Chapter 391 Buying a Car
Bai Meixi walked to the corner of the market without knowing it. When she was about to turn around and leave, she saw a bicycle in the corner of her eye and walked over curiously.The best means of transportation in this era is bicycles. Of course, this is for ordinary people, so bicycles are almost a must-have tool for travel.

It's not that she doesn't have a bicycle. She had a brand-new bicycle when she got married. Unfortunately, it was not suitable to take the bicycle with her when she visited relatives. Or it was not convenient to take the bicycle with her when she went outside. If she had one, A private bicycle would be much more convenient.

The condition of this bicycle is a bit old, and it is obviously used, but fortunately the price is also very affordable. The asking price for selling a used bicycle is 70 yuan, which is only half the price of a new bicycle, which is a very good deal.

"Is there no problem with other parts of your bicycle?" Bai Meixi asked with an extra thought. The price was affordable, but it was also money. She had to be careful when buying things.

The other party immediately replied, "Girl, you can ride it yourself, no problem before buying it. I have only used this bicycle for less than half a year, and I sold it because my family was short of money. Otherwise, I would not buy such a good thing." I keep them all for my own use, how can I be willing to sell them!”

It seems that the other party sold the bicycle because he encountered difficulties. Otherwise, who would be willing to sell such a convenient means of transportation for half the price?
Bai Meixi felt a little more at ease. She went up to take a look at the appearance of the bicycle and found that the tires were indeed relatively new and the wear was not high. Moreover, the bells were fine, and the brakes were also fine. It's very flexible and activates with just a pinch.

Then, she pushed the bicycle over and tried to ride around the market.

At first she was not used to riding this kind of 28-inch bicycle, but after practicing here frequently, she became familiar with it.

This bike is very easy to ride, not to mention it. Although the appearance is a little bit worse than the new bike, it is very easy to ride. You can go far with just one pedal. It is very easy to ride and does not feel at all. Tired.

Also, she specifically tried the brakes on the bicycle and found a downhill road, because whether the brakes on the bicycle were good or not mainly depended on how it looked when going downhill. She pressed the rear brake when going downhill very quickly. She found that the brake was indeed very useful. Not only did it make no noise, but the speed of the car was significantly reduced, which made her feel very comfortable.

It can be said that the riding feeling of this bicycle is not much worse than her new permanent bicycle.

After the test drive, she was very satisfied and paid the money directly to the other party without counter-offering.In this case, she can have a private car, and she will not let anyone know about it.

"Girl, you must take good care of this car in the future." The car seller looked at his car reluctantly, with a look of deep emotion, and finally said this to Bai Meixi He left after talking.

Bai Meixi pushed this old car to buy other things. Naturally, she would take good care of this car, because it would be her long-term partner in the future!
As I walked further, I saw eggs, and I immediately thought that the egg production in the space was not high, and was only enough for myself and my family. It seemed that I needed to buy more eggs so that I could cook tea eggs on the way in the future. You will need to purchase some corresponding materials.

However, she had enough private money in her hands, so Bai Meixi didn't feel bad about spending it.

First, she asked about the price of the eggs. They were five cents each. They were very cheap, so she said they wanted 600 eggs, which cost 30 yuan.Next, the boiled tea eggs needed tea leaves and seasonings, so she went to buy them again.

There were many types of tea, and the other party asked her what exactly she needed. "Tea leaves are both drinkable and useful. What do you need to do to buy tea leaves? I will recommend them to you."

The other party was quite polite, and Bai Meixi answered truthfully, "I want to boil tea eggs. You can tell me what kind of tea I want to use."

It seems that Bai Meixi is really picky about eating tea eggs even though she won't eat the bland eggs with white flowers on them.The other party didn't have any other reaction, and he started to make recommendations to her competently.

"For tea eggs, just use coarse tea leaves. This kind of tea is not expensive. It only costs [-] cents per catty. How much do you plan to buy?"

The price is not expensive, but Bai Meixi wants the tea to have a richer flavor, so she plans to buy more.In this case, if you don't use it up, you can also use it for other purposes, such as soaking your feet, etc.!

"Then give me a hundred pounds!"

Bai Meixi started to speak. This bold attitude made the other party look at her again, but in the end he quickly turned around and weighed the tea leaves for her.If the customer wants it, then they can just sell it.

After Bai Meixi paid 50 yuan, she took the tea and left. She found a deserted place and put all these things in the space. There was no other way. She had to put so many things away before she could continue to buy. Otherwise, it would make people angry. Doubtful, and even the bicycle can't bear it.

Finally, the only thing missing was seasoning. She went to the market, saw cinnamon, and asked for 20 pounds of cinnamon, which cost 14 yuan.Then I felt that this item was too simple. I saw the star anise next to it and bought 20 kilograms of it. The price was also 14 yuan. In this way, the total cost of the two items was 28 yuan.

Now we have all the seasonings and tea eggs available, so we just need to make them when the time comes.

She put all the things in the space and looked at the piles of things, feeling very fulfilled in her heart.With so many things, it seems that she doesn't have to worry about the journey. She has everything she needs to eat and drink, and the rest will be much easier.

Especially the old bicycle I bought today, I am satisfied with it. This vehicle is cheap and practical. It is a good car!

Then, Bai Meixi went to visit Liu Mazi's family and looked at the progress of the current project.Since she has been bothering them to help with other things recently, the progress of the project is still relatively slow, but she can understand that there are too many things going on recently.If possible, it would be nice to add more people.

But where can I find honest and loyal people like Liu Mazi's family, who don't talk much but do things in a down-to-earth manner.The most important thing is someone who won’t tell the secrets of his own space and who still trusts him. I really don’t know where to find such a person!
It seems that my space can only be like this for the time being. When a suitable opportunity comes in the future, I will look for a suitable candidate!Bai Meixi thought to herself, expressed her gratitude to Liu Mazi's family, and then left the space.

(End of this chapter)

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