Reborn 1980

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Xu Kun has been living on the street since he was eleven or twelve years old. From the beginning, he was hungry every day and was beaten every day more punctually than eating. Later, he could eat to his full stomach and had three melons and two dates left. Now, he has become a party member. The leader of the force, he has been beaten and hacked more than a thousand times. It is precisely because of his daring to do things and being at the forefront of everything that he has reached his current position.After being famous for many years, the appreciation from the superiors, the compliments from the public, and the flashy drunken lantern riddles have already made him pampered. He no longer has to do everything himself. When doing things, the subordinates are the first to do things. There is no need for him to try his own way.

He is only over forty, which is considered a man's golden age, but he has long forgotten everything he has experienced, and he cannot imagine returning to that situation again.

Yubu's mysterious appearance was like a sap, making him suddenly wake up. It turned out that he himself was not omnipotent.

Recalling every minute and every second of that night, even down to every detail, the trembling feeling of being stared at by the god of death emerges all the time.

He even wondered if the other party didn't want to kill him, which gave him the chance to escape~
He has been back for several days, and he has always had the illusion of being stared at by eyes in the dark. He even wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating profusely~
He didn't know how long this situation would last, but he knew that the only way to stop this situation from getting worse was to get rid of the devil in his heart.

Therefore, he must find out the existence of Yubu!

"Where's Lao Ji?"

"Boss, Brother Ji hasn't reported to the headquarters for several days."

"what happened?"

"do not know."

"Go check."


As soon as Liu Jun entered the road near the school early in the morning, he was blocked by three explosive heads.

"Mainland girl, you traitor!!" Hu Xin's angry voice filled the wide road, attracting the gazes of some passing classmates.

"What are you looking at? I'll dig out your eyeballs again!" Dong Yezi glared, making the man with glasses nearby tremble in fright, and ran away in despair.

Feng Yaoyao put her hands in her pockets, holding a cigarette in her mouth, squinting at Liu Jun with her usual indifference~
"Sorry, I had something to leave temporarily and forgot to mention it." After that, I took a day off, which was Friday. After the anger fermented on Saturday and Sunday, it was no wonder that the third girl was so angry.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you? Tell me, why did you go? If you say it, we believe it, and the matter is over." Hu Xin shouted, making herself very angry, looking like a traitor .

Liu Jun: Little girl, it’s really troublesome~
In fact, according to her temperament, she can be too lazy to deal with this kind of thing. After dealing with it coldly, it won't take long for the three of them to be too lazy to compete with her.

But, sometimes there is a fate between people. If you don’t want to do something, you won’t do it, and you won’t want to change it later.

So, with this scene~
"Hmm... How about I treat everyone to hot pot and let this matter be over?"

"Hot pot? What's so delicious about hot pot? If you want to make amends, we have to decide the venue." Dong Yezi bit his cigarette butt and shook his afro, looking as if he would never do it if he didn't agree.

"If it doesn't work, forget it." After saying that, someone walked directly through the three of them.

The three of them were stunned: Just left like that?

Seeing the figure in front of him getting further and further away, he said, "Hey, mainland girl, how could you do this, where is your loyalty? This is very tasteless, okay? Hey..."

The four of them were playing around and walking into the campus in an unusually harmonious manner. They did not see the three figures standing across the road, leaning on the motorcycle.

"Fifth brother, what do you do?" Hong Mao looked at the backs of several people with a fierce look in his eyes.

Anyone who dares to attack their brother must be aware of being retaliated against. Even if she has some skills, what if she is a mainland girl with no money and power? Is it possible that they can still be afraid of her?
"Wait for her to leave." With Feng Yaoyao here, you still have to be careful after all.

"What about Sister Feng?" Everyone under the 'Fifth Brother' knew how he felt about Feng Yaoyao. In private, they had to call Feng Yaoyao Sister Feng.

Of course, the parties involved did not know this.

"Just hide it from her and settle the matter first."


When he walked to the center of the playground, Liu Jun's slightly raised lips showed a strange arc~
At the port of Lijiang River, a giant cargo ship more than two meters high docked~
Amidst the long whistle, two young figures walked out of the morning mist~
"Brother, let's find a hotel to stay in first~" Everything along the way was basically arranged by Liu Lan, and Liu Zhi was happy not to worry about anything.

