Chapter 504 Warm Welcome
Bai Meixi hurriedly got out of the car, but she didn't see Cheng Haiyi. Instead, she saw several strangers picking her up. One of them, who looked like a leader, walked towards her with a bright smile on his face.

"You are the family member of Deputy Squadron Leader Cheng. I am Director Huang of the camp logistics department. I am here to welcome you on behalf of everyone. If you have anything, just tell me."

Director Huang was very polite. When he saw Bai Meixi, he raised his hand to salute her, and then held her hand tightly to welcome her.The other young men also followed suit and raised their hands in salute, making Bai Meixi a little embarrassed.

"Look at the luggage that my sister-in-law brought. It's two big bags. None of us here to visit our relatives have ever brought so many things. I'm so lucky to be the deputy squadron leader."

Xiao Li took down Bai Meixi's luggage and took a few young men to move the vegetables he bought to the canteen. Their place was a squadron's garrison. It was not a big place. There were only about twenty rooms in the entire courtyard. It is the dormitory and canteen for the young men of the entire company.

Most people usually work in the care center. Only the logistics department stays here and is responsible for everyone's meals and purchases for the day. These young men are not very old and they are always noisy when they are not on guard. .

Usually they also meet other family members, but most of them bring a small baggage with nothing. Bai Meixi prepared so many things for Cheng Haiyi this time, and it is true that they are deeply married.

Several young men who had not yet gotten married knew that Bai Meixi was Cheng Haiyi's new wife just married this year, and they kept joking around her, which made Bai Meixi's cheeks turn red and she didn't know how to answer.

Whatever good things she saw along the way, she wanted to bring a copy to Cheng Haiyi. Unknowingly, she packed a big bag. Plus the things she brought from her hometown, it was naturally very spectacular, and there were some things she couldn't carry. They are all placed in the space. If they were taken out, there would be at least four or five times as much.

"You guys, don't mess around. I won't spare you until the deputy squadron leader comes back!" Director Huang scolded the young men. The group of people immediately dispersed with laughter and helped Bai Meixi move the things into Cheng Haiyi's house. dormitory.

"Sister-in-law Cheng, our place here is simple and the living conditions are very difficult. It is winter for eight months of the year. It is not easy to come here to visit our relatives. We are able to work down-to-earth on the front line thanks to you. Support from the rear, if you need anything in the future, just ask and we will try our best to satisfy you."

Director Huang has always treated his family members very well. Most people in this icy and snowy place are not willing to join the camp, so it is difficult for young men here to find a partner. The few who have family members will come to visit their relatives when it is warm, like Bai Meixi. This was the first time he saw someone who was willing to come here in the ice and snow.

She is currently the only family member and the only woman in the camp, so naturally they should take more care of her.

"Director Huang, you don't have to be so polite. Where is Cheng Haiyi? Why didn't I see him?" Bai Meixi looked behind Director Huang. The main purpose of her coming here was to meet Cheng Haiyi, but she didn't expect that when she arrived at the camp, she threw herself at him. Got an empty one.

"Vice Squadron Leader Cheng has gone to training and is not in the camp. But don't worry. Someone will send a message to him shortly. He will be back in two days."

Director Huang ordered the people in the cafeteria to cook and give Bai Meixi a good meal. She had taken dozens of hours of train ride to get here, so she couldn't be hungry all the time.

"No problem, sister-in-law, I'll let you try the delicious food we have here." The young man in charge of cooking has already heated up the water. The altitude here is high and the rice is not easy to cook. Most of the time they eat Noodle.

Today, in order to entertain Bai Meixi, they cooked sick rice. Boiled cabbage noodles with two poached eggs were put in them. This was also the highest treatment they received here.It was naturally the most comfortable to eat a bowl of hot noodles in the ice and snow, but there were so many pairs of eyes around her looking at her, which made Bai Meixi feel a little embarrassed.

From time to time she raised her head and looked at the people around her. Every time she met their eyes, these young men always thought she needed something and rushed over with various condiments.

"Sister-in-law, if you think the taste is bland, add some chili pepper. Chili pepper is the most comfortable to eat in winter. You will be sweating from head to toe and you won't feel cold after a while."

"It's good to add some soy sauce. This soy sauce is not produced locally. It was dried by a young man's family. It is said that his family used to be an imperial cook for the palace and specialized in making pickles. It was passed down to his generation. Only the method of making soy sauce was passed down. .”

Bai Meixi didn't dare to add anything and finished the noodles in front of her as quickly as possible. The taste of this bowl of noodles was indeed a bit bland and couldn't compare to her craftsmanship.

But she knew that this was the best thing that could be produced here. After drinking the last mouthful of soup, she blushed and thanked everyone.

"Thank you everyone. I feel much warmer after drinking this bowl of noodle soup. Where is Cheng Haiyi's room? I'll go over and clean it up." Bai Meixi really wanted to help Cheng Haiyi clean up the house. He is a grown man who lives alone, so there must be no fireworks in the house. I'm angry, I need to take care of myself.

"My sister-in-law has a really good relationship with Deputy Squadron Leader Cheng. His room is at the back. I'll take you there." Xiao Li teased Bai Meixi again and took her to the backyard. The last row of houses was the cleanest and also the most spacious. The leaders in the squadron live in a room alone.The other places are dormitories for ordinary boys, with one room per class and 10 people living in each room.

Cheng Haiyi's dormitory is in the corner of the yard, which is very clean. There is an empty room next to his dormitory, which is used by the families of ordinary young men when they come to visit their relatives. It happens to be empty now.

"Sister-in-law, which one do you want to live in? This room for family members is larger. Why don't you and deputy squadron leader Cheng live in this room?" Xiao Li opened the best room. The stove inside was in the center of the room. In the center, opposite is a long row of large Kangs, which can accommodate many people.

Not everyone in the camp has a single room. Since there is room, Baimeixi cannot waste resources. This big house must be reserved for other family members who come to visit their relatives.

"I can just live in Haiyi's room. If I use one more room, I have to burn the door of another room. It's such a waste."

Bai Meixi thinks of the camp in everything. This place has inconvenient transportation and it is not easy to transport all the supplies. It is better to save whatever you can.

"Sister-in-law, I won't disturb you anymore. This is the key to Deputy Squadron Leader Cheng's room. Please take it." Xiao Li opened the door to Cheng Haiyi's room and gave the key to Bai Meixi.

This was the first time Bai Meixi had entered this dormitory, but she felt it was extremely familiar and couldn't help but start cleaning it up.Before Cheng Haiyi comes back tomorrow, she has to tidy up the house so that he can feel at home as soon as he comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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