long. After all, after reaching the holy level, human lifespan will reach another breakthrough from the limit. There are many old monsters who have lived for a century.In addition, after reaching the holy level, they have already stood at the pinnacle of humankind and focus on doing whatever they want. Most executives are more willing to pursue a higher realm and rarely express opinions on other people's choices.
This is especially true for the executives who join the neutral faction. Basically, they are afraid of getting into trouble.

After all the neutral faction executives arrived, Zhuge Bei slowly said: "Let's get started."
Except for Tianma Executive, who was still in retreat, all participants in today's regular meeting were present.

"The main reason for convening you today is that a few days ago, the Imperial Academy of Sciences conducted a study on the relationship between Zerg and humans with a confidentiality level of SSS. Although a decision has been made on this matter, you still have the right to know."

Under the reflection of the burning flame, the meeting was held in an orderly manner.
The neutral faction holds a meeting every six months, and the content of the meeting is inseparable from the trend of the empire's top leadership.What's more, this time the Academy of Sciences has researched such shocking news, it is natural that the members of the Enshrinement Hall should know about it.

As expected, this news caused a tsunami among the members of the Enshrinement Hall.

"It's amazing. Once the relationship between humans and Zerg becomes known to the public, I'm afraid it will be redefined."
"Choosing to block and conceal it is the right thing to do, but I'm afraid that people with ulterior motives will take advantage of it."

The executives changed their casual expressions and became serious.
The omnic executive always presided over meetings concisely and to the point. After all, he was always very busy at work.After talking about the most important things, they started to pack up the documents, leaving room for discussion to this group of executives.

At this time, Executive Officer Xuewu on the side seemed to say casually: "Speaking of which, a competition for the new crown prince is being held recently. Are you paying attention?"

Compared to discussing a topic about which the Queen's faction and the omnic executive had already made the decision to block it, the topic related to the Crown Prince Contest was obviously more worthy of discussion.If the neutral faction wants not to take sides, they must analyze the current situation clearly and thoroughly, and the ownership of the crown prince's position is certainly one of them.As soon as he finished speaking, a strong voice echoed from the long table: "Of course, this session is really lively."

After saying that, the hall fell silent.Many executives looked sideways at Executive Qingrong who spoke.

No wonder everyone was shocked, because Executive Officer Qingrong is the oldest executive officer currently in office in the Hall of Worship. He has lived for more than a century. He is calm and sophisticated. He smiles at everything he encounters and takes a nap when nothing happens. He is a kind grandfather.
Everyone usually doesn't talk about this in front of this old antique senior. Unexpectedly, he is the one who pays the most attention to this crown prince competition. How can this not be shocking?

"Oh, why do you guys look at me like this?"
Executive Officer Qingrong, who responded positively to the discussion immediately, realized something, and pinched his white beard with a celestial spirit in embarrassment: "I happened to be paying attention to those juniors, so I just took a look at it when I was bored. I'm doing this Given your age, it’s not easy to learn how to operate an optical brain? You can do it in minutes!”

Speaking of this, Executive Officer Qingrong's tone became more confident: "Besides, that guy Hai Dongqing's daughter has indeed performed well. She is courageous and capable. She really dares to use military power in her hands. Her style and methods are vigorous and resolute. It makes me see in her the style of Xuanyuan Ding back then."

Hearing this comment, many executives who had not paid attention to the competition for the crown prince opened their eyes slightly.

This is obviously a very high praise.
Xuanyuan Ding, the previous old emperor, not only possessed mythical mimicry, but also had the courage to expand territory and the courage to make a desperate move.Even if hundreds of emperors from the Holy Xiyi Xia Empire were brought together to compete on the same stage, Xuanyuan Ding's comprehensive strength created by his personal talent, lifetime achievements and iron-blooded skills would still rank at the forefront.

There was a sudden murmur on the long table.

"Hai Dongqing's daughter? Is she the daughter of the guilty minister who made a big fuss a few days ago?"
"It seems so. I don't pay much attention to the news."
"Oh, I remember, the Silver Star doll who awakened the mythical mimicry and won the academy ranking tournament a few years ago. Silver Star hasn't won the ranking tournament championship for many years. It has declined since Haidongqing defected."

This group of executives had basically zero impression of Yuan Hanshuang.After all, at their level, they don't pay much attention to current political news, let alone the juniors who have just emerged.Unless you are excellent to a certain level.
Yuan Hanshuang's reputation in their mouths was not as high as that of his father.At least when he was chasing Hai Dongqing, he sent out three saints to intercept him, and he even ran away, which left a deep impression on every executive present.

"That kid Hai Dongqing was really talented back then. If that hadn't happened, I'm afraid he would still have to be the head of the enshrinement hall this time. Didn't you expect his daughter to be so talented?"
"It's good, but it's a pity. It's not the royal family's mythical mimicry that's awakened. Otherwise, I might not even have to fight in this crown prince competition."
"It's a lot of fun to watch. The two participating royal members this time went to fight in person, with a group of security teams behind them. The scene was so interesting." This group is the reserve resource of the empire, and they are the top heroes in the eyes of the talented. The guys looked solemn and awe-inspiring in front of others, but they were no slouch when it came to gossiping in private. Some of them turned on their optical brains on the spot and used their executive authority to search the empire's internal network. They were bound to be on the front line.