She has already inquired about it. The identity information here is very strict. Foreigners who want to check in must have documents. However, some small hotels do not require them. They are all private. As long as you have money.

This time when I came here, the two children brought all the pocket money of the four of them, as well as what they had saved before.

"Yeah." Liu Zhi had no objection.

In the future picture foreseen by Liu Lan, Liu Jun's figure is on the playground of a school, with a blue basketball hoop on it. Although he is not sure which school it is, it shouldn't be too troublesome to find it.

The two stopped a taxi and said, "Uncle driver, please, we are going to the best high school nearby." There are usually hotels or guesthouses near middle schools for the convenience of students and parents.

"Huh? You are from mainland China~" Uncle Si's family is very discerning.

"Yes, we are here to find the eldest sister. The eldest sister is studying here."

"I know you are still students. Which school your eldest sister is in? Can't I just drive you there?"

"No, uncle driver, we want to go to the best high school first. We may also transfer here in the future to get familiar with the teaching environment."


When the car arrived at its destination, the driver kindly took half the charge.

"Uncle driver, don't go to Xinyuan Plaza when you go back, please be safe." After getting out of the car, Liu Lan unexpectedly added another sentence, her eyebrows arched.


Why was he cursed by a child despite his kindness?
How unlucky!

I walked back in a depressed mood. The driver was not in a good mood, so he did not pick up the passengers. When I reached the intersection, I was about to turn right and go to Xinyuan Plaza, but suddenly, by some strange mistake, he stopped and turned the wheel. After walking back for a while, he found a place where he could park his car and see the front of Xinyuan Plaza. He wanted to see what the little girl meant when she said that~
Although he knew that he shouldn't believe what a little girl said, it was not good to keep pretending that something was wrong, so the driver decided to stay here until the shift change in the afternoon.

Drink some water, get out of the car, lean against the car door, light a cigarette, and take a puff...


"Cough cough cough..."

"Oh my god..." The cigarette fell to the ground and he held his head. The driver turned pale with fright.

It turned out that a fuel tanker suddenly caught fire when it was driving to Xinyuan Plaza. It exploded together with more than 20 nearby vehicles... The fire suddenly broke out, and the flames shot straight into the sky, like the wrath of the god of death~
Cold sweat quickly penetrated from the hair and slid down the cheeks...

The driver couldn't bear it and sat down on the ground~
Less than 5 minutes have passed~
If calculated based on the distance and time he just traveled, if he had not argued with the little girl's statement, then he would definitely be one of the victims~
Looking at the raging fire, the mortality rate is definitely high~
Then he...

Standing at the gate of Lilan High School, "Lan Lan, will that driver die?"

"No, provided he believes what I say."


The brother and sister did not continue this topic, but focused on the situation inside the door for a few times, and then quietly left to find a hotel.

At this time, Liu Jun, who was in class, suddenly felt his bracelet vibrate and couldn't help but tremble. This was the reaction of someone else bound to the bracelet entering the contact range. This kind of reaction was only hers, for this reason. Make it easier for her to find someone.

Frowning, he pressed the slender fingers of his right hand on the bracelet a few times.

Seeing the information displayed above, Liu Jun's brows twisted completely~
Why are these two bastards here?

Liu Lan and Liu Zhi!
Of course, the two little boys didn't know that their vests had fallen off so quickly. They had successfully entered a hotel and checked in.

Because they are brother and sister, the two did not avoid suspicion and stayed in a double room with two beds~
"Brother, the facilities in Hong Kong Province are very good, even better than those in the Soviet Union." Of course the facilities on the mainland are the worst~
"Well, it's pretty good. It would be better if it was a big hotel."

"Well, I think so too. When we find the master, we must go to the big hotel."

"Look at what?"

"Look...Master!!!" The surprise came too suddenly, and Liu Lan's scream was a little broken.

Liu Jun was silent all the way and took the two little ones back to the villa~
Entering the ultra-luxury villa, Liu Lan and Liu Zhi's trepidation along the way dissipated a lot, and their clear eyes were full of excitement and excitement~
Can you live here in the future?

