The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 692 The treasure at the bottom of the well

Chapter 692 The treasure at the bottom of the well

Although it was already the end of April, there was still a slight chill around her. Bai Meixi shrank her entire body into the quilt and closed her eyes to rest.

The scooter swayed when riding, as if someone was pushing a baby's cradle. Bai Meixi was thinking about those beeswax bracelets last night and didn't sleep well at all. Now she is very sleepy. .

"Sister, we're here." Xiaojun woke up Bai Meixi. When she fell asleep in the car, Xiaojun had already ridden near the train station. There was a small courtyard with two main houses for sale. There are two doors, one is the side door entering from the yard, and the other is the main door facing the entire street. There is a whole wall of glass next to the main door, allowing outsiders to easily see inside.

Every layout here is for doing business. This kind of house is a standard ground floor business, and it is also an excellent place for doing business. It is not easy for Xiaojun to find this place.

"Is there anyone there?" Bai Meixi called out. She rubbed her nose. She had just come out of the warm bed. She was indeed a little cold now. She felt her nose itching and making her sneeze when she took a breath.

"Someone, someone, are you here to see the house?" A man walked out of the side room and took Bai Meixi for a walk around the yard. His family used to be in the calligraphy and painting business, but since the movement started Later, the calligraphy and painting business was completely banned, and his family could only sit and eat. Now that they were running out of food and ammunition, it was natural for him to decide on this house.

On weekdays, they all live in the east and west wings, and the main building where they can do business has always been vacant. They regard this place as the faith of the entire family, and always feel that they can make a comeback one day.

"We are here to look at the house. The calligraphy and painting business is good. It looks elegant. If you come across a painting that is worth twice as much, you can make a lot of money." Bai Meixi is very satisfied with this house. Even if she is not doing business, it is so good. Sunshine can also make people healthy, which is a good thing.

Bai Meixi asked about the price at that time, and the figure that person gave was actually three or four times that of ordinary houses around it. It was simply a sky-high price.

"Madam, if you are sincere in buying it, we can lower the price a little more, but this is a geomantic treasure land for doing business, so the price can't be lowered much."

That man is very good at business. His ancestors were in the dental business, specializing in introducing people to house sales. This smooth talk has been passed down from generation to generation. If the dental business was not gone now, his family would definitely be able to carry forward this industry.

"Sister, let's go, I know two more." Xiaojun didn't counter-offer at all, and directly eliminated this small courtyard from his options.He brought Bai Meixi here to let people see his strength and connections, not to let these people mess around.

"Don't leave. My place is expensive for a reason. Let's discuss it again!" When the homeowner saw Bai Meixi leaving, he quickly stopped him, but Xiaojun was stronger than him and pushed him back into the house. inside.

"This matter is not negotiable. We treat you as friends, but you slaughter us like fat sheep. I will not do your business in the future." Xiaojun was really angry, but the man stopped talking several times. Keep looking at Bai Meixi next to her.

"Xiaojun, let's listen to him explain the reason. If it's really worth the money, we can buy it." Bai Meixi felt that there was something more to this matter, so she and Xiaojun returned to the courtyard. Sure enough, there was something else in this courtyard. Qiankun, in addition to doing business, there are also many secret rooms and compartments in the house where you can hide things. "Look at this, you have never seen a darkroom like this." The homeowner took Bai Meixi and Xiaojun to a well. The bottom of the well was empty, and it looked like a dry well on the surface. But if you go down the ladder, you will find something else. The side of the well is actually connected to a basement that is as high as one person. The space inside is several hundred square meters, and there are several wooden boxes placed there.

"When did you dig and transport so much soil? Why didn't the people around you notice it?" Xiaojun didn't expect that there was an underground palace here. People in the city also have the habit of digging for vegetables, but most of them are a dozen or so people. A square meter place is far less spectacular than this place.

"This place originally existed. It may have been an air-raid shelter left behind during the previous war, used for escaping. But the mechanism is very clever. Look at the well door. As long as it is sealed and filled with water, people outside will definitely see it. It won't come out, and I've tried it. Even the ground inside won't get wet. It's absolutely waterproof.

The homeowner proudly introduced that these things were left by his ancestors. When he first discovered them, he thought it was incredible. If he hadn't been afraid of attracting criticism, he would have spread the word to the world about the existence of such good things in his home.

"Sister, this place is good, you can store a lot of things." Xiaojun is very satisfied with this underground space. He hides in his house every day, digging holes and holes, but he still can't hide many treasures. If there are Once you have this place, you can put a lot of things in it.

Bai Meixi had space at her disposal and didn't care about the basement. It was obviously inappropriate to pay three or four times the price, but she became very interested in the wooden boxes in the basement and felt that there should be the treasure she wanted. .

"This basement is of no use to me. I'm doing a legitimate business and I don't need such a hidden place to store things. If you have calligraphy and painting, I can collect them."

Bai Meixi directly explained the purpose of her visit. Even if there were no calligraphy and paintings, the wooden boxes in the cellar were still good. They seemed to be at least several decades old.

"I don't have the calligraphy and painting anymore. There are still some messy things in those boxes. If you want 100 yuan per box, I'll let you take them all."

The homeowner felt a little disappointed when he heard that Bai Meixi didn't want to buy the yard. He was even more afraid that Bai Meixi would tell the story about the basement, so he wanted to take the opportunity to get some money. If he could get 400 yuan, it would be enough. The whole family has been using it for a year.

"Those broken boxes add up to 100 yuan, which is about the same." Xiaojun was extremely dissatisfied with the price. He had been purchasing for such a long time, and he was already aware of the price, let alone the few boxes. The contents inside are sometimes good or bad. Just transporting those boxes up from the bottom of the well is a big project, but Bai Meixi and Xiaojun cannot complete it alone.

"I will promise you if you can transport those boxes up." Bai Meixi had seen those boxes when she was underground. They were full of things. She touched them quietly and found that they were very dry inside. Plus this room Considering the background of the main family, this matter is worth a gamble. Maybe there are many treasures in the box, which are more valuable than they seem.

(End of this chapter)

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