Chapter 708 Picking

The game originally scheduled for the morning was postponed to the afternoon, and everyone was noisy from morning to afternoon.

Some people even secretly bet that Jiang Yining would find other excuses not to come in the afternoon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone gathered in the conference room again.

As soon as everyone arrived, Jiang Yiye and Jiang Yining also walked into the conference room.

Facing the surprised look that came over him, Jiang Yiye had no expression on his face.

"What's the problem?"

The crowd shook their heads.

How dare there be a problem?
He was just more puzzled by Jiang Yining's series of confusing operations.

There were more people in the conference room than yesterday. They all sneaked in after hearing that there was a lot of excitement.

I thought Jiang Yiye wouldn't find out if there were one or two more people.

As a result, everyone had the same idea, and the conference room was almost full, and they were all senior officials from Jiangshi Hospital.

It was really embarrassing for a while.

Jiang Yiye glanced at them coldly and walked straight to his seat without saying anything.

As the initiator of this competition, Li Yaqiang stood up and introduced the rules and the "candidates" participating in this competition.

Including Jiang Yining, there are five people in total.

Three men and two women.

Except for Jiang Yining, the other four are all medical doctoral students from prestigious universities and have at least one year of clinical experience.

If Jiang Yining wins, these four people will also become one of her hands.

Finally, Li Yaqiang asked: "Any more questions?"

Several "candidates" shook their heads and said no.

Li Yaqiang smiled secretly.

"Then, I will send the patient's information now, and you can each choose."

Because there are rules, other "candidates" cannot interfere with the selected patients. Therefore, you must take the first step and select the patients you are familiar with and confident about. This is the first step to victory.

Others waste no time picking.

Jiang Yining took the information, sat next to Jiang Yiye and read through it leisurely.

After a while, someone stood up.

"I've chosen."

A young man wearing thick glasses handed Jiang Yiye a page of selected information.

Jiang Yiye took it, glanced at it casually, and nodded in agreement.

Pass the information to the assistant behind you and make a record.

Then, another person stood up.

This time it was a capable-looking woman.

"I also chose."

Everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on her.

She calmly divided the information in front of her into two piles, and handed the thinner pile of information to Jiang Yiye.

"This is what I chose."

The person sitting next to her couldn't help but remind her: "Li Yan, you can only choose one!"

The woman smiled.

"There's no rule that you can only pick one, right?"

There are indeed no regulations
The man was immediately speechless. After a long while, he argued loudly:

"Isn't it better to cure one and then choose another one?"

The woman looks quite confident.

"I have the ability to treat several patients at the same time, so why do I have to pick them one by one?"

The sarcastic words made the man look pale and he immediately retracted his chair.

Jiang Yiye glanced at her, took the stack of information from her, and looked through it casually.

No more, no less, exactly ten.

"Are you sure you can cure these ten people within a month?"

Li Yan stroked the broken hair around her ears and smiled confidently:
"Of course." Jiang Yiye said nothing more and handed the information to the assistant beside him.

With Li Yan as the starting point, the next two "candidates" did not dare to neglect, and each picked several.

Not to be outdone, the young man with glasses who initially picked out asked for more options and added a few more.

By now, smart people all know what Li Yaqiang is planning.

First select patients with whom you have experience, and later on, all the simple ones will be picked away, and you can only choose from unfamiliar cases. The former has a much greater chance of winning.

Li Yan picked out ten in one breath, so she didn't have to worry about the patients being snatched away at the end of the game.

Moreover, her chances of earning points will be greatly increased, while others will be greatly reduced.

Li Yan turned to Jiang Yining with a smile.

"Miss Jiang, what's your choice?"

Jiang Yining randomly took out one and handed it to Jiang Yiye.

"Let's do this first."

Jiang Yiye said nothing, took it and handed it to his assistant.

"Okay, then, the game officially begins, you can arrange your own time."

Several people responded.

Jiang Yiye greeted Jiang Yining and led his people out of the conference room.

The information contained the patient's basic data and the ward number where he lived. Immediately, someone took the information and set off first.

There were also many people left in the conference room, watching what Jiang Yining would do next.

Li Yan walked to Jiang Yining holding the information, smiling and caring:

"Miss Jiang, are you just going to pick one? Maybe you think my approach is cunning, but this is a competition, use some tricks, no one will blame you, everyone has done it."

Jiang Yining raised his head and looked at her.

"You've all finished picking. I'll pick from the rest. Which one to pick, how much to pick, and when to pick. Is there any difference?"

Li Yan made a surprised and apologetic expression.

"Ah... Miss Jiang, are you blaming us for taking away your patients? How about you pick from my ten? I can give you some."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone around her looked over.

"Li Yan, you are such a good person!"

"I've already registered, how can I give it up?"

"Even if you are Chief Jiang's sister, you can't bully others, right? Didn't you agree that this is a fair and just competition?"


Everyone was talking about it, and the more they talked, the more they changed.

Those who didn't know better thought Jiang Yining was forcing Li Yan to give up the patient.

Jiang Yining: "..."

Li Yan was startled and quickly explained:

"No, no, you have misunderstood. It was my initiative. After all, it was me who took the lead and let everyone pick the patients away. As a result, Miss Jiang had no choice in the end."

Someone said: "Why not? Aren't there dozens more to choose from?"

"That's it! There are so many more! Besides, from the first step of picking a patient, the competition has begun! If you have rich medical experience, you should know whether you can cure it by just looking at it. There is no need to study at all. It took me a long time to choose a patient!”

Jiang Yining: "..." She didn't seem to say anything.

The noise showed no sign of stopping.

There was a buzzing sound in my ears, and what I said didn't sound very good.

"Enough said?"

The cold voice easily suppressed the noise in the room.

The person who was still chattering suddenly fell silent and stared at her in surprise.


Just when everyone thought she would do something, Jiang Yining put away the information and stood up.

Everyone quietly took a step back.

Then, under the stares of dozens of eyes, the girl walked out of the conference room slowly without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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