Chapter 471 Daily Director
"Girl, wait a minute. You saved our son and saved the lives of our whole family. We must thank you today."

The parents of the little fat boy are very grateful to Bai Meixi. This child is the only child in the family. He is usually very precious. His grandparents regard him as a treasure in their eyes. Even if his skin is broken a little, the old couple will feel distressed for a long time. If Something happened to the child today, and the old couple would not survive.

"You're welcome. I just happened to be passing by. You can't just ignore death. Let your children be careful and don't go to the water to play in the future." Bai Meixi never thought about getting something in return. She just wanted to return to the space and change into a clean set. The clothes she was wearing now had been forcibly ironed with a soldering iron. There was still a lot of moisture on them, which was very uncomfortable.

"No, no, no, we must thank you very much. I am Director Huang from Jilu Daily. Your courageous act today is very worthy of praise. I would like to arrange for a reporter to conduct an exclusive interview with you so that everyone can learn from you and remind you. Other parents, please don’t let your children play on the lake to avoid further danger.”

Fatty's parents introduced themselves. They both work at Jilu Daily, especially Fatty's father, who holds the important position of editorial director. They are currently promoting positive energy and want to find some stories of bravery to help others as examples. An interview with a character was published. Unexpectedly, his son was rescued first, so he directly placed this interview in front of him.

He really wanted to thank Bai Meixi in this way, let more people know her name, and set her up as a model for everyone to learn from.

It is a great thing to be regarded as a model student in this era. Not only will you be famous in your hometown, but you will also go to nearby cities to give lectures and promote it. Whether it is in your hometown or at work, it is an extremely honorable thing.

"No problem. I also think the ice on the lake is too thin. I should remind everyone." Bai Meixi agreed happily. The title of bravery is very important to my sister-in-law. Maybe she can make progress as Cheng Haiyi. of assists.

What's more, today's situation is indeed dangerous. If she didn't have the blessing of space, her and the little fat man's lives would have been lost long ago.Next time if it is another child, he may not be as lucky as this little fat boy. It would be better to publish it in the newspaper to make everyone more alert.

The interview was held in the hospital cafeteria. Director Huang bought a lot of food and put it on the table. Steamed buns, pig's trotters, sweet foam, and ramen noodles were all local specialties. He was afraid that Bai Meixi would be embarrassed to eat, so he ordered several more She even took the initiative to stuff a bun into her mouth, letting Bai Meixi relax and eat, and if it wasn't enough, she could order more.

The little fat man's mother was also very enthusiastic. When she saw that Bai Meixi's clothes were wet, she immediately went to the mall and bought a sweater and a pair of pants for her to change.The price of these two pieces of clothing is not cheap, costing almost a month's salary of an ordinary worker.

But they had to let Bai Meixi accept it, otherwise they would feel uneasy and unable to sleep at night. Bai Meixi could only accept the kindness, took off the wet clothes and put them away. Put it in the bag and prepare to take it to the space later.

"Girl, do you have a workplace? I will write a letter of praise later and send a banner to your workplace." Director Huang was very excited. He planned to make this matter a big deal as a thank you gift to Bai Meixi. , strive to give her a one-level salary increase so that she can benefit permanently.

"I don't have a job. I run a small business at home and help people in the village sell agricultural and sideline products." Bai Meixi has reported the truth. She doesn't need Director Huang's banner. If she wants to send a letter of praise, she would rather let him Director Huang sent it to Cheng Haiyi to let people in the camp know that Cheng Haiyi's getting this honor was much more important than her getting this honor.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have an employer. We can send a letter of praise to the village. Please tell us the specific process of the whole thing." A young man wearing glasses sat opposite Bai Meixi. He is a columnist for the magazine. , specifically following up on this matter, he held an old-fashioned tape recorder and prepared to record what Bai Meixi said and officially start the interview.

"I just heard a few children calling for help, and I rushed over when I saw them." Bai Meixi could not describe the specific rescue process. She and the little fat man stayed underwater for nearly 10 minutes, most of the time It's in space, there's no way to explain this kind of thing.

Bai Meixi's answer obviously did not meet the reporter's expectations. Her description was too brief to form a whole article. The reporter could only continue to inspire and start from her background.

"Are you coming to Jilu City for tourism or to visit relatives?" The reporter wearing glasses asked in an orderly manner. Today, the news about Bai Meixi's heroic rescue of children has spread. Now that they have an exclusive interview, naturally We need to speed up and get the report out before the heat subsides.

"I was going to the camp to visit my relatives and passed by here." With such a good opportunity, Bai Meixi naturally mentioned Cheng Haiyi. Director Huang was very interested in this and asked her to tell her in detail Cheng Haiyi's camp number and location. Director Huang said that he could send a letter of praise to Cheng Haiyi for his camp leaders to see.

"So you are a family member. No wonder you were so brave just now. You jumped in such a cold weather. Ordinary people would not even dare to take off their cotton-padded clothes, let alone jump into the cold lake to save others." Huang The director's eyes shone, and he asked the reporter to emphasize this point, and also included Cheng Haiyi's name in the interview.

Family members are very honored in this era. No matter where they go, others will look up to them.

Bai Meixi kept nodding, approving of this approach. In order to highlight Cheng Haiyi's achievements, she kept emphasizing that her courageous behavior came from Cheng Haiyi's influence.

"Although we have not been married for a long time, Hai Yi always told me stories about how they were stationed at the border. Those young men stood in the ice and snow for more than ten hours every day, but no one would relax or complain. In times of danger, he often puts his own life and death at risk, so as a family member, I naturally cannot hold him back."

Bai Meixi introduced the situation of her husband's family in detail. Cheng Haiyi had just started working in the camp recently. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were both honest farmers and model workers in the village. They usually worked hard and worked hard. They would take the initiative to help anyone who had something to do at home. Even my brother-in-law is a special reporter for Youth New Daily, and he is considered a well-respected family in the village.

She came to Jilu City this time to buy donkey-hide gelatin for her mother-in-law to recuperate her health. She would leave by car in the evening to visit her relatives in the camp.

This background made Director Huang nod his head repeatedly. This exclusive interview will definitely set off the whole city and make everyone learn from Bai Meixi, the sister-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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