Chapter 732
In the evening, the married people came back one after another. The two elders of the married family were in good condition. After treatment at the city hospital, Cheng Haiyi's mother had recovered the ability to walk and talk. She just needed help. Mr. Cheng The cast on his leg has also been removed, and he can still walk with crutches, and he can move around freely in his daily life.

Cheng Haishuang was very happy, and while helping the two old people get off the tricycle, he talked about his contribution.

"Mom and Dad, I have done a great job this time. If you had gone to the city for treatment early in the morning, you might have been able to run around long ago."

Cheng Haishuang dressed up very delicately after she got rich. She wore an apricot-yellow windbreaker and carried a small leather bag. She walked in from the courtyard gate like a capitalist lady.Behind him were his sister-in-law and his family who had just returned from town, as well as Cheng Haiqiang's son Bao'er.

As soon as these people entered the yard, they realized something was wrong. For the first time, Wu Qin didn't curse and bark in the yard. Even the chickens in the fence were very quiet.

"Mom and Dad, are you back?" Cheng Haiyi heard the noise and walked out of the attic room. He had a bad look on his face and stood in the yard like a black-faced god, blocking everyone's way.

"Hai Yi, why did you come back so soon? Didn't you say you had to wait until the end of the month?" People with married families found it incredible to see Cheng Haiyi come back. They also heard about the tornado at the border and thought he would be angry because of this. Something delayed the trip.

Especially the second oldest son in a married family is worried and distressed after seeing his son, fearing that he will directly retire from the army instead of changing jobs, in which case his future will be ruined.

"I will starve to death if I don't come back to Meixi. Everyone, please come inside. I have something to say." Cheng Haiyi asked everyone to gather in the room of the second elder of the married family. After lighting up all the lights in the room, he came from the attic room. A basket of things was brought in.

"Mom, Dad, brother and sister-in-law, do you usually feed Meixi this kind of food?" Cheng Haiyi kept the evidence. He placed the meal Wu Qin sent to Bai Meixi in front of his parents and eldest brother and sister-in-law. He was bound to show this Investigate the matter and find the person responsible.

"What are these? When I left yesterday, I made fried pork with cabbage and steamed steamed steamed buns with red dates." The sister-in-law looked innocent. Although she often goes to the town, she is still interested in Bai Meixi's food. At least Clean meals are prepared every time and she will definitely be fed.

Now this kind of thing that is not even as good as pig food makes her cover her nose and scream at Cheng Haiyi.

"Hai Yi, this is definitely not what I put in the basket before. The meals were all delivered by Wu Qin. You have to ask her, Wu Qin, come out and see if you did this." The sister-in-law shouted in the room. , called Wu Qin over for a confrontation.

Cheng Haiqiang and Wu Qin knew that they could no longer hide, so they had no choice but to come out of the house. However, the countermeasure they adopted was that they would admit everything they had done, but they refused to repent.

"I only left one portion of those meals, which is not enough for me to eat myself. Sister-in-law, you didn't make it clear. How do I know it's for my third younger brother and sister?"

Wu Qin opened her eyes and told lies. She stole other people's food and took it with confidence. She put all the blame on her sister-in-law.Thinking that she is in charge of the family's money but does nothing and lets them starve in vain.If she had reserved three meals, they would never eat Bai Meixi's portion.

"Who said you only kept one portion? If you have stick noodles at home, wouldn't you make them yourself? If you don't pay the money and go into the public account, you always want to take advantage. We can't spend all our hard-earned money on you." The sister-in-law started arguing with Wu Qin. , feeling that she was freeloading at home every day, with Cheng Haishuang also helping out. This incident has become a normal occurrence in the family. It happens almost every day. On several occasions, martial arts were even performed, and the family fought in the yard.

Bai Meixi heard the noise, and she also walked to the yard and looked in the direction of the room, wanting to see how the married couple would handle the matter, but the two elders of the married family never spoke, and instead the arguments in the house got louder and louder. The more intense.

"Stop arguing. Even if these things were replaced by the second sister-in-law, it means that you don't pay attention to Meixi's life at all!" Cheng Haiyi was given a headache by the noise. He yelled and told everyone to immediately Shut up.

As soon as the married people entered the house, Cheng Haiyi looked at their clothes. He could see that their living conditions were much better than before, especially the elder sister-in-law's daughter. Although she was mute, she also put on a new piece of clothing and was very happy. Wearing a beautiful head flower.

Of course he wanted his family to live a better life, and he was willing to spend money on them, but Bai Meixi's living conditions were so bad, in stark contrast to their gradually improving life, that was what he couldn't bear.

"Hai Yi, there are a lot of things at home, and it is inevitable that there will be times when things are careless, especially since my parents have been ill recently. Meixi did not take good care of them, but we did not expect Wu Qin's character to be so bad. They don’t even give Meixi food to eat.”

The eldest brother is a loyal person. He can understand Cheng Haiyi's anger at this time, but he also feels that this matter has little to do with their house. During this period, they have worked hard to take care of the elderly. Even if there are shortcomings, it is reasonable. .

"That's right, third brother, I have recently bought a lot of good things to give to third sister-in-law. Otherwise, she would be harmed by this woman Wu Qin every day, how could she survive until now."

Cheng Haishuang also complained. Ever since Bai Meixi helped her, she had been repaying her kindness. Every time she went out, she would send something to eat to Bai Meixi's house. She definitely didn't treat her badly.

"What do you mean? Put all the responsibility on us! You are not at home. During this time, we are busy at home and outside the house. What have you helped!" Cheng Haiqiang naturally asked at this time. Wu Qin stood on the united front and repeatedly stated that Wu Qin was not easy during this period. His ability to tell lies even shocked his sister-in-law.

Seeing that several women in the room were about to quarrel again, Mr. Cheng, who had been silent, finally spoke up. However, the purpose of his voice was not to judge right from wrong for the people in the room, but to focus on Cheng Haiyi. On the body.

"Third brother, you haven't said how you came back this time. If you dare to come directly from the army and don't find a receiving unit, there will definitely be no room for you at home!"

The old man's roar made everyone quiet again. Everyone looked at Cheng Haiyi curiously, realizing that he was the biggest mystery today, especially Cheng Haiqiang and his wife. Now they wished that Cheng Haiyi had no job and left Cheng Haiyi in charge. He kicked them out, and then they could still survive as long as they forced the five and six people to pay money home.

(End of this chapter)

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