Reborn 1980

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

In a room with a strong European decoration style, a woman with long hair was holding milk and handed it to the man who was half lying on the bed, "Peace, drink some milk before going to bed." She whispered as if she was afraid of scaring the man.

The man with gold-rimmed glasses put down the book in his hand upon hearing the sound, nodded expressionlessly to the woman, took the milk and drank it down in one gulp.

While the woman took away the cup, the man had already opened the cup and lay down with his back to the woman, preparing to sleep.

The woman came back after putting down the cup, stood silently by the window and looked at the man's back. After a long time, she showed a bitter smile and got into bed.

Liu Jun looked at the gap between the two of them, which was so close but seemed to be separated by a galaxy, with a flash of ridicule in his eyes.

This He Jialan retired from the army because of a bitchy man, and even let the man humiliate her parents. Is this evil, or is the two elders too pampered?How can a man who doesn't even respect the woman's family live a good life?
Liu Jun, who has no emotional experience, cannot understand He Jialan's brain circuit.

Humiliating the two elders?hehe……

After a bit of digging and deciding on the key care recipients, Liu Jun asked Anu to drive to the appointment address with Yan Yan without any hesitation.

Yan Yan originally thought that Liu Jun was the only one coming, but he didn't want to...

Looking at the legendary face that all the girls in the capital wanted to marry, Yan Yan was dumbfounded.

I knew it would be like this~
Liu Jun raised his eyebrows helplessly and smiled, "Yan Yan is my partner, and Nie Tian is my man."

It was okay not to introduce him. After this introduction, Yan Yan choked on his own saliva. The sight of him was so heartbreaking that he almost lay down under the table.

Liu Jun:......

Nie Tian: ...

The identity of the original master Nie Tian is really too high ~ Liu Jun thought with some distress.

Is it possible that whenever she meets an acquaintance with A Yu in the future, the other person will do this?
Nie Tian had already anticipated the result. He slowly picked up the teapot, poured a cup into it, and put it into Yan Yan's hand that was resting on the edge of the table. The latter quickly took a big sip and then recovered.

After the itching in the trachea dissipated, Yan Yan turned red in the face and neck, and shouted to Nie Tian with a face of shame, "Hello, Mr. Nie, I am Yan Yan, Liu Jun's friend. Nice to meet you." You." After saying that, he stretched out his hand. Nie Tian nodded, stretched out his hand and shook it lightly before taking it back.

Yan Yan, who was trying to keep himself calm, already had two villains starting to fight in his mind.

I'm not dreaming, am I?

What a dream, this is true!
It's impossible. How did the prince become Liu Jun's man?

Is this impossible? Liu Jun is a strange woman. Isn't it normal to be able to attract the prince?
its not right……

"I am coming to you this time. In addition to giving you a new plan, there is one more thing. I am planning to set up Jun Yu's security branch in the capital, office building, and personnel recruitment. I need your help."

"How can I help?" Yan Yan did not expect that Liu Jun would let go of a super helper like Nie Tian and use himself instead.

However, Liu Jun was in need, so he naturally did his best.

"I want to recruit retired and employed soldiers." She had already checked that Yan Yan's third uncle was in charge of the recruitment of soldiers in the army.

No one knows the address and contact information of veterans better than Uncle Yan.

Yan Yan was stunned by Liu Jun's words. Apparently he didn't expect that Liu Jun would actually think of recruiting veterans, and moreover, he would do so through himself.

As smart as Yan Yan, he naturally thought of the key quickly and couldn't help but laugh, "You have checked all the positions in our family~"

"You are wrong. This is what your second uncle told me, not what I checked." Mayor Yan took the blame and did not stop what was wrong.

"Second uncle?" Yan Yan was surprised again, "How do you know my second uncle?" How come he never knew that such an old-fashioned person as his second uncle would talk about the true situation of his family to a 'child' like Liu Jun? Unscientific!

"Fate." Two words blocked Yan Yan's doubts.Yan Yan, who almost choked to death:...

"I will give you half and a half of the shares of the branch, and it will be counted as your hard work."

"5.00%?" Are you so stingy?

"Too much? Then two percent!"

"I'll rub it! Liu Jun, can you dig more? No, just 5.00%, or I won't do it." I'm so angry, what should I do!
"Deal!" Liu Jun was just teasing him.

The conversation in the private room where Yan Yan was sitting was very harmonious, but Ou Haobo and Jiang Hairong almost pulled out their hair in the private room.

"Haobo, am I dazzled?!" The man who walked in hand in hand with Liu Jun, how come he looks so much like the prince? ! !
Jiang Hairong held his head and asked the question for the 101st time.

"Damn, you ask me, who am I going to ask? How can you be dazzled by the flowers together?" He will never forget the prince's handsome face even if he dies. It's a perfect flower of the high mountains, the kind that no one can pick off. .

By the way, why is she the flower of Gaoling holding the hand of that little girl Liu Jun?

friend?younger sister?lover?

I wipe it!The way the prince looked at that girl was absolutely true love!

As long as you are not blind, you can definitely see it!Didn’t you realize that the lobby manager was clasping his left foot and slapping his forehead?

So, the prince has quietly found an owner?

Things are going to change in Beijing...

"Ayu, I'll take you flying!" Liu Jun, who accidentally drank too much because of his happiness, became bloated.

Nie Tian helplessly held the person in his arms and prepared to stuff him into the trunk, but the next second...

Staring at the ground further and further away from him, Nie Tian's face froze~
Anu looked at the man and woman flying higher and higher above his head with admiration, "Master's superpower has finally returned to its peak~"

"Ayu, look, the stars are so far away from us and so close at the same time~" Liu Jun, who rarely let himself go, hugged the man's lean waist like a little bird and smiled happily, which was once suppressed in his eyebrows The sorrow of the time was completely dissipated.

A Yu, who had experienced life and death, easily accepted this sudden 'surprise'.

He looked at the girl in his arms with clear eyes, and his affection was about to overflow from his eyes.

The man and woman, immersed in the romantic feelings of flying across the night sky, did not know that Ou Haobo and Jiang Hairong, two brothers and sisters who had come out of the hotel, were already lying at the foot of the steps.

"Hao Bo, what the hell..."

"Rongrong, I am just like you, woo woo..."

Yan Yan, who was cleaning up the mess and coming out to look for someone, saw the two brothers sitting together on the ground, hugging each other and crying.

Holding his forehead, "Hey...what can we do with these two guys?"

It was a bit late, I couldn't get a car, and there were these two drunkards.

Just as he was about to go back to the hall to make a phone call, "Master Yan, the master asked me to take you back." A cold female voice sounded from behind.

It's Anu.

"It's you." Yan Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Anu.

(End of this chapter)

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