Chapter 438 An endless stream
There are not many opportunities to exchange scraps for maltose in the alleys. Most of the people who came here before bought scrap iron. The price difference between this kind of metal products and the scrap station is large. It is also easy to manipulate the weight, and the profit margin is large.

But in this era, things are used very delicately. As long as they can be repaired, they will not be sold as scrap. Many children can only watch helplessly even if they encounter such an opportunity.

Some brave ones stole tea jars from home and sold them. When they found out, they immediately beat them up and never dared to do it again.

But Bai Meixi is different. What she purchased this time is used books and newspapers. Every household has some of this kind of stuff, and it has naturally become good news for all children.

"Mom, I want to eat candy, please go faster!" Children in the alley shouted one after another. Candy has an extraordinary appeal to them. No matter what the adults are doing, they will be dragged out.

"Didn't you drink sugar water in the morning? Why do you want to eat sugar now? If you eat more, your teeth will be damaged." The little boy's mother scolded him, but in the end she couldn't resist him and could only hold the house A stack of newspapers came out, "Hurry back after changing, I still have to cook."

"White sugar water is different, sugar is delicious." The little boy ran to Bai Meixi's stall very persistently, grabbed the newspapers from his mother's hand and piled them on the scale. These newspapers did not weigh much, less than one kilogram. If If you exchange for sugar, you can only exchange a small amount.

Bai Meixi used a small chopper to cut off a piece, about the size of a thumb. When she put this piece of maltose into her mouth, it melted before she could even taste the taste. The delicate sugar water flowed into the little boy's throat and disappeared in an instant.

"Mom, it's done." The little boy looked at his mother with aggrieved look, and saw that the maltose in front of Bai Meixi's stall refused to leave. That large piece of maltose was more important to him than anything else, even if he gave it all to him, He can finish it too.

"There are no old newspapers at home. Let's change them next time." The little boy's mother kept tugging on him, trying to pull him away, but the little boy was so strong that the entire sleeve fell off his hand and there was no movement. Can make his feet take half a step away.

"If you don't have any old newspapers, you can also buy them with money." Bai Meixi came up with a compromise. She bought a full 200 kilograms of maltose. Naturally, she had to trade half of it and sell it half, but her suggestion was immediately rejected. The woman objected vehemently.

"How can we buy sweets for him with so little money at home? What's more, the things here are not clean. If we use money, we might as well go to the store to buy them." That woman is a typical citizen of Puhai City. She felt that Bai Meixi was plotting against her. As soon as she heard that Bai Meixi asked her to buy candy with money, she immediately covered her purse.

Other children also ran to the stall one after another. They had more books and newspapers in their hands than the little boy, and they also got more maltose. Seeing that other children were holding food in their hands, only He was not alone, and the little boy burst into tears, his voice ringing through the sky.

"You buy it for me, I don't care, I want to eat candy." The little boy stayed in front of Bai Meixi's stall and refused to leave. The same goes for other children. As long as they see that others have more candy than themselves, they will fight for it. Crying, the whole alley was suddenly surrounded by huge noise.

"How come you little ancestors are like this every time, dying when you see candy?" Everyone scolded their children while rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home. Every household has a lot of this kind of old newspapers, but they just don't put them away. It was scattered, and I couldn't find that much at the moment. After rummaging through it carefully, I found a lot. Every house had seven or eight kilograms of unused waste.

Some people don’t have enough things at home and can’t bear the pleading of their children, so they can only go to their neighbors’ homes to ask for them. In this way, the news of Bai Meixi’s purchase of used books and newspapers spreads. The price she gave is clear, and it can In exchange for maltose, you can also exchange it for cash. The price is the same as the price at the scrap collection station, so everyone will definitely not suffer a loss.After a while, her stall was filled with things, including newspapers and magazines, old textbooks and homework, some unwanted envelopes and stationery scribbled by children.These things were placed under the cart by Bai Meixi, and they would never be mixed with the maltose to ensure the cleanliness of the maltose.

Bai Meixi's scale was very generous. Seven or eight kilograms of scraps could be exchanged for a piece of maltose the size of a mooncake. She used a hammer and a small chopping knife to slowly knock it down. The crisp sound and sweet aroma attracted the attention of the children around her. Cheers and cheers.

The gift of a large piece of maltose calmed their cries, and everyone was very happy to eat. Only the little boy looked on helplessly. His mother was a tricky character in the neighborhood, and no one was willing to give away their own waste products. she.

The little boy was so anxious that he took his textbook and wanted to exchange it for candy with Bai Meixi.

"How can you study after you take these things out? You actually put such dirty things in your mouth. These foreigners are the dirtiest. They usually don't take a shower once a year. If you eat anything in your mouth, they will be filled with germs. You will get... Seriously ill."

The woman was talking alarmistly on the sidelines. She also encouraged the neighbors not to exchange candy with Bai Meixi. "Look at her sallow complexion and thin skin. She looks sick at first glance. If you eat her candy, you will definitely get seriously ill."

The people around her originally didn't want to argue with her, but this woman's words were a naked curse, which made everyone angry all of a sudden. Everyone's spearhead was aimed at the woman, leaving her unable to resist.

"Hey, you can't even afford a piece of candy for your child, yet you're still talking like this here. Who doesn't know that your man is a bad gambler? I'm afraid I won't even be able to get the money for groceries today."

"That's right. Last month you borrowed 1 yuan from my family, but you still couldn't pay it back this month. You actually used 5 eggs to offset the amount. How much are 10 eggs worth? You just wanted to cheat our family."

"Oh, did she return the eggs to you the day before yesterday? The eggs I just sold the day before yesterday were lost as soon as I put them on the chair at the door. There were 20 eggs!"

Several neighbors exposed all kinds of bad things that the woman had done. After everyone checked the accounts, they discovered that the woman had taken a lot of things from the alley, and they all came to settle accounts with her, making Bai Meixi's car look ugly again. Be deserted.

However, the quantity purchased this time still met Bai Meixi's expectations. She calculated that today's books and newspapers collected a total of about 80 kilograms, and only consumed 2 kilograms of maltose, which was much cheaper than purchasing with cash.

But most of these things were contaminated by stains and had no preservation value. She was busy for more than an hour, and in the end she just worked for the scrap collection station, and the income was far less than selling fast food.

(End of this chapter)

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