The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 436 Willingness to Collect

Chapter 436 Willingness to Collect

Bai Meixi really wanted to meet Teacher Zeng. Based on the furnishings and books in this reading room, she felt that Teacher Zeng must be a gentle and elegant old lady. She wore a green gown and a full head of silver hair, and her every move and every move was full of history. color.

"Then you wait here. Usually Teacher Zeng will come over at this time. We have to go back to cook." Several people at the door of the reading room took their children and left. Bai Meixi stayed in the room alone, gently Smell the fragrance of those pen and ink.

She picked up a book of ancient poems and read them word for word. She suddenly felt that the whole world had become quiet. Since she started working in sales, her mobile phone has been on 24 hours a day, always answering calls from customers. She has not been able to do so for a long time. Sit down quietly and read a book.

"Girl, have you just moved here?" When Bai Meixi was sitting at the door reading, a kind old lady walked in from the door. She was dressed in simple clothes and looked energetic. She was wearing a floral shirt. It fits perfectly, and there is a pearl-style button on the cuff. It can be seen that this old lady is a person who lives a very refined life and has good taste.

"You are Teacher Zeng, right? I came to Puhai to visit relatives, and I came in when I saw a reading room." Bai Meixi admired people like Teacher Zeng from the bottom of her heart. After seeing her, she immediately bent down and said to Teacher Zeng bowed.

"You don't have to be so polite. You can read whatever you want or borrow it, as long as you remember to return it when the time comes." Teacher Zeng showed a warm smile and enthusiastically introduced the reading room to Bai Meixi, "It's all over there. Children can read books, and the innermost row is full of foreign literary novels, and these are old books. They have been for decades, and the paper is a bit brittle, so be careful when reading them."

"I understand, Teacher Zeng." Bai Meixi kept nodding. She picked up the ancient poetry book again and sat next to Teacher Zeng. This old lady had a fixed life pattern every day. In the morning, she gave lectures to the nearby primary school. I work as a volunteer to teach children how to read and write, and in the afternoons I take care of the reading room and repair books.

After introducing Bai Meixi, Teacher Zeng placed a few old books on the small table at the door. She looked through them carefully with her reading glasses on, and repaired any damage immediately.

Repairing books is an extremely delicate job. There was no transparent glue in this era. The repair method used by Teacher Zeng was very traditional. She first aligned the damaged pages, then used glue to paste a small piece of paper on the back and let it dry. After that, I used a pen to write the covered content on this piece of paper, and deliberately imitated the printed fonts, trying to restore the appearance of the book itself.

If she encounters some old books with yellowed paper, she will specially find some yellow paper with similar paper color, carefully paste it on, and trim the edges neatly.

This repair method is very time-consuming, but Teacher Zeng enjoys it. He often spends several days repairing a book, repairing each book into a work of art.

"Teacher Zeng, it must have taken you a lot of time to collect so many books and newspapers, right?" Bai Meixi could see that Teacher Zeng was a very book-loving person. She moved a small stool and sat opposite Teacher Zeng, helping She cuts small scraps of paper for repairing books.

"It doesn't take much effort. My son works at a scrap collection station. When he sees old books in good condition, he brings them back to enrich the reading room. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to find so many books. Many people don't understand that books are precious. It’s such a shame that such a good book is sold for just a few cents a pound.”

Teacher Zeng was very happy when she saw Bai Meixi helping her with her work. Many people from the nearby neighbors also wanted to help her with her work, but most of those people were clumsy and made a mess. They were not as fast as she could do it alone. .But Bai Meixi was different. Her movements were very dexterous. She cut a large pile of small pieces of paper in a short time. She also unfolded the dog-eared corners in the book one by one and smoothed them out without damaging the original pages. It helped. She is quite busy.

"Indeed, this is a thread-bound book. It should be hundreds of years old." Bai Meixi's eyes stayed on a thread-bound book. The pages of the book were yellowed, and the corners of the book were slightly raised, and it was slightly damp. , it can be seen that it has gone through many vicissitudes of life. It is a pity that it is not well preserved. There are stains in many places in the book. Otherwise, such a good book will definitely have collection value.

"That's right, the content of this book was written by a literati in the late Qing Dynasty." Teacher Zeng felt that she had found a soulmate, and kept Bai Meixi chatting. She built this reading room, which not only enriched everyone's cultural life , and also want to keep these precious books.

"Writing a book is not an easy task. Every word here records history and is compiled with painstaking efforts by the author. It would be a pity if it were just thrown into the garbage dump. I put them here. , even if only one person reads it once, it is considered the value of these books."

Teacher Zeng is a true literary worker. She likes these books not because of their collection value, but because she wants these books to maximize their value.

Bai Meixi cannot compare to this level, but she agrees with Teacher Zeng that these books are of extremely high value and should be seen by more people, especially by future generations.

Bai Meixi was stunned for a while while looking at those books, periodicals and newspapers. Very few of these books have been preserved in later generations, especially newspapers. They cost a few cents or a few cents per copy. No one thinks these things are valuable. , at most it is used to wrap other things, or even thrown directly into the toilet trash can.

It was not until decades later that everyone regretted this behavior and felt that they had lost a lot of history. Some people went online to find out what happened in the year they were born.

It is a pity that in this era there are no computer records and no cloud device storage. As long as any book or newspaper is thrown into the trash can, it cannot be copied.

This led to a trend of buying old newspapers in later generations. Most people wanted to buy the newspaper on the day they were born, so the price of an old newspaper directly reached 100 yuan.

These newspapers vary in quality, some are indeed old newspapers from the time, but some are imitations that have been revised and reprinted in later generations. Many people lamented on the Internet and even paid huge sums of money for the genuine article.

Bai Meixi looked at the newspapers in front of her and decided to engage in this emerging industry. She collected all the newspapers from the six major newspapers. In the future, she could also open such a reading room to let more people understand the history of the past few decades in detail. Even if she can't make any money in the end, leaving these complete information can be regarded as doing something useful, and it is worthy of her rebirth in this era.

(End of this chapter)

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