Chapter 302
Several little friends took a deep breath. Zheng He grabbed the edge of the table with both hands and asked in a low voice: "So, is there really a ghost in that house?"

The old man slowly unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, blew in the hot air, and pretended to be mysterious: "I just heard from other friends that there was actually a very young female ghost living in that house, and she used her fists every night. Smashing the wall and saying she couldn't breathe."

"I have an old friend who plays chess a lot. He also lived in that room at first. When he moved in for the first few days, he didn't notice anything unusual."

"But after staying there for about a week, he woke up one night for no apparent reason. He was about to get up to go to the toilet, but he felt as if something was pressing on his chest. He couldn't sit up at all, until he couldn't use his hands anymore. He kept knocking on the edge of the bed, alerting the security guard who was watching the night. After the security guard rushed in and opened the door, he felt that his anger was slowly getting better."

Wanwan sat on the stool, putting her hands under her chin, and opened her big eyes: "What happened next?"

"After the security guard entered the house that night, he immediately turned on the light and found that after my old man sat up, his whole face was black and blue. It was scary."

"That night, he refused to go back to sleep no matter what. He knocked on my door and slept with me all night."

Wanwan: "Is there anyone still living in that room?"

"Originally, there was only a rumor that a man in that room would not survive three months if he lived in it, but because of the old man's trouble that night, the rumor that there was a ghost in that room spread in our nursing home. And when he got up the next morning, he changed When I was putting on his clothes, I discovered that there was a bruise in the middle of his chest, which was similar in shape to a woman's palm."

"Since then, no one has lived in that house. After being vacant for a period of time, it is now used as a utility room."

Diandian buried his face in the doll's belly, covered his ears with his hands, and timidly refused: "I don't want to listen anymore, I'm afraid."

"I won't be able to sleep at night after hearing this." Dian Dian's eyes were slightly red. She stretched out her hand and tugged on Wanwan's sleeves, "Wanwan, let's go out and play, okay? Let's go catch grasshoppers in the yard."

Wanwan looked at her keenly, wondering: "But I don't like grasshoppers."

She doesn't like many insects because she is a tree.

But seeing Dian Dian about to cry, Wanwan jumped down from the stool, sighed lightly, and stretched out her hand to Dian Dian: "Then let me go out to play with you. Don't be afraid. Is Gui Gui okay?" Dare to hurt my friends."

If anyone dares to bully her good friends, she will chase them to the ends of the earth and beat them on the head!

Diandian slipped off the stool, placed the doll on the chair, and held Wanwan's hand: "Wanwan, you are so kind."

Wanwan forced a smile. She actually didn't want to go out to play. Instead, she wanted to sneak into that room to find out.

But for now... forget it!

Yan Shu also immediately jumped down from the stool: "I'm going too, I'm a little scared too."

Wanwan also grabbed his hand and looked back at Zheng He: "Brother Hehe, what about you? Are you going to play with us?"

Zheng He looked at the children, shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid. I quite like hearing such weird stories. You go and play."

Wanwan dragged her two friends and walked away.

As soon as Zheng He turned his head, he saw the old man who had just told the story of the Ghost in the Red Mansions, leaning back on the chair with his mouth open, as if he was asleep.

He sighed in disappointment, and when he was about to help the old man screw on the lid of the cup, a cold withered hand rested on the back of his hand.

Zheng He looked up at the old man who was sitting up straight again, as if it was just his imagination that he was leaning back just now.

"Do you still want to hear a story?"

The old man asked with a smile. He removed his hand from the back of Zheng He's hand and said softly, "Thank you, I'll just twist it on myself."

Zheng He took back his hand hesitantly, nodded and said, "I still want to hear it, but grandpa, your hands are so cold. I'll get you a blanket to cover you."

Just as the old man was about to stop him, Zheng He jumped off the chair, dug out a light gray thin blanket from the cabinet in the corner of the reading room, and put it on the old man's leg after taking it back.The old man looked down at the blanket on his lap and was stunned for a while: "You are such a kind and good boy."

"My grandma broke her leg for a while, and she also sat in a wheelchair for several months. Her hands and feet were easily cold. Later, my mother told me that it was mainly because of poor blood circulation in the legs caused by sitting for a long time. cold."

The old man raised his head and smiled gently at him, with a glimmer of light that had not yet been extinguished in his cloudy eyes.

"Kid, I'm a little tired. You go and play with your friends for a while."

"I'm going to take a break and tell you a story when I regain my energy, okay?"

Zheng He didn't quite understand why he went back on his word, but considering that he was sitting in a wheelchair, and his tone and state of speaking seemed a little different from just now, he felt that he might be really tired, so he nodded and turned around and left the reading room.


Several little friends didn't catch a single grasshopper in the grass in the front yard, but this didn't dampen their confidence because Diandian found an ant hole.

Wanwan stood behind Diandian, looking at the hole where the dense ants came in and out, her eyes a little straight.

She was currently doing some mental construction for herself, so despite being very busy, even Yan Shu and Wanwan squatted at the entrance of the ant hole and called her twice, but she didn't respond.

Wanwan moved her little feet, took half a step back, and said seriously: "Let's not dig ant holes, okay? Let's go to the kitchen? Let's see if there is anything delicious over there..."

"Are you scared, Wanwan?" Yan Shu scooped up a big-headed ant with a leaf and lifted it to Wanwan's side. "Ants are actually very cute. They are very hardworking and can move many times their own weight. Something very powerful."

"Look at it, actually after looking at it for a long time, it feels better."

Wanwan refused with her hands and face. She jumped out of the grass and said, "I don't want it. Just take a look. Don't bring the bug in front of me."

Seeing that Yan Shu didn't give up and wanted to reestablish Wanwan's love for the small insects, Wanwan ran away.

Yan Shu put the ants on the leaves back to their original positions and said regretfully to Diandian, "Wanwan is so timid."

Diandian stared at the ant hole, thought for a while and asked, "I think it's okay. We just listened to the story, and Wanwan isn't afraid."

"My mother said that everyone has something they don't like. Maybe Wanwan just doesn't like bugs."

Yan Shu thought what she said made sense, so he stopped chasing Wanwan Anli.


Wanwan ran back into the building from the sunshine and happened to run into Zheng He who turned out of the corridor.

She blinked and was about to ask him why he came out again if he didn't want to hear a story... She suddenly ran up to him and sniffed him.

Zheng He was overwhelmed by her puppy-like sniffing. He lowered his head and smelled his clothes. There was a little smell of sweat. Maybe he was too active when flying the kite and sweated a lot.

But that's okay...

Wanwan reached out and grabbed his right cuff, lowered her head and smelled the scent on the back of his hand.

She looked up and asked, "Who touched your hand just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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