The reborn peasant girl has space for farming

Chapter 157 Choosing a Land to Dig a Hole

Chapter 157 Choosing a Land to Dig a Hole
Yao Jiusheng was like an experienced adult. He rolled his eyes back and forth, thinking about something in his heart.Digging a hole is the easiest thing for him. He has lived on his own for three years. What he has experienced and endured during these three years is beyond the imagination of anyone.Therefore, Yao Jiusheng, who was only nine years old, looked as mature as a young man.

But psychological maturity does not mean that he can resist something.After all, there are still too many temptations in this world, just like steamed buns. This kind of food is a great temptation for Yao Jiusheng.He can avoid anything that is bad for him, but he can't resist food.

After thinking for a long time, Yao Jiusheng nodded heavily to Bai Meixi and said, "Okay, then it's settled."

After saying that, he extended his palm as a gesture of high-fiving Bai Meixi.Bai Meixi looked at the child and couldn't help laughing, but in the end she fulfilled his wish and gave him a high-five.

Yao Jiusheng was in a very happy mood. He was just waiting for the pit to be dug before serving some delicious white noodle steamed buns.

Yao Jiusheng looked at the hoe in his hand, then looked around, and then he understood Bai Meixi's intention of digging a hole.It seems that this child is also very smart. He pointed to the bottom of a ditch on two nearby hillsides and said to Baimei River: "That place is the wettest place. I think it is most suitable to dig a hole there." That’s it.”

Bai Meixi looked at it and found that it was indeed the case.If you wait until the pit is dug, you can directly divert water into the pit from upstream, which can save a lot of effort.

However, what surprised Bai Meixi was how did Yao Jiusheng know what Bai Meixi was digging holes for?
She turned her head, looked at Yao Jiusheng and said doubtfully: "Do you know what I am going to dig a hole for?"

Yao Jiusheng glanced at Bai Meixi, spread his hands helplessly, and said to Bai Meixi: "If you are cultivating these barren mountains and ridges, it must be for planting. Since you want to plant, you have to water them. ? Where does the water come from? It’s obvious! You dug the hole to store water!”

Bai Meixi looked at Yao Jiusheng blankly, surprised by his intelligence.At such a young age, he actually had such a mind.If the Yao family had not abandoned Yao Fengying, would Yao Jiusheng have been with the Yao family?With the backing of the Yao family, Yao Jiusheng's future will definitely be a bright one.

But, then again, if Yao Fengying had not been abandoned, then the child she gave birth to would definitely not be Yao Jiu.

Bai Meixi looked at Yao Jiusheng with a lot of emotions in her heart.

The reason why Bai Meixi asked Yao Jiusheng to dig this hole in person was to make him understand that everything must be won with his own hands, and that his hands can create wealth.

In this case, Bai Meixi handed the hoe to Yao Jiusheng and said to him: "Then what happens next will be left to you?"

"Don't worry!" Yao Jiusheng patted his chest confidently and said with pride: "This is just a piece of cake for me."

Bai Meixi smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "I don't want to talk big."

"I'm not talking big words!" Yao Jiusheng retorted somewhat unconvinced.

"Okay! I believe you!" Bai Meixi responded firmly.

These three simple words made Yao Jiusheng feel as warm as spring in his heart.No one in this world seems to believe him.Even sometimes, he was not responsible for the bad things, but everyone seems to have become accustomed to blaming him. No matter what, no one will stand up for him, and the bullying will be in vain.

Yao Jiusheng suddenly felt that Bai Meixi was very kind. At least when he was with her, he would not feel disgusted in his heart.

"Then you dig a hole first, and I'll go upstream to take a look." Bai Meixi said to Yao Jiusheng.

"Hey!" Yao Jiusheng called out to Bai Meixi who was about to turn around and leave.Bai Meixi paused, frowned slightly, turned around and looked at him seriously and said, "How can you be so rude?"

"Then what should I call you in the future?" Yao Jiusheng asked.

"I'm older than you, just call me sister!" Bai Meixi responded.

"Then what's your name?" Yao Jiusheng introduced himself: "My name is Yao Jiusheng. You can also call me Gou Sheng. This is my nickname. But I don't like it very much! You can call me whatever you want."

Bai Meixi smiled slightly and responded: "Then I will call you Jiu Sheng from now on."

"Okay!" A happy smile appeared on Yao Jiusheng's lips. Today's conversation seemed to make him very satisfied. He asked Bai Meixi again: "What about you?"

"My surname is Bai, and my name is Bai Meixi." Bai Meixi introduced herself.

"Then I'll call you Sister Bai." Yao Jiusheng responded.

"Okay." Bai Meixi agreed and said to Yao Jiusheng: "Remember, you can't yell at others. This is very impolite behavior."

"Aren't you going upstream? I'm going to start digging a hole!" Yao Jiusheng did not respond to Bai Meixi, but gave her an "expulsion order." Seeing Bai Meixi turn around and leave helplessly, he secretly Laughed.


It seems that no one has ever told him what politeness is when he has grown up.This was the first time someone told him to be polite to the right people.

Yao Jiusheng looked at the hoe in his hand. The hoe stood up, and the handle was higher than him.He held the handle of the hoe and observed the sandwiched ditch, then jumped down and started construction.

He first found the wettest place. As long as he made an opening, the hole behind would be much easier to dig.

He was not tall, but he held the hoe in his hand very well. As he lifted and lowered the hoe, he dug a small hole with the hoe.

Because it's moist, it's actually not that strenuous to dig.For Yao Jiusheng, who was still a child, this should have been considered a heavy and tiring job, but now in Yao Jiusheng's hands, everything seems so relaxed and pleasant.

Moreover, Yao Jiusheng was in an inexplicably good mood now. He didn't know whether it was because talking to Bai Meixi made him feel happy, or because eating that white flour steamed bun made him energetic and relaxed at the same time.

Who cares?In Yao Jiusheng's mind, he imagined what Bai Meixi would look like when he gave him steamed buns later.The steamed buns given by Bai Meixi were the most delicious steamed buns he had ever tasted in the world.

Perhaps there is no such thing as greed in the child's world.But sometimes in such a difficult environment, in order to survive, one has to do some puzzling things.There are too many people in this world who cannot empathize with us!
(End of this chapter)

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