Chapter 373 Harvest Year

The family enjoyed the hot meal happily, and Cheng's mother also praised Bai Meixi, "Meixi, your cooking is getting better and better. Look how delicious this dish is!"

Bai Meixi naturally knew that her mother-in-law was praising her, but in fact, her craftsmanship was far from that of her sister-in-law.This kind of cooking also requires talent, but I really don't have this talent.

However, she still said gratefully to her mother, "Thank you for the compliment. By the way, how was this year's harvest?"

In fact, people during this period did not have enough to eat, mainly because hybrid rice did not appear and the grain yield was not high.If there is a disaster year, people will be even more deprived of food, and in some places they will even dig wild vegetables to eat.

Bai Meixi's issue is directly related to the family's food rations, which is a very important matter.

Seeing Bai Meixi's concern about the harvest, the eldest brother replied while eating vegetables, "This year's harvest is good. Our village has a bumper harvest, and it's not just our village. There are bumper harvests of grain for hundreds of miles nearby. We can finally eat it this year." I’m full.”

Needless to say, everyone’s faces were filled with satisfied smiles.If this grain harvest is good, it means that every family has enough food rations, and there is no need to worry about going hungry.

Seeing this situation, Bai Meixi was also happy. At present, this kind of food depends on heaven's harvest. People will definitely be happy when there is a bumper harvest.But if possible, Bai Meixi really wants to save part of this food, the kind that can be stored for many years, so that the food can be used in disaster years.

But it is obviously not easy to accomplish such a thing in this era. After all, there is no refrigerator. This food can be stored for more than a year, but it will be useless any longer.She could only think about it and give up the idea of ​​storing food.

Besides, food stamps are also very tight. She doesn’t have enough food stamps and can’t save food.

"Okay, let's eat quickly!"

Cheng's mother warned, "If you don't eat, the food will get cold."

At this time, everyone quickly put food into their mouths and stopped talking.

When the grain harvest is good, the production team puts the millet outside to dry and collect it.In this era of collective management, individuals are not qualified to handle the food collected by themselves.

Cheng's father came back that day and announced an important thing to everyone, that is, he had to pay food.

Everyone had solemn looks on their faces. The matter of handing over food was complicated and troublesome. Naturally, everyone felt heavy and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense.

"Don't be like this," Cheng's mother said comfortingly, "being able to hand over grain means that our harvest is good. This is a good thing. Don't be gloomy. Besides, the country has given us so many conveniences. We should also give back to the country, so this is nothing."

After being encouraged by their adult mother, everyone's faces showed guilty looks.People in this era are very simple, and when they especially worship Chairman Mao, they naturally have no reservations about the country and are willing to give anything of themselves. This public food should naturally be paid.Bai Meixi didn't even have work points to pay for the food, so it was not her turn to go. Bai Meixi was busy with her own affairs in the barren mountain at this time. When she got there, she found that the sweet potato leaves there had grown quite a lot, and the tops of them were There are vague signs of maturity, which gives me some comfort.

It seems that her hard work has paid off. She just wants to change this barren mountain and let others see that she can grow a lot of good things in time.

Thinking that the bet was about to be cashed in, Bai Meixi showed a proud look on her face.In fact, she didn't want to be serious with her sister-in-law, but she naturally had to keep her words, and she wanted to educate her sister-in-law that no matter how old she was, as long as her words must count, she would be a trustworthy person.

However, it’s not bad to be able to eat sweet potatoes in this era. It’s a serious thing and not a wild vegetable.

"Sister, why didn't you go dry the millet?" Yao Jiusheng came to the back mountain. After seeing Bai Meixi, he asked with concern, aren't all the adults busy with farm work at this time? I didn't expect him to come and see Arriving at Baimeixi made him very happy.

Bai Meixi sighed after seeing Yao Jiusheng. Yao Jiusheng's temperament is completely different now. He has the appearance of a scholar. The most important thing is that his temperament has become more cheerful and he has lost the ruffian characteristics before.This is really about reading changing one's destiny. In fact, reading changes one's temperament first, and then changes one's destiny.

"There are other people to do those things, and I have to be busy with things in this barren mountain!" Bai Meixi answered casually, looked at Yao Jiusheng and asked with concern, "How are you studying during this time, and are you happy? ?”

Now that Yao Jiusheng has no relatives around, he regards her as his only support, and she naturally needs to be more caring.In fact, she also treats Yao Jiusheng as a younger brother. She feels that this child can become a talent in the future and cannot waste such a good brain.

Yao Jiusheng smiled slyly and said proudly, "Of course I am good at studying. The knowledge is so simple. I listened to half of the class. Now the teachers like me very much, and my classmates follow me every day. They want me to help them make up lessons later!"

Unexpectedly, Yao Jiusheng did well and was loved by his teachers and classmates. Bai Meixi felt relieved and took out a pen from the space. She bought it for him specially to encourage him to study hard.

"Yes, this is a reward for you. You must study hard in the future!"

Yao Jiusheng took the pen and his eyes suddenly lit up. This pen was a fountain pen. Not many people had fountain pens at that time, and they could only use cheap pencils at most, so he was particularly envious of those who had fountain pens, but he himself I don’t have much money, and I have to consider my future life. I can only envy this pen but don’t dare to hope to own it.

Now holding such a brand new and heavy pen in his hand, he felt like he was dreaming.

"Thank you, sister!" This was the last reward he could give Bai Meixi.

"You're welcome, you study hard in the future, and I'll give you a reward!" Bai Meixi said with a smile, and touched his head, feeling that Yao Jiusheng has indeed become more grateful now, which is different.

Then, Yao Jiusheng carefully put the pen back into his bag and happily helped Bai Meixi work.Bai Meixi looked at
Yao Jiusheng was so considerate, knowing how much he cherished this pen, he felt very comforted in his heart.Under the sun, one big and one small were waving hoes in the field, looking very harmonious, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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