The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 624 Letter from Cheng Haiyi

Chapter 624 Letter from Cheng Haiyi

Wu Qin kept her promise this time and brought back a few kilograms of eggs the next day, saying that she had exchanged them for the furniture in the Hong family's house. The sister-in-law carefully recorded the income in the public account and converted it into money. I sat down to see how much Cheng Haiqiang's family could bring in in a month.

Wu Qin's behavior made Cheng Haiqiang feel very strange. He knew his wife well, and asking her to take out the things in her pocket was more difficult than climbing to the sky. What's more, he had just returned home to the county town yesterday and there was nothing missing in the house. , and a few more.

He found an excuse to trick Wu Qin back to his home in the county town, saying that it was Chinese New Year and he wanted to clean the house. As soon as he opened the door, he found a pack of snacks on the table. They were from the best snack shop in town. Only the CIA is willing to eat it during the Chinese New Year.

"Tell me, why are those things here? You can't do anything wrong." Cheng Hai Qiang blocked Wu Qin in the room. He also knew some of her previous things and was afraid that she would use her body in exchange for things. If such a thing happened, After being exposed, he was cuckolded from head to toe.

He would rather go up the mountain every day to dig sweet potatoes to eat than have his spine poked like this.

"It's not easy to get things. We have a ready-made golden hen at home. If your parents don't use it, let's use it." Wu Qin smiled mysteriously. Naturally, she couldn't bring out so many things by selling her own things. Instead, he took advantage of Cheng Haiwen.

Although Cheng Haiwen went to the city, his marriage was still a huge bait. As long as they took the initiative to talk about getting married in various places, the tea money and gifts would naturally be indispensable.In the past two days, she just posted some news and received a lot of good things. After the New Year, she would be active around the world, and maybe she could help Cheng Haiqiang find a serious job.

"How dare you do this? What if your parents find out?" Cheng Haiqiang was startled. The two elders of the Cheng family had returned the things that others had given them before. If they knew that they were secretly receiving gifts in private, they would definitely be punished. Kicked out.

"What can we do if we know? Can't you see the current situation in our family? We have no money and no one looks down on us. It only takes a few minutes to drive us out. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to get more things?" Even if you are kicked out in the future, you can have a way out. Besides, there is only one Cheng Haiwen, so naturally you can’t marry every girl, so you can just find a reason to excuse her."

Wu Qin took a sip of tea leisurely and stuffed a mouthful of snacks into her mouth. It was hard for her to get married and start a family. If she didn't use them to make money, how could she be worthy of her scheming.

She saw Cheng Haiqiang hesitate and gave him a piece of the pastry in her hand. The food in this pastry shop was soft and delicious, and the filling melted in the mouth, which immediately made Cheng Haiqiang lose his temper.

"Then don't charge too much, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the scandal in the future." Cheng Haiqiang gave a few words and easily agreed to the matter. He looked at the things in the house and asked Wu Qin to change them into cash. Now that it’s the Chinese New Year, these gifts are the easiest to sell.

"You don't need to tell me about this little thing, I know what to do." Of course what Wu Qin wants most is cash. Gifts from others will eventually go bad if they are piled up in the house, so cash is the most practical thing.

Ever since Wu Qin handed over things to the public account, the Cheng family has returned to peace. The two elders of the Cheng family have always believed that Wu Qin sold things from the Hong family in exchange for food. Her former husband worked in the commune, and there must have been many Oil and water, they had no doubts about this matter.

Good news also came from Cheng Haiyi. He achieved third-class merit in the army and sent back his certificate and bonus.

There is also a letter, which in addition to expressing his longing for his family, also specifically mentions the matter of changing jobs. The army leaders have carefully considered this matter, and there may be news soon.

Knowing that their son was coming back, the two elders of the married family had indescribable joy on their faces. They posted the certificate on the wall of the main room so that everyone who came in and out could see it. "The third brother is going to change his career and come back! This is great. He has been guarding the border for so many years. It's time for him to come back and live a good life for a few days." The eldest son of the Cheng family is very happy. Now the fifth brother has gone to work in the city and the sixth brother is studying again. With craftsmanship, the family's life has gradually stabilized, and it's time for Cheng Haiyi to come back and reunite with his family.

The eldest sister-in-law and seventh sister also agreed. After all, the border security is dangerous. They hope that their brother can make meritorious service and receive awards, but they are also worried that he will get injured and have an accident. It would be safer to come back.

"Hurry up and tell Meixi the news. She will be very happy." The second elder of the Cheng family asked her sister-in-law to send the letter to Bai Meixi, and give it to her along with the bonus sent by Cheng Haiyi.

There were two letters in the envelope, one for her parents and one for Bai Meixi alone, which expressed endless lovesickness.

Cheng Haiyi is a good general in the army. The leader was originally reluctant to let him come back and planned to send him to a military school to further his studies. After completing his studies, he could be promoted to another level. However, after seriously considering Bai Mei's words, he felt that there was no future for him. Wife and children are important.

He convinced his boss that as long as he could change jobs and return to his hometown, he didn't care what kind of job he had. However, Bai Meixi might have to suffer some hardships from him in the future, and his monthly income and chances of being allocated a house would be affected.

Bai Meixi was very moved by Cheng Haiyi's actions. She had enough material resources and didn't care at all how much money Cheng Haiyi made. Instead, she paid more attention to his thoughts at this time.

The content of this letter was also read by everyone in the family, and it reached the ears of Cheng Haiqiang and Wu Qin in less than half a day.

"I have been promoted to deputy company commander, and I have made meritorious service. I am now the company commander. Why do I have to come back at this time? What good job can we have in this small town?"

Cheng Haiqiang expressed opposition to this matter. What he cared about was Cheng Haiyi's allowance. Now his family depends on him for living. If his monthly salary is only three to forty yuan, they and the others will eat and drink whatever they want.

"That's right. Now everyone who wants to join the army can't. How can they take the initiative to ask for a job transfer? I think the third brother's ability is excellent. He will be promoted to a regiment leader in the future. It's a pity to come back. And I heard that some people who transferred jobs can't even join the army. I couldn’t arrange my work, so I finally came back to farm.”

Wu Qin also helped, asking the two elders of the Cheng family to persuade Cheng Haiyi not to come back to work. If he really missed home, he could let Bai Meixi live in the past without risking his own future.

If you really come back to farm, you will have no income, and you will be ridiculed by others. Even having a family will become a joke in everyone's eyes.

The two elders of the Cheng family were originally unwilling to listen to what Wu Qin had to say, but the matter of career change was indeed uncertain. Many times it was a matter of fortune or misfortune. Gradually, the two elders of the Cheng family were also persuaded by Wu Qin, and they planned to send a telegram to Cheng Haiyi. , let him carefully consider changing jobs. Even if he wants to come back, he must have a decent job before he can come back.

(End of this chapter)

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