The other executive officers were having heated discussions, but only executive officer Xuewu paid close attention to Zhuge Bei.
However, this omnic guy behaves like a precision instrument, and even the expression on his face is perfectly controlled, showing no flaws.After observing for a period of time with no results, Executive Officer Xuewu had no choice but to give up.

But it's not all for nothing.
She knew that with Zhugebei's cunning and cunning character, his silence was the most suspicious thing.

When leaving the enshrinement hall, Executive Officer Xue Wu looked at the sea of ​​stars in the distance, his eyebrows furrowed.

The old emperor had only died a short time ago, and there should not be another crown prince recognized by the neutral faction in a short period of time.
The most important thing is that if the current crown prince receives support from neutrals but the imperial empress does not, it will undoubtedly intensify the conflict between the emperor and the crown prince.This is definitely not a situation that neutralists want to see.

Fortunately, the omnic executive is a guy worth reassuring.Executive Officer Xuewu thought.

On the other side, the Triangular Star Domain.
Although the Triangle Star Territory showed a willingness to communicate, Yuan Hanshuang did not immediately take the fleet to their star port to land and hand over the governance. Instead, he came to the Triangle Checkpoint and severely punished the imperial supernumerary troops stationed here. beat.

The imperial military law is very strict, not to mention that the Third Army is watching on the spot.
After a set of military laws were dealt with, all the non-staff troops had a rest.In addition, there is Feng Bai, a black-hearted bun who is well versed in the art of language, in the team, and he joins forces with Zhuge Ci, so Mu Xing and Yuan Hanshuang form a combination of the heart-hand gang.

After the punishment was over, Yuan Hanshuang was kind enough to let them rest for two days before leaving in person.
She knew very well that in a place like the military, you must show your true strength.Just like a pack of wolves, without the strength, skill and courage of the alpha wolf, it is impossible to convince the crowd.The same principle applies to the military.

"Look at the military badges on your shoulders. Have you forgotten the oath you swore when you first joined the army?"
"In front of the entire Star Live broadcast, have you ever thought that your family members on the other side of the camera are humiliating you?!"

Stand on the moral high ground and adopt a two-pronged approach from the spiritual perspective to rectify the non-staff troops into obedience.

Feng Yuanming, who was far away from the Imperial Military Academy and did not follow him, couldn't help but sigh: "When her father parachuted into the Third Army, he called everyone to the martial arts field as soon as he took office and defeated them one by one."

It can only be said that like father, like daughter.
Obviously, the effect of this trick is outstanding.Even the leader of the non-staff army, Colonel Long Dong, who had the most rebellious attitude, was thrown to the ground by Yuan Hanshuang over his shoulder and cracked the floor with his foot. He could only lie on the ground and feel the pain from his limbs, helpless. When Assistant looked at the backlit blond hair, he also chose silence.

No one reacted at once.
[Previous members of the royal family could not carry anything with their hands or carry it on their shoulders, but this time, Xuanyuan Sheng and Yuan Hanshuang were more capable than the other. Yesterday, I was watching his live broadcast of killing insects in the eldest son’s live broadcast room]
[Putting him and Captain Guangwu Ran together, master and disciple, is simply torture to the eyes, light pollution]
[Indeed, but if you move the live broadcast room to a wide angle, it’s actually quite pleasing to the eye]

"Are you convinced?" Yuan Hanshuang rubbed her wrist and smiled slightly.
In the eyes of the non-staff soldiers, her smile was no different from that of a devil.The fear of being dominated arises spontaneously.

"I said it. I don't mind how you treat me, whether you hate me or hate me. But I do mind that when the insect wave comes, I will be surrounded by trash who don't obey orders."

What follows is a matter of course.
When we got up early this morning, the Third Army Corps and its non-staff troops were training at the checkpoint.

In just three days, the non-staff troops lost their original unruly energy.Strangely enough, despite being suppressed by force, this group of people behaved as well as rabbits, and there was no voice of dissatisfaction.

"This is also the advantage of attacking the soldiers first." Zhuge Ci was not surprised.

[It’s only been a few days, but I feel like the non-staff troops at the triangle level have already switched sides]
[What can we do if we don’t defect?There are tens of thousands of elites in the Third Legion, and each of them can drown with just a drop of spittle]
[Actually, I think Yuan Hanshuang is right. It is the duty of imperial soldiers to obey orders. No matter how unwilling they are, they should not block the star port. This is a border fortress, not a place to play house.]
[Indeed, and she fights really hard. I remember she was only at level seven when she signed up half a year ago. Why is she now at level seven and advanced? Isn’t her promotion speed a bit too amazing? 】

Just as Yuan Hanshuang guessed, attacking the non-staff troops will not only not lower the public's favor, but will also attract unanimous approval.The so-called killing of chickens to scare monkeys requires choosing the right chicken, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

After staying at the Triangle Level for a week, Yuan Hanshuang was ready to pack up and head to the Triangle Star Territory.

And the senior management of the Triangular Star Region who watched her in the live broadcast room with all kinds of tricks to deal with the non-staff troops for a week: "."
Don't come here!

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