The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 651 A thief appears in the Yao family compound

Chapter 651 A thief appears in the Yao family compound

Bai Meixi returned to Chengjia's attic. As soon as she opened the window, she heard the noise outside. A large group of people were wandering around in the street. Everyone looked very anxious.

Bai Meixi felt that something big must have happened in the village. She wanted to go downstairs to see if the family was safe, but the ladder at the attic had been moved away long ago, and even every time Jiu Sheng came in to clean it, there was nothing. The ladder must be returned to its original position as requested by the sister-in-law.

Now Bai Meixi can only look anxiously at the edge of the empty stairs. She has only two choices now, either to return to the Fourth Sister Temple through space and rush back to get married from there, or she can only find a way to escape from this attic. Go downstairs.

Bai Meixi decided to take a risk. She took out a large bundle of rope from the space, fixed it on the iron ring on the roof of the attic, and slowly moved it along the edge of the wall to the downstairs.The whole process is very dangerous. If she is not careful, Bai Meixi will fall from a height of two meters and injure the child in her belly.

Fortunately, she often exercised and her legs and feet were still strong. It only took her two or three minutes to slide from the attic to the downstairs and stand firmly on the floor of the room.

After completing this series of actions, Bai Meixi was sweating profusely. She touched her belly and found that the child was staying inside safely without any fuss or fuss, which made Bai Meixi feel at ease.

She quietly slipped out of the house to see how her family was doing. Before she reached the main courtyard, she saw Wu Qin standing at the entrance of the courtyard looking around. Next to her was the equally disgusting Cheng Baozhu, mother and daughter. They are exactly the same, they are both looking at other people's jokes.

Something happened in the village. The sister-in-law of the Yao family at the east end of the village sat on the ground and kept crying. Her face was ashen and uglier than if she was seriously ill.

"Damn it, who stole my piglets? After raising them for three months, I can sell the meat for money soon. Wouldn't it cost me my life to steal them now?"

The sister-in-law of the Yao family cried extremely sadly. In this era, raising pigs is a big deal. Usually a family can only afford to raise one pig. Her family's big spotted pig was bought and raised a few years ago. It can be used to breed piglets. To sell, the sister-in-law of the Yao family specially spent money to breed the pigs. Most of the money for these expenses was borrowed, all waiting to be sold after the piglets were born to pay off the debt.

Now there were several in the sow's belly, and it was the only bargaining chip for the Yao family's sister-in-law to make money. If it was stolen like this, wouldn't she lose both money and goods?

"Daughter-in-law of the Yao family, don't just cry. Go and look for it in the fields. Maybe the pig is greedy and ran into the fields to steal something to eat." People in the village knew that the life of the Yao family's sister-in-law was difficult. Her husband was always Due to illness, he was completely paralyzed last year and could only move around in a wooden wheelchair.

The family has no way to farm, so they can only raise some piglets and wait to sell them for money. In this situation, God has not left a way for their family to survive.

The village chief mobilized half the village to search, and even Cheng Jia was no exception. Cheng Haiqiang and Mr. Cheng also joined the task of looking for pigs, wandering around the empty fields.

It is now the middle of winter, and most of the grain in the fields has been taken back to the warehouse. Only a few sweet potatoes that were not dug up are buried deep in the fields and have become food for nearby livestock.

Rural people have a way of leaving everything behind, and do not want to kill everything. The villagers deliberately did not dig up these sweet potatoes, in order to provide a way for stray animals to survive. Sometimes animals at home smell the fragrance of sweet potatoes and will The pig came here to dig something to eat. The pig probably had the same idea and ran to find something to eat somewhere.

But everyone is sure that this pig must not be far away, and maybe it is eating happily somewhere now. "The village chief is right, we can definitely find it." The Yao family's daughter-in-law finally woke up and ran towards the field staggeringly. She made up her mind to get the pig back and wait until the piglets were born. Selling it can not only repay the money in the fastest way, but also prevent the pig from escaping again.

Usually when chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep run away from someone's house, someone will help to find them. These livestock have never left the village, and even if they run away, they will not go too far, but this time the pig seems to have disappeared, no matter what Can't find it.

The villagers had already searched all the nearby fields, but they could not see the piglets that Yao's wife had longed for. Many of them were so tired that their backs ached and they really couldn't walk.

"It's gone, how could it be gone!"

The Yao family's daughter-in-law was completely stunned. She sat on the edge of the field and cried for more than half an hour. People around her tried to persuade her, but seeing that her emotions were getting more and more out of control, they had no choice but to give up. Everyone went home to rest, except for the village chief's wife and a few people. A strong man stayed behind to prevent anything from happening to the Yao family's sister-in-law.

"The pig has also learned its way. Maybe it will come back on its own sometime." The village chief's wife constantly gave Yao family sister-in-law firm confidence, letting her believe that she would not suffer any property losses. If so, the whole village would surely I will collect the money from donations and buy her a piglet.

After the sister-in-law of the Yao family cried for a while, she was sent home by the village chief's wife and two village women. The villagers talked a lot and felt that this matter was very strange. If the pig either ran away by itself or was stolen by someone, .

"Stealing pigs? Our village has always had simple folk customs. Who would do such a thing? Besides, it is not easy to take away such a big pig in front of so many people."

"That's right, there haven't been any thieves in our village for hundreds of years. The two dogs who used to eat and wait to die are all dead. How come there are still people stealing things now?"

The people in the village shook their heads, feeling that this incident was definitely not done by one of their own, and that outsiders were very conspicuous when they entered the village, and they were discovered before they even touched the pigs.

"There are some unreliable villagers in our village. The child named Jiu Sheng has no parents or family behind him, but he has food and drink in the village every day and can go to school. Where did the money come from? He probably stole it from us. Things, obtained from the market."

The villagers focused their suspicious eyes on Jiu Sheng. Every time they saw Jiu Sheng, they wanted to beat him up and make him explain clearly where things were going.But everyone suffered from the lack of sufficient evidence, so they could only think about such angry thoughts in the village.

Jiu Sheng went to Bai Meixi's attic to deliver food as usual every day. He was shocked when he saw her running down by herself. He glanced at the ladder placed in the yard and wondered what kind of superpower she had used.

He raised his head and found the rope that had been beaten down. He was immediately shocked. Bai Meixi dared to slide down from the attic. She was like a contemporary heroine.

"Jiusheng, if someone bullies you outside, you must tell me." Bai Meixi has heard the rumors outside, and she is afraid that Jiusheng will be bullied. She touches his head lovingly, feeling that the suffering has never left him. This child is very unfair to him.

(End of this chapter)

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