Chapter 501 All the way uphill

Before getting in the car, Bai Meixi specially changed into the clothes from her hometown, put on a thick cotton coat and trousers, and wrapped herself in a thick woolen scarf to cover her face. It was still cold in Si'an City, and she had to upgrade her equipment to another level to cope with it.

Bai Meixi looked in the mirror. She seemed to be a bloated penguin, wrapped tightly from head to tail, and her original appearance could not be seen at all.

She took out the two packages she had brought from her hometown, carried them on a pole and rushed to the train station.This time her luggage was overweight and she had to buy a 2 yuan luggage ticket to get on the bus.

Bai Meixi sighed softly, thinking that she should leave her luggage in the space. The two yuan saved would be enough to buy two kilograms of pork.

But she was afraid of meeting family members who were also visiting relatives in the camp, so she could only act in the same way as ordinary people.

There were a lot of people on the train. It was the first time for Bai Meixi to get on the train with two bags of luggage. It was extremely difficult to get on the train. After finally squeezing in, she found that the seats on the luggage rack had long been taken up, and there were even piles under the seats. There were so many things that there was no place to stuff Bai Meixi’s luggage.

This situation makes Bai Meixi very depressed. The condition of long-distance buses is worrying. Many people sit on the floor and use their packages as seats or pillows. The turbid air makes Bai Meixi cover her nose.

Her two bags of luggage were piled at her feet, forcing her to curl up her legs. This position was extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable. It didn't take long for Bai Meixi to feel sore all over her body, and she really couldn't hold on any longer.

She wanted to stand up and walk around. As soon as she put her feet on the ground, she heard someone shouting, "You stepped on my arm. There are so many people here, please stop moving."

Suddenly a head popped out next to Bai Meixi's seat. The man's full beard startled Bai Meixi. It turned out that everyone stretched half of their body under the seat in order to occupy the sleeping position at night. It is extremely difficult to get them to move out at this time.

Bai Meixi could only sit back on the chair. It didn't take long for her to find that she was wearing too much clothes. There were many people in the car, and the accumulated carbon dioxide caused the temperature in the car to rise rapidly.

Even without heating, there was a high temperature of over 15 degrees. This temperature made Bai Meixi break out in sweat, and so did everyone else. The entire carriage was surrounded by a strong smell of sweat. Some people had already opened their cotton-padded clothes, but these clothes were not at all There was no extra place to pile them up, and they had to be covered on his body or placed on his legs in the end, which did not alleviate the situation at hand much.

Agu Mountain, where Cheng Haiyi is based, is a very special place. It is more than 1 meters above sea level and covered with snow all year round. It is winter for eight months of the year. The train goes uphill almost all the way, even if you are sitting in it. The slope can also be clearly felt in the car.

Bai Meixi kept looking outside and found that the train was running very slowly. In this bad weather, both people and cars were struggling. The interval between each station was more than two hours, and there were many unknown people among them. Small stations, the closer they get to Agu Mountain, the more desolate they become. Some stations can't even be called train stations, just a wooden house that can accommodate 30 to [-] people.

The sky outside the window was getting dark, and Bai Meixi couldn't help but feel a little scared. Every time she opened the door, the wind and snow outside the car would blow in, instantly robbing the warm air in the car. Such extremely cold and hot environmental changes can easily make people feel uncomfortable. The headache also made everyone more and more anxious.

"What time is it? If you don't turn on the lights, you can hardly see anything in the carriage." Someone shouted in the carriage. The visibility outside the window was indeed relatively low, making the visibility inside the carriage worse and worse. This kind of outside the carriage It was dark, and the inside of the carriage was also dark, which made Bai Meixi tighten her body and put on a strong defensive state. "You can't turn on the lights today. There's too much wind and snow outside the window. All the energy has to be used to power the train. Otherwise, if the train slips away, everyone will be dead."

The conductor's tone was stern. Today's wind and snow are particularly heavy. In order to ensure everyone's safety, the train must rush to the next stop as soon as possible to take shelter there.

The threat of death made everyone quickly silence themselves. The railways in this part of Mongolia are all built on mountain roads. In terms of the technology of this era, it cannot be compared with modern society. During the driving process, you will encounter various problems. Especially on windy and snowy days, the risk index rises sharply.

The noisy carriage fell silent in the darkness, and the atmosphere became increasingly weird. Bai Meixi quietly put the two packages at her feet back into space and hung her feet down.

This small extra space made Bai Meixi feel more relaxed, but the increasingly bad weather outside the window made her worried. The train was getting slower and slower, and Bai Meixi could feel an obvious tilt in her seat. .

"Nothing will really happen tonight, right? I have taken this train before and have never encountered such a situation." People on the train were talking about it. Some people were running the long-distance Inner Mongolia line and were more concerned about the surrounding environment. Familiar, their words caused panic among the people around them. No one was in the mood to sleep anymore. They all stood up from the ground and observed the situation outside the window.

There was suddenly a lot more space on the train. Now they were on the ridge of a mountain. If they lost their balance, there was a risk of falling over at any time.

"Everyone, please return to your seats and sit tight. Don't move!" The conductor scolded everyone sternly, asking everyone to maintain the balance of the vehicle and not to concentrate on one side of the vehicle.His words made everyone sit back immediately, and everyone was very nervous.

"Have you heard that something happened here ten years ago and many people died?"

"Of course I've heard that some people's bodies fell on the mountain and they haven't been recovered yet."

The people in the carriage became more and more exaggerated, and some people started to cry. Bai Meixi couldn't help but start to panic. She estimated the length of the entire train. If something happened, she should be able to move the entire train into the space. , but what to do next, she hasn’t thought of a way yet. Maybe she can wait for the wind and snow to stop before releasing the train.

After everyone persisted in the wind and snow for more than half an hour, the car finally started to move again. The sound of the train's whistle and the sound of rolling wheels made everyone feel at ease. It didn't take long for the conductor to come out to maintain order.

"Everyone, sit tight, the train is about to pull into the station." The conductor shouted from the car, which reassured everyone. The next stop was a big station, and many people decided to get off the train temporarily to avoid the wind and snow, and wait until Leave again the next morning.

Bai Meixi hesitated for a moment, but decided to follow the train. If there was danger, she could use that space to save the entire train.

(End of this chapter)

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