Reborn 1980

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

On the day Liu Jun came back, a major event occurred in Hong Kong that shocked the entire province. The second-in-command of the Menying Society, Xu Kun, rebelled. The people he took away accounted for one-half of the total members of the Menying Society. And most of the capable teams were there.

Xu Kun's rebellion came so suddenly that before the senior officials could react, all the people, money, and materials were lost.

There are a lot of disturbances from the outside world, and people are panicking, but there is endless noise inside Yiying.

"Xu Kun, that bastard, has definitely been thinking about it for a long time. I didn't like him the first time I saw him! I just had a premonition that this kid is a bitch!! When I was ranked, I said How many times have I disagreed, ah? You think I'm farting! You just sent me to the second position, and now I'm fine, I'm making wedding clothes for people!! Why did I say that this son of a bitch didn't understand the word 'loyalty'? Write, you just don’t listen. Are you satisfied with what you are doing now? Huh? One by one, you are not forward-looking at all. You have been the leader for so many years and you can’t even understand it. I think you will stop eating in the future. Eat shit. Go ahead!! Those with special codes are full of money!!" The man slapped the table, his face was red and his neck was thick. It was not enough to describe the level of anger he felt at this moment.

"Ba Tou! Keep your mouth clean for me!!" The words of the bald and scarred man made the other two bosses darken their faces. One of them even slapped the table angrily and stood up from his stool angrily. , pointed at the bald man’s nose and roared.

"Mantis, you idiot, I've been putting up with you for a long time. When I was choosing the general manager, you were the only one who was really good at dancing! You are really good at judging people, ah!! See for yourself, What have you brought to the people you hold so much in your hands? Huh? Half of the people, two-thirds of the elite are gone. These are all cancers you cultivated yourself! You have trapped us all, You can’t find a way to save me, and you’re still trying to save your face, so why don’t you go to heaven?”

"You..." Rong Tanglang's face was blackened by the sharp mouth of the dam head, and he almost rolled his eyes in anger. He took a few quick breaths before he managed to stabilize himself. He bit his cheek, sat down, and fiercely He glared at Ba Tou for a few times, then snorted and turned away, sulking alone.

Yes, he has always admired Xu Kun, but can you really blame him?Xu Kun has been with Baanying for more than ten years. When something big happened to Baoying, did he not rush to the front?He spared no effort to tell the truth. With Baiying's current scale, Xu Kun at least played a backbone role!This bitch in Bastou doesn’t even want to think about what Baanying will be like when Xu Kun comes in!Even if Bai Ying had shown up at that time, he was just one of dozens of them, with some status, nothing more!If it weren't for Xu Kun, with just a few of them, would Yiying have such a status?What are you dreaming about?This idiot doesn't even want to think about who was the one who settled the big troubles he made in the past.

When you are looking for someone to make peace with, just treat him like a brother!Thanks!Now that they don't want to hang out with you anymore and have established a separate branch, you just call them a bastard!
Anyway, let him say all the good and bad things!

He said, even if Xu Kun goes it alone, there will be a lot left for Bai Ying. If he works hard, it will be enough for them to maintain their capital and spend the rest of their lives!Another one, who wants to be the second child forever?Still serving the boss of a piece of shit like Bastou, his brain is full of water! !
"Okay, Bastou, your mouth is quite damaging. Why didn't you just say something stupid when you praised others?" The middle-aged man in the lead finally spoke, with a calm expression on his face.

The anger that Ba Tou was filled with was KOed by just one sentence!
Covering his head with a dark face, he fell into self-irritation.

Seeing that everyone was in a bad mood, the middle-aged man didn't say anything more, just left a few words, went back to think of something, and then the meeting ended.

A gathering of top executives of Yiying ended in such a quarrel, without any regulations being stated from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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