Chapter 474
"I told you to leave quickly, but you didn't obey."

Bai Meixi pulled the white-faced dog into the space. She didn't think about how to deal with him for a moment. She looked at his face. This white-faced dog had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his hall was black. He didn't look like a good person at first glance.

Moreover, there were obvious burn marks on his fingers. These were burns caused by professional thieves while practicing. Bai Meixi heard in the news that the training of professional thieves is very cruel. They have to put their fingers into hot oil to pick things. Only in this way can you develop extremely fast hand speed and steal things without being noticed.

Usually, the burns suffered by such thieves are only concentrated on the fingers. New injuries are added to the old ones, and eventually they slowly turn into old injuries. It is said that some police officers can know how many years the thief has been in the business just by seeing this scar.

Bai Meixi found that the injuries on the hand of the white-faced dog were particularly serious. Not only the fingers, but also the back of the hand was burned to a large extent. They were all old injuries and seemed to be connected together. They should have been caused in a short period of time. It was estimated that It was because he was unwilling to practice again after being burned that he left such a scar.

Bai Meixi sneered at this kind of person. It seemed that he was not qualified to be a thief. He had not even gone through the most basic training. He deserved to be caught by her.

She wanted to send this man to the police station, but she had no evidence, so she could only search everywhere on him. He actually had a lot of blank letters of introduction with various official seals on him. , everywhere.

Making official seals privately is a serious crime in this era. It seems that this white-faced dog is very courageous. He not only robs in the street, but also forges documents. If he is punished for several crimes together, it will be enough for him to sit in jail for several years.

"You little bitch, how dare you hit me!" The white-faced dog woke up. When he saw Bai Meixi, he wanted to pounce on her and pinch her neck, but found that there were several loops of rope tied to his body and he couldn't move at all. .

And the surrounding environment surprised him even more. He felt that he had not fainted for a long time, but the sky around him was already bright, and walls were erected around him, leaving a big word "confused" written on the face of the white-faced dog.

Bai Meixi tied a wet buffalo rubber band around the white-faced dog's neck. Once the rubber band dries, it will become tighter and tighter. It is an excellent weapon to discipline others.

The white-faced dog often committed crimes, so he naturally knew the purpose of this buffalo rubber band. His eyes widened, and he felt that his life was in danger. Once the water on the rubber band dried up, he would definitely die.

"Little sister, I'm just kidding you. Please let me go. Look at my body. There are injuries everywhere. Even if I did something wrong, I have already been punished. The crime will not lead to death."

When the white-faced dog saw that he had no advantage, he immediately put down his body and begged for mercy. However, Bai Meixi was not a person who was easy to tease. She did not want to kill the white-faced dog, but she also wanted to use this incident to teach him a lesson. He would not dare to torture others easily in the future.

"Then you first explain clearly what you have done, and see if it's worth it for me to spare you." Bai Meixi kicked the white-faced dog, and she took out the letters of introduction. Let the white-faced dog explain the problem clearly.

"I'm just a thief. I don't have good skills. I can only get some food money. I stole these letters of introduction from someone's bag. At first I touched the thick stack and thought it was paper, but I didn't expect it to be written. The useless stuff, I saw it had an official seal on it so I kept it, little sister, if you like it, feel free to take it."

When the white-faced dog talked about these letters of introduction, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. To him, these blank papers were completely different from the banknotes that could be used to buy things immediately. In his hands, they were always a useless pile. of waste paper and have no idea who to sell it to.Bai Meixi feels that this white-faced dog really has no vision. Letters of introduction are indispensable in this era, and the management is also very strict. Sometimes in order to open a letter of introduction, you need to go four or five times in a row and say all the good things. Get a thin piece of paper.

The white-faced dog's letter of introduction is very realistic. In this era, people generally have no awareness of anti-counterfeiting. Anyone who can engrave seals can make an exact copy of the official seal. In addition, there is no electronic identification technology in this era, and there is no Internet everywhere. Even if you get it If you go out with a fake letter of introduction, the possibility of being exposed is extremely small. The price of a fake letter of introduction can often be sold for more than ten yuan.

She was originally wondering why the white-faced dog was in the robbery business if he had such a profitable ability. It turned out that he didn't know the value of these things at all, and he couldn't even use a good deck of cards in his hand.

"These are your evidence of crime. Let's put them together first. Also, don't tell me. Today is your first time committing a crime. I don't believe this kind of nonsense."

Bai Meixi thought that these letters of introduction might be of great use, so she kept them with her for the time being. She didn't want to sell them, but she traveled around various cities and did various businesses. It was inevitable that she would encounter the need to change When the time comes, a letter of introduction can help her solve a lot of big problems.

"This is really my first time, sister, believe me, I will never dare to do it again." The white-faced dog felt the buffalo tendon on his neck getting closer and closer, and he started to fuck it slowly. If he does this again If he went down, he would have to be strangled to death.

He walked up to Bai Meixi's feet and begged her for forgiveness. In order to gain Bai Meixi's trust, he told all the bad things he had done since childhood, and even took the initiative to confess his evidence.

"I stole a tricycle the day before yesterday, and it's still parked in my yard. I also stole an alarm clock from Lao Wangtou's house, but I didn't sell it and it's still parked under my bed."

Bai Lian Gou's parents passed away, and he was not married yet. He had been in and out of juvenile detention centers frequently and had no formal job when he was a teenager. He was completely impoverished. Everything in the house was stolen, and it was all evidence of his crime.

Bai Meixi was quite satisfied with this answer. She searched other pockets on his body and found that there were no fake seals in them. There was nothing except a few dollars in change. It seemed that what he said was true. These introductions He did not forge the letter.

"I give you two choices, either stay here and wait to be slowly strangled to death by buffalo tendons, or go to the police station and surrender."

"I'm going to the police station. I'm going to the police station to surrender now." Of course the white-faced dog doesn't want to die. The total of the things he stole is only a few hundred yuan. Even if he is imprisoned, it will not exceed ten years. It is better than death. powerful.

Bai Meixi threw the white-faced dog at the door of the police station, and then returned to the space. She monitored the white-faced dog's actions in the space. He was obviously frightened. When he saw the police, he immediately rushed over and wished he could He was immediately thrown into jail.

Bai Meixi was very satisfied with the result. After dealing with the white-faced dog, she went to the waiting room of the train station to wait for the bus and officially started her journey to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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