The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 614 The glory of the whole village

Chapter 614 The glory of the whole village
"Comrade, are you telling the truth? My son can go to work in the city. Is he a formal worker?" The two elders of the married family were so excited that they couldn't help but bring Song Cheng back to the house to see a treasure. Looking at him the same.

"Lao Wu, come out quickly, the city's newspaper leaders are here to find you!"

The two elders of the Cheng family shouted into Cheng Haiwen's room. Their shouts alarmed the entire yard. Everyone ran out of the house. Even Bai Meixi walked down to the attic and leaned against the door, listening to what was going on in the yard. movement.

Cheng Haiwen hurried out to greet them, but when he heard a few words in the Yuelou City newspaper, he thought they had found the wrong person.

"Comrade Song, I didn't submit an article to Yuecheng Newspaper. Did I make a mistake?" Cheng Haiwen never expected to work in a newspaper. He just wanted to write more articles and earn some manuscript fees to build a house. Unexpectedly, God He couldn't believe that such a generous gift was given to him.

He repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of this matter, fearing that his happiness would be in vain.

"That's right. Although you haven't contributed to our newspaper, we have read every article you wrote. You are a regular employee this time. Not only do you get a second-level salary, but you can also participate in room allocation and room allocation in the future. It’s a house in Yuelou City.”

Song Cheng introduced very enthusiastically that the treatment at their newspaper has always been very good, with benefits and wages higher than those of other companies, and much higher than those of nearby small towns.

Moreover, their unit had just built a dormitory building recently. Cheng Haiwen could live in the dormitory directly. The newspaper office also had a canteen, so food and accommodation were no problem.In the future, when you get married, you can also queue up to share a room. According to past practice, it will be at least one bedroom. These are benefits that are unimaginable in a small city.

Song Cheng showed great sincerity. In fact, not only the Yuelou City Newspaper, but also several other newspapers and magazines were also very interested in Cheng Haiwen. If they were too late, Cheng Haiwen would probably be snatched away by others.

"Haiwen is willing to go. Comrade Song, if there are any procedures that need to be completed, we will go through them now." The two elders of the Cheng family stood aside and nodded continuously, wishing that Cheng Haiwen could be sent to the city now so that he could live a good life in the future.

"Yes, I am willing to go, especially willing." Cheng Haiwen quickly agreed, fearing that this good opportunity would be fleeting.After he graduated, his family tried many ways, but failed to find him a formal job. Now that he is going to the city, it is definitely a matter of pride.

"As long as you are willing to go, you can go to the village committee to handle personnel transfers. I am responsible for this matter." Song Cheng was very happy when he heard Cheng Haiwen agreed. Several people immediately went to the village committee to go through the procedures. After the New Year, Cheng Haiwen After writing, you can report to work in Yuelou City.

"Comrade, thank you, thank you so much. Come to my house for dinner. I have to cook something good to thank you." The second elder of the Cheng family held Song Cheng's hand and thanked him profusely. When he got home, he placed it at the door. A 5000-fire firecracker was set off to announce to the whole village, and a banquet was prepared for Song Cheng to sit at the top no matter what.

"Old man, you don't have to be so polite. We will be colleagues from now on. We can just have a simple meal." Song Cheng was a little embarrassed. He knew that in a small mountain village like this, a banquet was a very luxurious thing and he might have to save up. A whole year's worth of money.

What's more, he often travels on business, and it's common to be hungry and full. As long as he can get him a bowl of noodles, he is already satisfied, and there is no need to spend so much money.

"Today such a good thing must be celebrated, Comrade Song, please don't be polite to me, just eat." The second elder of the married family was busy, and they exchanged all the money and food stamps in their hands for food to supplement Not enough food lately.Mr. Cheng even wanted to invite his neighbors over and have a lively time together. Unfortunately, Cheng Haiqiang had already spent a lot of money on his family's wedding some time ago. Now he has no money to entertain so many people. It is very embarrassing to barely make a decent banquet. Easy.

The sister-in-law took inventory of the things in the kitchen and found that she could only make four dishes and one soup at most. Naturally, these dishes had nothing to do with the banquet noodles and could only be regarded as common food. She had to make more dishes for each dish to make them more delicious. Piles filled the whole house.

"Old man, bring me some food to go with the wine." Mr. Cheng asked his sister-in-law to fry some peanuts and cook half a pound of edamame. He poured a full glass of white wine for Song Cheng, and the two chatted face to face.

Song Cheng talked about a lot of things that happened in the city, and everything made Mr. Cheng feel novel. When he thought that his son would be able to live a high-class life in the future, Mr. Cheng couldn't help but feel excited.

"Old man, do you want to help?"

This village has always been hospitable, and soon a neighbor came to visit, bringing some cabbage and vermicelli as gifts. She volunteered to go to the kitchen to cook, without treating herself as an outsider.

The neighbor was not curious about who was in the yard. As soon as they went through the formalities at the village committee, the news that Cheng Haiwen was going to work in the city spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout the village. The first person to go to work in the city, Cheng Haiwen naturally received great attention.

After the neighbors knew that the couple was going to have a banquet, they all brought things to congratulate them. Soon the table was filled with chicken, duck and fish, and all the dishes were being prepared in an orderly manner. The scene was even better than when Cheng Haiqiang and Wu Qin got married. lively.

"I don't know what kind of bad luck he got, but he actually has to go to work in the city! If you can, go to the capital!"

Wu Qin closed the door of the room and threw a pillow heavily on the bed. She had always placed her hope on Cheng Haiwen's royalties. If he went to work in the city and received a fixed salary, the family would no longer be able to count on him. Wu Qin It's not easy for Qin to take advantage of others.

She already hated Cheng Haiwen, but now the situation was getting worse and worse, which made her feel even more unhappy. She wanted to run out immediately and mess up the matter.

"It's always a good thing for fifth brother to go to the city. Haven't you always wanted a room? From now on, let Qimei sleep in fifth brother's room and let Baozhu sleep in her reverse room. If sixth brother comes back, Let Baozhu sleep with Seventh Sister, and give the reverse room to Sixth Brother. This way we each have our own place, and it will be more convenient for whatever we want to do in the future."

Cheng Haiqiang is different from Wu Qin. Although he is selfish, he hopes that all his brothers and sisters will be well. Only in this way can he profit from it. Cheng Haiwen can go to work in the city, which also makes him more attractive. Naturally, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Cheng Haiqiang felt that his arrangement was very reasonable. He sat back at the wine table and exchanged glasses with everyone. Now was the happiest time for the two elders of the Cheng family. If he talked now, the success rate would be very high.

(End of this chapter)

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