Chapter 788 Uncle protects you

"We are also afraid that this child will suffer. Look at her. She has been admitted to the hospital so many times at such a young age. Every time she gets sick, she is so uncomfortable. How will she live her life in the future? If we let her leave early, she can be reincarnated. She is a good person and has a healthy body. If you really feel sorry for her, you shouldn't see her suffer like this."

The two elders of the married family insisted on their own ideas. In the past, the village also encountered such a situation. Whenever a child of a family got an incurable disease, they would cook him a delicious meal and let him eat in peace and quiet. Leave, only in this way can the family support other children and allow the whole family to live on.

"Mom and Dad, this is what you did in the old society. In the past, the poor were oppressed and there were many children in the family. When faced with serious illnesses in disaster years, you could only use this method to let as many children in the family survive as possible. But In this new society, how can you watch your child get sick and not seek treatment?"

Cheng Haiyi argued hard and broke up with the second elder of the Cheng family on bad terms, but as soon as he turned around, tears burst out of his eyes. The second elder of the Cheng family said something that struck him, that is, as long as this child lives, he will inevitably suffer. There will only be more and more.

Cheng Haiyi took a few deep breaths before entering the ward. He tried to calm down his emotions and didn't want Bai Meixi to see anything strange.

There are always people passing by in Cheng Qian's ward. Doctors from several departments have come to see Cheng Qian, but they still can't come up with an effective plan for Cheng Qian's illness. They can only control various symptoms, reduce fever, relieve cough, and eliminate fever. Other than that, they can only rest and observe. Cheng Qian's condition keeps coming back and forth, which is really worrying.

When Cheng Haiyi saw two more tubes on Cheng Qian's body, he couldn't help but feel distressed. He stretched out his hand to touch the child's head, but was stopped by Bai Meixi.

She slammed his hand aside and said very fast, "Don't touch her, she will get infected."

Bai Meixi's mind is now on her child. She only sleeps for two or three hours a day. The rest of the time she stays by the bed, always observing the child's condition. When Cheng Haiyi came in, she didn't bother to look at him at all. , not to mention what the people around her were saying, her eyes were fixed on Cheng Qian's nose, trying to see her every breath clearly.

"Meixi, go take a nap, I'll look after the child." Cheng Haiyi took the initiative to help her take care of Cheng Qian. No matter who comes to help these days, Bai Meixi refuses to leave her child for even half a step, for fear of being If you don't pay attention, the child will be gone.

Her face became paler and paler, and her eyes were bloodshot. Even if she drank brown sugar water every day, she could not make up for her body's depletion.

"Meixi, if you keep enduring like this, your body will collapse. The doctor said that Cheng Qian has a long-term illness and will need to be cared for for many years. You can't stay awake all the time."

Bai Meixi's stubbornness made Cheng Haiyi helpless. His main job these days was to do odd jobs and run errands, and Bai Meixi took care of the children himself. For the first time, he felt powerless. Now, as the head of the family, he has nothing but to do with him. Bai Meixi was sitting there, unable to do anything.

The two elders of the married family only stayed in the hospital for half an hour before returning to the dormitory where Cheng Haiwen lived. Their income was meager and they had already spent a lot of money on buying bus tickets. They were not willing to waste money on staying in a guest house, so they had to squeeze in Cheng Haiwen's small house. in the room.

This is a collective dormitory. In addition to Cheng Haiwen, there are two other people living there. They couldn't bear the fact that the two elders of the married family had to sleep on the floor, so they took the initiative to give up their own beds and squeezed into someone else's dormitory. This made the two elders of the married family very uncomfortable. , I help everyone clean up when I come back every day, even mopping the corridors clean.

"Are they two new cleaners? They are a bit old." Cheng Haiwen's dormitory is a tube building, and there are also people from other units living there. They are naturally happy to see someone helping them clean, but they are all afraid of public housing. The rent will rise, and everyone is quietly asking about the origins of the married couple. "What kind of cleaner is this? I heard that he is the parent of a small editor in the newspaper. He works every day in order to have a place to stay here. Even the small editor is the same. In the past few days, he has done all the dirty work in the newspaper. No problem, just because he’s afraid that others will kick his parents out.”

The two women sighed long and short in the water room. All these words fell into the ears of the two elders of the married family. Cheng Haiwen was very busy these days. Every time he came back, he was always dirty. As soon as he came back, he was so tired that he fell asleep. I can't even eat.They thought that Cheng Haiwen frequently went out to collect news because he was a newcomer, but they didn't expect that it was because he had to compromise in order for them to live here.

The second elder of a married family felt sorry for his son, and he didn't want to risk his son's future for a child who couldn't be cured. As soon as he returned to the house, he started packing his things and planned to leave on the earliest train.

"Mom and Dad, what are you doing? Third sister-in-law needs help, and her own mother can't get through, so she has to rely on our family for everything."

Cheng Haiwen came back from outside and was a little surprised when he saw the two elders of the Cheng family saying they were leaving. According to their love for their grandchildren, they should have been with Cheng Qian in the hospital by now.

He dusted himself off, brought back two lunch boxes from the cafeteria, and placed them in front of the two elders of the Cheng family. They contained braised pork, fried cabbage, and fried tofu. The food in the newspaper cafeteria was always good, but when the two elders of the Cheng family saw these things, he dusted himself off. But he still didn't move his chopsticks.

"The food in this cafeteria is so expensive. If I pay this little money in my hometown, I can eat it for a week." The second elder of the Cheng family kept nagging. In short, they had to leave. The elder of the Cheng family had even picked up his luggage and opened the door of the dormitory. , Cheng Haiwen quickly stopped him, feeling that the two elders of the married family were going too far.

"Mom and Dad, now is not the time to worry about money. You stay here to help. We will go back when Cheng Qian can be discharged from the hospital."

Cheng Haiwen's tone was a little unhappy. He notified the second elder of the Cheng family to come over just to help Bai Meixi. Now that Cheng Qian is still hospitalized, how could they go back so soon.

"We have already said that we should take the child back to raise him, but your brother disagrees. This is a public place, and we can't live here forever. If it ruins your future and prevents you from getting a house, how can you get married in the future? ah."

The voices of the two elders of the married family were very low, almost inaudible. In front of Cheng Haiwen, the most educated person in the family, they did not have enough confidence to express their views on giving up Cheng Qian.

"Mom and Dad, what do you mean? Don't you want to save Cheng Qian? She is your granddaughter." Cheng Haiwen immediately understood what his parents meant. He stood up from the chair suddenly, with his hands on his waist and a feeling in his heart. There were a lot of words stuck there, all of which were extremely harsh words of rebuke.

He stated his point of view righteously to the two elders of the Cheng family, "Mom and Dad, Cheng Qian can be saved no matter what. Even if I never get married in this life, I will give all my salary to my third sister-in-law. As a child medical expenses.”

(End of this chapter)

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