Chapter 414 Tea Eggs

Bai Meixi lay on the bed and rested for a while. At 08:30, she walked into the waiting room with a quilt and prepared to sleep for a while.

The flow of people in the waiting room reached its peak at night. Bai Meixi walked around in it, but she couldn't find an empty seat. Even the corridor was occupied by people's luggage. Everyone was lying on the ground wrapped in cotton clothes, snoring. Snoring.

In this noisy environment, no one paid attention to what Bai Meixi was doing. She could enter and leave the space and the waiting room at will, lying on her bed and waiting for the train to leave.

Bai Meixi couldn't sleep at all. Seeing that there were still five or ten minutes left to wait for the bus, she felt that she was wasting her life just lying here.

The aroma of Aunt Liu's boiled tea eggs wafted in from outside, making her twitch her nose. Aunt Liu's craftsmanship has improved significantly. Now the pot of tea eggs is made in a decent way, and it is on par with Bai Meixi's. .

"Aunt Liu, why did you boil all these tea eggs? Didn't I say that I would make them myself when I came back?"

Bai Meixi was a little embarrassed. She had just asked Aunt Liu's family to prepare so many meals on the spur of the moment. She was really embarrassed and asked her to help make tea eggs.

"It doesn't take much trouble to make. Just boil the eggs and soak them in tea. I just made them when I was cleaning the house."

Aunt Liu is a person who can't rest. Like all rural women with hard-working servants, she never has a moment of idleness from when she wakes up in the morning until she goes to bed at night. She is busy in the house every moment.

When Bai Meixi went out to sell fast food, Aunt Liu cooked all the remaining 400 tea eggs. These tea eggs were all made according to Bai Meixi's quick-tasting method and are now ready for sale.

"There are still 500 eggs. Do you want to use them? There happens to be water that has just been boiled in the big pot. If you want to use them, I will boil the rest."

When Aunt Liu saw Bai Meixi putting the eggs from the big pot into the small pot, she also took out the remaining 500 eggs.

These are all purchased by Bai Meixi from the farmer's market, and they are not the same as the eggs laid by the chickens at home.

If these eggs are usually used for cooking, they lack the aroma of grass, but they are just right when made into tea eggs, which can just cover up this defect.

Aunt Liu arranged things in the space in an orderly manner. Her taste buds gradually became as sensitive as Bai Meixi's, and she could even taste the subtle differences between eggs.

"Then boil all the remaining 500 eggs, just for tomorrow."

Bai Meixi secretly made up her mind to give Aunt Liu and her family a salary increase after returning from this family visit. Their workload these days was really too heavy and they were much busier than usual.

Bai Meixi moved the stove to the waiting room, placed a large bucket of melon seeds next to it, and started her small business.

Some people in the waiting room recognized Bai Meixi, and people who had not bought fast food just gathered around. They were a little disappointed when they found that the stove was filled with tea eggs.

"Why aren't they selling food? We were late just now and didn't get anything to eat." Passengers in the waiting room are obsessed with Baimeixi's fast food. If they don't want to leave by bus, they wish they could make a reservation in advance.

"All the food at home has been sold out, and these tea eggs are also good. I just saw that many people didn't bring bowls and chopsticks, so I went back to get the tea eggs that will be sold tomorrow morning."

When Bai Meixi saw someone recognizing her, she did not deny that she was the village woman selling fast food.

People in the waiting room knew that Bai Meixi was good at business, so they all gathered around to buy her things, causing quite a commotion in the waiting room. "How did you get in? Only people who have bought a ticket can come in and wait for the bus. Those who haven't bought a ticket should wait outside."

The staff in the waiting room usually turned a blind eye to those who set up stalls to sell things, but Bai Meixi's business was so booming, and she brought an open fire stove with her. After a while, she left, leaving behind They still have to clean up the garbage on the ground.

This made them express extremely strong dissatisfaction, and they surrounded Bai Meixi to drive her out.

"I bought the ticket, but it wasn't time to get on the bus yet. I happened to have some tea eggs at home, so I sold them to help support my family."

Bai Meixi showed the ticket to the staff in the waiting hall. The fat man frowned and glanced at the stove at her feet.

"People can stay, but the stove must be taken away, otherwise, I will confiscate it."

The staff member's attitude was very harsh. She threw the ticket at Bai Meixi and asked her to clean up quickly. This attitude caused dissatisfaction among the people around her.

"How much space can a stove take up for you? It's so cold in the waiting hall, so this stove can just warm our hands."

Before Bai Meixi opened her mouth, many people spoke for her in the waiting hall. After dark, the temperature in the waiting hall dropped sharply, but no one had repaired the long-broken door, leaving the wind outside I poured it in as hard as I could, and a few children just now had a fever from the cold.

"Do you know how unsafe it is to have an open fire in the waiting hall? If it catches fire, none of you will be able to escape."

The staff in the waiting hall looked serious and wanted to scare away the passengers around him with their scolding voices. Unexpectedly, these people argued with him and killed him.

"There can't be open flames in the waiting hall, so why are the stoves lit in your lounge, the boiler room for boiling water, and the charcoal brazier next to your duty booth? Those are not made of open flames!"

Passengers have long been dissatisfied with the environment in the waiting hall. When they came in, they saw that the staff here treated them differently, and almost all the warm places were occupied by them.

If these people were left to freeze in the cold wind for several hours like them, the broken door would have been repaired long ago.

They surrounded Bai Meixi and prevented these people from taking away the stove. There was an obvious confrontation between hundreds of passengers and a few staff members.

The train stations of this era were different from modern society, and stoves were the only means of heating.

Bai Meixi's tea eggs have been sold out for a long time. They stay here to keep everyone warm, but this matter does not comply with the regulations after all.

Bai Meixi had no choice but to start packing her things. After leaving everyone's sight, she returned to the space again and left everything in the room.

In the past 50 minutes, she sold a total of 300 tea eggs and 20 pounds of melon seeds. She received a total of 42 yuan in cash and made a profit of 19.5 yuan.

She put all the money in the drawer and walked into the waiting hall with only the ticket and 2 cents. With this little money, she was not afraid of others stealing it even if she fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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