Reborn 1980

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

In order to wait for Xu Zhuo, Liu Jun and Wu Lu found a clean hotel to stay in a nearby town.

Xu Zhuo did not keep the two of them waiting for too long, and they arrived at the agreed place the next evening.

"Has everything been arranged?" Liu Jun looked at Xu Zhuo, who was a little tired, and felt a little ashamed. It seemed that Xu Zhuo had been working non-stop during this period.

"Well, before I send them there, I have arranged their identities and purchased a house."

"People? Your people?" Liu Jun was a little surprised that Xu Zhuo actually had friends in this area. He thought it would take a lot of trouble.

Xu Zhuoxiao said, "Well, I happen to have a very good relationship with a child in a small county below Tila City. Although the development there is average, it is comfortable enough and it is very convenient to handle things."

'Snapped! 'A hard slap, a crisp sound in the closed study room, made half of Si Hao's face red and swollen in a few seconds, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

The corners of his eyes were red, and Si Hao said nothing. He just turned his head and looked at his most respected father silently.

Si Mingren panted heavily, his bloodshot eyes widened. The exhaustion and anxiety of the past few days seemed to find a way to vent at this moment. His trembling right hand was raised again and thrown out fiercely.

'Clap clap clap...'

"Dad!" The study door was suddenly pushed open, and a tall figure rushed in, blocking Si Mingren's big hand that mechanically waved. It was Si Peng, the second eldest son of the Si family.

When he received the call from the servant, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, but who knew it was still a step too late.

Looking at his younger brother's swollen and shiny face, Si Peng's eyes flashed with distress. He had always known that his younger brother's mind was too righteous and could not tolerate a trace of dirt in his heart, but who knew that this fire would start so quickly, and it was He drove straight in, leaving no one with a chance to react.

"Si Peng, get out of here! Otherwise I will beat you up too!" Si Mingren was already red-eyed. Even the appearance of his second son, who was usually very proud of him, could not calm the anger in his heart. Thinking of the old man's anger, Thinking of his wife, he wished he could stuff Si Hao back in again and never give birth to her again.

"Dad, don't hit me again, Hao Hao, he knows he was wrong! Hao Hao, hurry up, apologize to Dad, hurry up!" Standing in front of Si Hao, Si Peng kept winking at Si Hao's eyes.

Unfortunately, Si Hao was not willing to follow his instructions. There was unyielding stubbornness in his thick black eyes. Even though his cheeks were swollen and shiny, he still spoke clearly, "I'm right! It's Yan Nan who deserves to die." !He deserves to die!!”

"Asshole!" Si Mingren let out an angry roar, waved Si Peng away with one hand, and rushed forward.

Suddenly, the study room became a mess. Si Peng could not protect his younger brother, so he could only use his body to block his father's beating. So, one person was beaten, and two people suffered.

Mo Wei sat at the end of the bed, looking at his friend who was bruised and swollen on the bed, his eyes were red, "Can't you be softer with your mouth? You have done everything and achieved your goal. How can you show weakness with your mouth? You have to use force. Come on? Didn't you always shout that a good man will not suffer the consequences? How come it's like farting when it comes to you?" If he could, he would have wanted to give this stubborn boy a slap in the face. With such a hard mouth, is it necessary? ?Aren't you suffering yourself?

The person on the bed was silent and did not answer.

I thought this kid would remain silent, but he suddenly spoke again, "What would you do if the person who encountered this was not Youla's sister but Yanyan?" Mo Yan, Mo Wei's youngest sister, is also a member of the Mo family. The sister who loves me the most.

Mo Wei fell silent:...

He estimated that he would kill Yan Nan with his own hands! "Tsk..." Having anticipated Mo Wei's reaction, Si Hao couldn't help but laugh, "Haha..."

Staring at the boy on the bed who was laughing like crazy, Mo Wei's face twitched and he looked incomprehensible.

"Are you crazy?"

"Hehehe... I'm not crazy. The pent-up feeling in my heart is gone and I'm so happy..." Yan Nan has been arrested and will be sent to court soon. This time, he will definitely die. No one can Save~!No matter how much his parents tried to hide it, once the old man saw it, there was no room for maneuver on this matter. Yan Nan was dead!He has finally removed the shackles from his heart!Although Youla's sister cannot be resurrected, at least he has given her justice!
With a slap on Si Hao's bent right leg, Mo Wei let out a long sigh and smiled angrily, "You kid, you are really not suitable to survive in a family like this." How can a family like theirs be tolerated? Such an upright person.

"What do you want to do?!" Hu Yu's face was cold and he blocked the thin girl behind him, with anger flashing in his dark eyes.

Because of Hu Yuan's health, the brother and sister got off the bus in a relatively large town. One was to relieve physical fatigue, and the other was to find a doctor to check on Hu Yuan. Little did they know that they were just asking about the hospital. There was trouble because of the location. When I walked down the road, I was followed by these young gangsters.

Blocking the brothers and sisters' journey were six middle-sized, lean young men. Their faces were dirty and their facial features could not be seen clearly, but their chaotic aura made both brothers and sisters extremely disgusted and disgusted. Disgusted, it seemed that he was used to doing this kind of road robbery, otherwise, his ruffian spirit wouldn't be so exposed.

The young man walking at the front spat on the ground, his small eyes exuding unconcealed malice, "Boy, I advise you to be honest and hand the package to us, otherwise, I will teach you how to do it today." Be a human being!!" His eyes swept across Hu Yuan behind Hu Yu fiercely, and then fell on the package on Hu Yu's shoulder.

Hu Yu frowned. The package on his body contained nothing but a change of clothes for him and Yuanyuan. He had all the money hidden on him.

But even so, he can't really throw the package out. The other party will never leave if they don't get the benefit. And if they really get the benefit, the possibility that they can leave is unknown, so he …

He squeezed Hu Yuan's right hand behind his back with his left hand. The latter understood, took the package from his brother's shoulder, looked at the young people warily, and took a few steps back.

To be honest, she wouldn't be afraid of these people if she hadn't been unwell, let alone her brother's skills.

However, since they were in a foreign land, they acted more cautiously, so they did not take action from the beginning. Now, there is no other way.

As Hu Yuan expected, Hu Yu's movements were as fast as the wind. Within a few moves, all six people fell down, lying on the ground and wailing.

Each of them stepped on them a few times, "Brother, that's enough, let's leave quickly!" Hu Yuan warned.

Hu Yu nodded, paused before leaving, and finally pulled Hu Yuan away quickly.

What they didn't know was that less than a minute after they left, several burly men appeared next to the six of them. After asking about the reason, their eyes showed anger.

"You dare to be arrogant on my territory. You are really impatient! Boys, please pass on the message to me. We must capture these two brothers and sisters today!"

"Yes, fifth brother!"

 Babies, I'm back!I'm late. I'm sorry. I'm in confinement and have a knife wound, so the old Buddha at home won't let me touch the computer.Starting today, updates will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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