Wow~ That’s great, is there any! !

"Facing the wall and walking on horseback, four hours! If you lose one minute, get out of here!" A sharp shout was like a basin of ice water on a hot summer day, which chilled my heart.

The two little boys didn't dare to put down their backpacks, so they squatted in the corner facing the wall~
The master is the master, and he is fierce wherever he goes!This has never changed~
Gao Zai heard the commotion outside and came out. What he saw was Liu Jun with a sullen face, sitting on the sofa with his arms folded across his chest. Two boys and girls were squatting silly facing the wall, carrying backpacks.

Um...what kind of operation is this?
Holding the rag, Gao Zai thought for a while and returned to the kitchen.

Brother Fei said, when working here, talk less, do more, listen more, and don’t meddle, and there won’t be any mistakes~
In the middle of the night, the landline phone in the Liu family villa suddenly rang~
But after a moment, a small white hand stretched out and grabbed the handle, "Sister?"

On the other end of the phone: ...

"it's me."

The person lying on the sofa heard the sound and sat up suddenly. A pale and beautiful face appeared under the penetrating moonlight, with tears streaming down his face.

This time, she didn't speak, nor did the other end of the phone say anything~
Just stay silent~
I don’t know how long time has passed, “Grandpa Sun is gone…” The low and hoarse voice seemed to be sighing~
The pencil in Liu Jun's hand broke with a click, and her eyes fell on the porcelain altar placed by the bedside, "Oh~"





" I dreaming?" As long as the eldest sister left, she slept on the sofa in the living room. No one was allowed to compete with her~ She always felt that the eldest sister would call in the middle of the night, and she was afraid of missing it~
"It's me~"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very familiar, but also seemed strange, which frightened Liu Ran. This was just a dream after all~
She twisted the flesh on her thighs hard, it hurt, it hurt, damn it hurt~
But she is very happy, what should I do?
Holding the microphone, she was smiling, but tears were streaming down her face~
That night, Liu Ran changed from his reticence at home and chatted with the person opposite him for several hours until the sky lit up slightly.

"Sister, will you come back?" Liu Ran said this carefully since he first received the call.
"Yes, when you grow up to make me happy."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ran hugged his knees, looked at the moonlight outside the glass window, and sat until dawn.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, which is not a good time, because often in such late nights, some unknown activities will happen in some corners.

'Dong dong dong...' It was a little late for the evening self-study, and it was already past one o'clock in the morning when Liu Jun came out~
Although the nightlife in Hong Kong is good, the number of taxis near the school gradually decreases at night and is almost non-existent late at night. Liu Jun can only walk a few streets and enter the main road before he can take a taxi. car.

From the moment he climbed out of the wall, Liu Jun noticed the strange movement outside. Within the scope of his expanded mental power, there were fifteen figures scattered and hidden in the dark corner, all holding long sticks in their hands.

It's not a knife?

The corners of the lips curved into a boring curve~
Walking leisurely, the thin girl seemed to know nothing~
Until...the danger is getting closer~
Fifth Brother made a gesture, and everyone quickly surrounded him from four directions, and rushed out with sticks in hand.

With a movement of his waist, Liu Jun was about to draw out the steel whip when a low shout came clearly from the night.

"What are you doing!!"


Everyone: It’s so late, who the hell would show up here?
Liu Jun looked up and saw a tall, thin and slender figure appearing at the street corner, pushing a mountain bike~
Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Liu Jun could tell that he was a student nearby. He was very young!

"You brat, stop minding your own business and come and die if you want." Red Hair spat, "Come on."

The moment everyone rushed over again, the steel whip in Liu Jun's hand appeared~ the night, a mountain bike fell from the sky!

"court death!"



The formation of fifteen people was scattered in all directions by the sudden bicycles. Of course, because it came so suddenly, many people were hit.

This time, Liu Jun didn't waste any time. He swung the steel whip and it exploded in the air~
15 people, without exception, all fainted to death~
After kicking the twisted neck of 'Fifth Brother', Liu Jun picked up the bicycle from the crowd. At this time, the boy had also walked over with long legs.

"Thank you." The boy's voice was surprisingly pleasant~
 I don’t have time to correct typos, I’ll do it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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