The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 536 There is a bigger camp in the north

Chapter 536 There is a bigger camp in the north
Early the next morning, Bai Meixi walked out of the third door with two camels, carrying 200 kilograms of salt, 400 kilograms of tea, and 200 kilograms of vegetables, a total of 10 baskets of goods.

The camels traveled very slowly in the snow, leaving heavy footprints wherever they went. Bai Meixi was afraid that these footprints would reveal the location of the third door and arouse others' suspicion, so she specially brought these two camels around. Turning around in a circle, the traces on the ground were blurred.

Today's market was equally lively. From afar, Bai Meixi saw a group of sheep blocking the market entrance, and a shepherd dog running back and forth to maintain order.

"Toya, you're finally here!" Temuer had been waiting there for a long time. He was afraid that he would be late and miss the opportunity to buy salt, so he set out from the camp before dawn, driving hundreds of sheep. Arrive at the West Market.

People in the market today also saw his sincerity. Not only did they cancel all the defensive equipment, but they also did several businesses with him.

But what he got in exchange were only small things, which were not enough to sustain him for a whole winter. The things Bai Meixi brought today were his main goal.

He kept his eyes on Bai Meixi's basket, trying to see if it contained enough of what he needed.

"I said I would come, and I will definitely come." Bai Meixi secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the sheep. It seems that Temuer just looks fierce, but he is actually an honest and trustworthy person. These sheep Almost enough to exchange for all the goods she brought.

She drove the two camels into the market, stopped at the rock, and began to trade with Temur.

The tea, salt, and vegetables brought by Baimeixi are all the best, especially the vegetables bought from Tong County. Each root is particularly clear and watery. In a place like this where the mountains are covered by heavy snow, they are as valuable as gold.

"Toya, your stuff is so good. I will definitely tell the leaders of other tribes so that they all know your name."

Temuer was particularly satisfied with this batch of goods. He gave Baimeixi a total of 80 sheep, a dozen sheepskins and deer skins, and exchanged the remaining sheep for some grain, and returned home with a full load.

Baimeixi is also very satisfied with today's harvest. Temur has lived deep in the grassland for a long time. His sheep are particularly fat and weigh several kilograms more than ordinary herdsmen's sheep. If calculated based on the weight of mutton, Baimeixi's sheep You can make a lot of money at a time.

What's more, there are those rare good leathers. Bai Meixi's hands slowly stroked those leathers. These leathers are very warm. If made into clothes, they can keep out the cold better than these large cotton coats.

"Toya, you can actually get so much salt, is there any more? Many of us here need it, even a few hundred kilograms is not too much."

When the herdsmen saw Bai Meixi bringing out several hundred kilograms of salt and tea, they all gathered around to order from her. Bai Meixi calculated the orders and found that the demand for salt was considerable, but it could not exceed the amount of 1000 kilograms. , she still has 1500 kilograms of salt in her warehouse. If she wants to sell all of it, the market is still too small.

"If the weather gets colder again, will everyone move to the mountains? If you want to go somewhere else, you must tell me."

Bai Meixi heard people in the camp say how many people there are here. Now everyone's demand does not match the population. It is still far behind. There may be many people living in the depths of the grassland like Temuer, and Don’t live around this market.

"We probably won't go any further, but there is a bigger market in the north. Many people who live deep in the grassland will go there to buy things. But because everyone is far away, every time the goods are sold, The trading volume is also very large, and most of the tribe leaders come directly to trade." The herdsmen told Baimeixi that there is a larger market in the north, about 80 kilometers away, where the trading volume is very large, including cattle, sheep and horses. The transaction volume is calculated in thousands, and these individual tourists are not within the scope of consideration of the traveling merchants.

Moreover, the roads there are very difficult to walk. Ordinary people would never bring their families with them to go such a long distance through the Baishan River.

Bai Meixi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard about this market. What she needs is thousands of transactions like this. Only in this way can she make full use of the space advantage and earn money for going long.

"I will come back in two days after I have prepared all the goods." Bai Meixi secretly noted the location of the market and drove the sheep back to the space.

She put the 80 sheep into the fence, and the originally empty sheepfold instantly became full. The space was filled with bleating sounds, and the fodder in the sheepfold was quickly consumed. The sheep gradually showed signs of each other. In a state of snatching food, the sheep coming from Temuer obviously formed a team and began to attack the original flock.

Bai Meixi quickly drove them away, found a temporary wooden fence, separated the two groups of sheep, and placed them on both sides of the fence.

"You guys have a good meal, and I'll prepare a good place for you in a few days." Bai Meixi spread the fodder she bought yesterday in the sheep pen. She hasn't thought about the sheep going out yet, so she can only keep them in the space for the time being. Milk.

After having food, the sheep finally calmed down, allowing Bai Meixi's ears that were about to be deafened to rest for a moment.

She got some goat milk from the sheepfold and returned to her bedroom to feed the leopards. The two cubs were already familiar with the smell of her body. When they saw Bai Meixi coming back, they immediately came up to meet her and surrounded her feet. spinning.

The bodies of these two cubs were very warm, and they were like two furry scarves surrounding Bai Meixi's feet, which immediately ignited her love and compassion.

"You must be hungry. Aunt Liu probably didn't feed you yesterday." Bai Meixi knew Aunt Liu's fear of these two snow leopards. If she didn't have to, she would never enter this room and take care of them.

She carried the two snow leopards onto the bed, and they immediately curled up in her arms, rubbing against her body and treating Bai Meixi as their mother.

The last time the two leopards drank milk, their faces were covered with milk. Bai Meixi specially bought a glass bottle in Tong County and poured goat milk into it. The two little snow leopards were not repelled by the bottle. The way each person fought over the pacifier in his mouth was very cute, and he drank most of the bottle of milk in a short time.

After eating and drinking, the two snow leopards did not want to leave Bai Meixi. Instead, they got into her quilt and wanted to sleep with her.

Bai Meixi felt very sorry for these two cubs. She let them crawl into her quilt, gently caressed their backs, and coaxed the two snow leopards to sleep.

The two little guys gradually fell asleep in her arms, their bellies rising and falling and snoring slightly. Bai Meixi suddenly felt like a mother when she looked at them sleeping soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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