The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 325 Expanding the chicken pen

Chapter 325 Expanding the chicken pen
A week passed quickly, and Mazi Liu's family returned to the space again.

Not surprisingly, Bai Meixi found that the whole family was quite dark.

"Are you all done with your farm work?" Bai Meixi asked with concern, "I see you are all quite dark."

Although it is the end of September and the sun is not as fierce as summer, the title of Autumn Tiger is not given for nothing.In the past few days, I have been tanned by the sun.

"Thank you for your concern. We are all done. By the way, these are peanuts from the fields. I didn't know if you like them or not, so I brought some for you."

Then he handed Bai Meixi a basket and opened it. It was indeed peanuts, but they were very small and the shells were a little deflated. In this era, there were no such plump peanuts. They were all small and thin peanuts, which were better than Peanuts taste great in this one.

Bai Meixi knew that this was what Liu Mazi's family wanted, so she accepted it.

"Thank you then." Bai Meixi accepted the gift.

"You are so polite. You let us eat eggs every day and give us meat from time to time. These things are common crops and are not rare." Aunt Liu said honestly.

After the greetings, Bai Meixi pulled everyone into the space.Because they have experienced this incident many times, Liu Mazi's family is no longer surprised.

After everyone stood still, suddenly, Aunt Liu slapped her head and said, "Oh, we have been walking for such a long time. I wonder if the chickens have laid eggs. I have to go and check quickly."

Eggs are very valuable items, and the family has been away for a week without knowing whether the eggs are still intact.

Seeing Aunt Liu's panic, Bai Meixi was a little disapproving. Where can I put the egg? Nothing will happen. So she said comfortingly, "Aunt Liu, don't panic. Nothing will happen if you put the egg." Won’t eat it!”

She had never raised chickens before, so she felt that there was nothing to worry about. There should be no animals that would eat her own children, and eggs should be considered the children of chickens.

After Aunt Liu heard what she said, she immediately explained to her, "Girl, it seems that you have never raised chickens before. Let me tell you, if the chickens are hungry for a long time or for other reasons, it is possible Peck open the eggs and drink the eggs inside. Oh, I think an old hen I raised accidentally tasted the taste of eggs, and later ate all the eggs she laid. You can't be careless!"

After saying this, Bai Meixi also became a little worried.At first she didn't expect such a thing to happen, but it seemed like she needed to pay more attention.Eggs are the best nutrition here, and she can't cut off this nutrition.

Since the chickens were relatively small and the two of them were anxious, they went to the chicken coop one after another to check.

"Thank God, the eggs are still intact."

Aunt Liu went to the chicken coop to check and found that many eggs were intact there. She felt relieved immediately, and then started to count the eggs while picking them up: "One, two..."

What Bai Meixi is thinking about is that it would be better if there were more chickens, so that she can eat eggs without worrying about these and other things.

Of course, if the amount really increases, let alone eggs, even chicken, that’s okay too!When she thought of chicken, her eyes lit up. It had been a long time since she had eaten a full meal of meat like in modern times. Every time, it was just a little bit, which was not enough to fit between her teeth.

Later, if I clean up the kitchen a little bit, I can cook here and no one will care about what I want to eat. "Wow, more than 30 eggs in total!"

Aunt Liu placed a basket full of eggs in front of Bai Meixi and said happily, as if she had harvested them.

Looking at the basket of white eggs, a smile appeared on Bai Meixi's face. There were indeed a lot of eggs.Then, Aunt Liu continued, "There were more than 30 eggs that were not eaten before. There are a lot of eggs this time. If you exchange them, you can get a lot of good things!"

But no, with so many eggs, people in the village generally don’t want to eat them themselves, but want to exchange them for some necessary items at home.

Of course, Bai Meixi didn't think so, "You won't need this egg to change things, so you should keep it for yourself!"

The eggs she raised were genuine local eggs, and she didn't want to give them to others.

Seeing that Bai Meixi insisted on doing this, Aunt Liu was noncommittal, "Okay, you can do it as you say. But, girl, I think the chicken in front seems to want to build a nest, so why don't we just let the egg lay the chicken?" "

She pointed at the henhouse in front of her, and Bai Meixi took a look and saw that the old hen that came first was motionless in the henhouse. It really didn't look like she was about to lay eggs. She was happy to see this old hen. Chickens want to hatch chicks. If they can succeed, they will have more and more chickens.

"Okay, from now on there will be more and more chickens." This kind of thing was what she had been thinking about, but she didn't expect it to be realized so quickly. It is really happy.

"But the chicken coop is a little short after the chicks are hatched. Let's expand the chicken coop."

Seeing Bai Meixi's happy look, Aunt Liu sincerely put forward her opinion.When hens hatch chicks, they do need a larger space and a more convenient environment, and this chicken coop is obviously much smaller.

"Just do as you say, just tell me if you need anything." Bai Meixi agreed. This was something beneficial to her, so naturally she had nothing to say.

"Nothing is needed, as long as you agree. There are plenty of bricks and tiles, so it is not difficult to expand the chicken coop."

Aunt Liu waved her hand and said, this chicken coop is just a circle, there is no need to build a house or anything, so everything is ready-made, and it doesn't require any difficulty.

Then, the two of them selected twenty large and complete eggs from the harvested eggs and gave them to Aunt Liu, planning to use these eggs to hatch chicks. Bai Meixi left with peace of mind.

With Liu Mazi's family here, she felt particularly relieved.

She put the remaining eggs in the house first, planning to wait until later.

Thinking of the future when chickens would be everywhere and she would have endless chickens to eat, she would be so happy that she just wanted to laugh.Life is getting better and better, how can we not make people happy?As long as she lies comfortably in her bed and drinks some frangipani flowers every day, she will be fine.

When she left, she took out the peanuts given by Aunt Liu, intending to cook them for her family to eat, and also to add some food to the family, so that the daily dishes would not be too simple without any oil or water. These peanuts are still quite good. !At least, both adults and children like to eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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