Chapter 606 Heavy Housework
"It's not up to me to decide whether it will be a boy or a girl. As long as the child is safe, that's fine." Bai Meixi sent flower branches downstairs. Her mother-in-law had been waiting at the door for a long time. She felt relieved after hearing that Bai Meixi's fetus was safe. It's just that the two daughters-in-law have to stay in bed, which suddenly messes up the housework at home.

The eldest sister-in-law had to take up the housework again at home, including cleaning the yard, arranging three meals for the family, feeding pigs and chickens, and carrying laundry and water. This kind of workload kept her busy without even touching the floor, and she still couldn't finish it.

Although my sister-in-law is a hard-working person, there are two pregnant women who need special care in the family, and there is a half-year-old child Cheng Baozhu. Even she feels that these housework are indeed a bit heavy, and her attitude towards Wu Qin is also Becoming lukewarm.

Mother-in-law Bai Meixi's attitude towards Wu Qin was even worse. She thought Wu Qin had a bad reputation before and didn't want her to come in. Now that she heard that she almost killed her grandson because of her affair, she regretted it even more.

"Xiao Qin, you have also given birth to a child. You need to know how to control some things. From now on, you and Zhuzhu sleep in this room and let her take care of you."

In order to control her son, Bai Meixi's mother-in-law handed over the responsibility of taking care of Wu Qin to Cheng Baozhu, asking Cheng Baozhu to bring water and feed Wu Qin every day, clean the room, and wash Wu Qin's and her own clothes. , to help my sister-in-law lighten her burden.

This kind of work is nothing for a rural girl. My sister-in-law's daughter is only nine years old. She has already packed her things neatly and can help her pick vegetables and wash dishes.

Ke Cheng Baozhu was born arrogant. Even after Hong Fugui died, she didn't do any housework. She relied on Wu Qin's man outside to support her. Now that she was asked to take care of Wu Qin, she had no idea what to do, so she stayed in the house for a while. When I was young, I just wanted to play outside.

But Bai Meixi's mother-in-law was sitting in the main room. As soon as Cheng Baozhu went out, she would ask her to help Cheng's sister-in-law with work, either cleaning the room or feeding chickens and ducks, which made Cheng Baozhu extremely depressed.

"Grandma, I have never done any of these tasks before." Cheng Baozhu didn't know how to mix chicken food, and she didn't want to mix hot and smelly pig food. She just stood there and refused to move.

"You have to learn if you haven't done it before. Look at your sister, she is a few years younger than you and she can't do everything."

Bai Meixi's mother-in-law feels sorry for her busy eldest daughter-in-law, and requires each child to share in the housework. Cheng Baozhu is the oldest, so naturally she has to do the most. Now she keeps passing the buck, making Bai Meixi's mother-in-law dissatisfied.

Before Wu Qin's wedding, Cheng Baozhu also knew how to help the family with meals and pick vegetables. She seemed very well-behaved. But now she seems to have forgotten these things and actually started to be picky, treating herself as a member of a wealthy family. Miss.

"I'll go in and take care of my mother." Cheng Baozhu wanted to run away, but was stopped by Bai Meixi's mother-in-law. She had been very traditional for decades after she got married and had a family. She believed that they were a big family, with the older children taking care of the younger ones. It was a matter of course.

"Zhuzhu, you have to be more sensible. Now you are the eldest child in the family. You have to take care of your mother and your younger brothers and sisters. When your little brother is born in the future, you will need more care."

Bai Meixi's mother-in-law saw that Cheng Baozhu did not know how to feed pigs and ducks, so she did not force her. She asked Cheng Baozhu to take care of several children, especially the two boys. They often ran around the village and must Stay close and don't let them fall into the pond.

Cheng Baozhu couldn't refuse this, so she could only run around in the yard with a few children. Bao'er was already dissatisfied with her. When she saw that the adults in the family began to ignore her, she immediately teamed up with the two children of her sister-in-law's family to cause trouble. Cheng Baozhu was so angry that smoke rose from his head but he didn't dare to refute.She had to go into Wu Qin's house to complain countless times every day, but Wu Qin always said the same thing. She told Cheng Baozhu to be patient. Now the whole family is angry, and fighting against the two elders of the Cheng family is asking for death.

"Mom, when are you going to give birth? I'm going to be exhausted if I keep going like this." Cheng Baozhu lay lazily on the table. She could clearly feel the change in the Cheng family's attitude, and she wished she could feel the baby in Wu Qin's belly. The child can be born immediately to solve their current crisis.

"There are still four or five months left. Please be more honest during this period. If you don't want to work, just hide in my room and rub my legs for me."

Wu Qin sighed. The current situation was indeed not good for her. She had finally gained the recognition of the married family, but now she was almost beaten back to her original form because of this incident. Fortunately, the two elders of the married family did not say anything to let them live alone. Otherwise, She really didn't know how to survive these four or five months.

"Why does it take so long? Our classmate's mother gave birth to a baby in seven months. Mom, why don't you hurry up and let him come out quickly?" Cheng Baozhu seemed to understand something about giving birth, but only heard that Some people gave birth to Qixingzi, thinking that all children can be born in seven months.

"Don't talk nonsense. Premature children are weak and will get seriously ill. Nothing will happen to your brother." Wu Qin asked Cheng Baozhu to spit quickly. If the adult family heard such unlucky words, they would blame her again. .

"Baozhu, wash the dishes in the kitchen. I have to go and deliver food to your third sister-in-law." The sister-in-law called at Wu Qin's door and asked Cheng Baozhu to come out and wash the dishes. Now that there are several more people in the family, there is no helper around. , she is really a little busy.

Fortunately, Bai Meixi's mother-in-law personally ordered several children to help her work, and even Bao'er participated, making the things at hand easier for her.

After Wu Qin heard that her sister-in-law started to use Cheng Baozhu, she felt more and more unhappy, and directly locked Cheng Baozhu in her room.

"Sister-in-law, I asked Bao Zhu to help me wipe my body. You let Bao'er wash first. He is already 7 years old and he has to learn to do some housework."

Wu Qin thought that she was Bao'er's stepmother, and she always had the right to take care of her children. Unfortunately, Bao'er didn't listen to her at all. She went to the room of the second elder of the family early in the morning and acted cute, leaving the dishes and chopsticks piled up in the kitchen.

The elder sister-in-law came back from delivering the meal. When she saw the dishes and chopsticks were still in the kitchen, she knocked directly on Wu Qin's door and her tone became a little more stern, "Second sister-in-law, is Baozhu in the house? Ask her to come out and wash the dishes!"

After the sister-in-law finished speaking, she went to do other work in the yard. Wu Qin knew that if Cheng Baozhu didn't finish washing the dishes, the next step would be her mother-in-law to call for help. By then, the image of their mother and daughter in her mother-in-law's family would only be worse. , it will be difficult to make a comeback.

Wu Qin did not dare to quarrel with her sister-in-law, for fear that she would have fetal force again, but she did not want her daughter to work all the time. She thought for a few seconds, called Cheng Baozhu to her side, and said a few words in her ear, Let her follow her own plan.

(End of this chapter)

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