The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 711 Meeting an old friend at the camp

Chapter 711 Meeting an old friend at the camp
Bai Meixi led Jiu Sheng all the way east. According to the direction in winter, the herdsmen's market should be one kilometer away from this exit. However, this market keeps changing. It is possible that the herdsmen have left after spring.

Baimeixi quickly found the familiar valley. As expected, there were many fewer tents here and it looked a bit desolate. This herdsmen's market was far away from the city and had inconvenient transportation. It was usually only used in the severe winter. Now it is probably completely closed. Abandoned.

"Sister, are there sheep here? There are so many sheep dung." Jiu Sheng found it strange to see a lot of sheep dung balls beside the rocks. In his opinion, sheep would not come to such a rocky place.

"Some people raised sheep here before, but those people should have moved away." Baimeixi also saw these sheep dung balls, as well as the temporary fences used to keep sheep. Judging from the condition of these fences, those The herdsmen should have moved away a long time ago.

Bai Meixi wanted to find the previous market. Before she even got on her horse, she saw a figure running towards her in the distance.

"Toya, are you back?" The man was very excited when he saw Bai Meixi. Behind him was a black horse with a shiny coat that looked like brocade. Bai Meixi was a little surprised. He had done business with her before. The Mongolian man actually didn't leave and was still living in this camp.

"Are you Mo Rigen?" Bai Meixi's memory has not been very good since she was pregnant. It took her a long time to think about this man's name. Mo Rigen is also one of the nearby traveling merchants, and he is very famous among the traveling merchants on the border. The funds in hand are also very abundant. With him here, the things in Bai Meixi's hands will be sold much easier.

"Great, do you still remember me? Do you still have vegetables in your hand? There have been a lot of people selling vegetables recently, but the vegetables are not as fresh as the ones you brought, and there are too few, not enough to share."

As soon as Morigen saw Bai Meixi, he asked about the source of goods. During this period, the herdsmen's market had gradually moved inward. The new camp was closer to the road and could bring in a lot of things, but Morigen had gone to see those things. The quality is very average, and local retail sales are okay. If they are wholesaled and then transported to the depths of the grassland, they will definitely be damaged.

He never left, just wanting to wait here for news about Toya, hoping to make a big deal. Today, his hard work finally paid off.

"I do have some good vegetables, but I don't want lambs. If you have cows and horses, or cowhide and sheepskin that can be easily stored, I can exchange them with you." The space in Baimeixi is overrun with lambs, and they can neither be sold nor eaten. If it is not finished, it is better to store some cattle and horses and use them to pull goods at the market in the future.

What's more, fur is a good thing in Puhai, and it is also a symbol of status. Every time there are fur products in large shopping malls, people will line up to grab them. Bai Meixi has gone to see them, and the quality of those sheepskin products is far inferior to those from the border areas. But the price is more than ten times more expensive than here.

"These are no problem. As long as you have fresh vegetables, I can help you find them." Mo Rigen's face was full of excitement. He felt that his decision to stay and wait for Bai Meixi was right.

He agreed with Bai Meixi to trade here tomorrow, and then he would bring the furs and horses she needed, as well as some blankets and pendants unique to the border area for her to choose from.

After getting Mo Rigen's promise, Bai Meixi immediately returned to the space to prepare things. She packed ten baskets full of sweet potatoes, green vegetables and tomatoes, as well as five pairs of hares and some fresh carp.

Early the next morning, she drove all the horses and camels out of the space, tied a dozen baskets of things on them, and walked toward the market like a caravan.Jiu Sheng insisted on going with Bai Meixi to prevent those people from snatching Bai Meixi's things. The two of them felt the biting cold as soon as they left the space. The temperature difference between morning and evening at the border was huge. Jiu Sheng's cotton clothes were almost blown by the cold wind. After hunting, he had to hide in the livestock pile to stay warm.

"Sister, it would be great if we also had a yurt of our own. Just like in the small courtyard before, we can change places as soon as we open the door."

Jiu Sheng shrank his neck, wishing he could enter a room immediately.Bai Meixi felt that what Jiu Sheng said made sense. Instead of a caravan appearing so conspicuously out of thin air, it would be better to set up a yurt nearby and transport things out and sell them every day.

"We'll go back to a yurt in a while. We won't have to be so cold in the future."

Bai Meixi wrapped her woolen blanket tightly around her body. After walking for half an hour, the two of them found the area near the camp. Morigen had already arrived, and there were three young traveling businessmen, each with a lot of money behind them. The goods and a few people built yurts, making the whole camp quickly lively.

"Toya, you are finally back. We have heard from Morigen about you. These furs are good things. If you like them, we have many more."

The three young traveling merchants gathered around Bai Meixi when they saw her. They were holding fur blankets and unique silverware in their hands, ready to exchange fresh vegetables with Bai Meixi.

"I didn't bring many things today. I mainly let everyone see the quality. There will be more in the future." Bai Meixi unloaded the bamboo baskets on the mules and horses with the help of Mo Rigen. In order to avoid These things were frostbitten and covered with thick grass, making each bamboo basket look extremely mysterious.

At first, the traveling merchants did not notice what was in the bamboo basket, but after opening it in Baimeixi, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe that they could see seafood and such fresh vegetables here.

"Are these carp alive? How could there be live fish in this place and how were they transported in?" Mo Rigen was also shocked when he saw these live fish. He has been in business for so long and has seen seafood being sold. Most of the seafood sold by the people is carried out in winter. It is packed with a lot of ice cubes and transported here after several days and nights. Even if it is still edible, it will become frozen and there is absolutely no way it is still alive.

Moreover, the price of this kind of seafood is extremely high. It is a veritable luxury product that ordinary people cannot afford. As a result, these seafood are often expensive but not marketable, and gradually no one makes it anymore.

"Don't worry about how I brought it in. Just pay the price. I want to exchange for a yurt and some living utensils today." Bai Meixi didn't want to explain. She just wanted to exchange for what she needed. She knew that the yurt was important to the herdsmen. Supplies are also much more expensive than ordinary cattle and sheep. If these things are not enough, she can go back to the space to get them.

Mo Rigen's expression was a little solemn. He took the traveling businessmen aside to discuss it. The way they kept arguing made Bai Meixi think that the price he was asking was too high, so that even Mo Rigen couldn't afford it. this fee.

(End of this chapter)

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