Almighty is a real daughter, her vest has been torn down again

Chapter 401 Only the miracle doctor is worth a try

Chapter 401 Only the miracle doctor is worth a try

The Xie family is located in a villa community, so there is no need to drive.

However, the community is still quite big, and it’s not very nice to walk in. Ye Tang called a battery sightseeing car dedicated to the community.

Ten minutes later, the sightseeing bus stopped at the door of Xie's villa.

As soon as a few people got out of the car, someone came out to greet them.

"Hey, Mrs. Ming, Mrs. Ming, and several ladies are here! Come in quickly!"

Mrs. Ming smiled and went up to say hello.

"Mrs. Xie, I really appreciate your invitation today. I have been abroad to recuperate for so long, and not many people in Shencheng remember me."

"How could it be! My mother-in-law was thinking about you not long ago!"

Old lady Ming suddenly realized.

"Sister Yue, still remember me? I haven't seen her for five or six years. Is she in good health?"

Mrs. Xie covered her mouth and smiled.

"Why don't you remember? Didn't our Xiuyu often make appointments with your Qinghan to play ball together? The two boys always got dirty together and were chased and scolded by you and my mother-in-law. We have lived in this community for a long time. Everyone still remembers that scene! Alas, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye.”

"In the blink of an eye the children grow up."

"Yes! Look at Qingcheng. She only reached my waist before, but now she's taller than me! Miss Luo is also so graceful!"

Luo Xinting also smiled and complimented, "Aunt Xie is still very young."

"Look, the little mouth is so sweet! Hey! Looking at you young people, Auntie is really old!"

Mrs. Ming feigned displeasure and glanced at Mrs. Xie.

"You call me Lao, so who am I?"

"Mrs. Ming, you still look strong! You are more energetic now than before, and you are many years younger!" Mrs. Xie said, her voice deliberately lowered, "I heard that you came back for treatment. ?Isn’t it great to see you like this?”

Mrs. Ming was shrewd and knew exactly what she wanted to ask as soon as she heard this question.

She just wanted to find out if she had found a miracle doctor.

Seeing that her marriage to the Xie family was imminent, even if she found a miracle doctor, she would not be able to reveal it to the Xie family.

If that idiot from the Xie family can be cured, what will happen to Jiang Yining?

However, she had never met the miracle doctor before, so she didn't need to hide anything.

"That's right. Recently, isn't it widely spread that Dr. Wen in Renhe has great medical skills and is called a miracle doctor? I haven't been able to get rid of this old problem for several years, so I want to come back and try my luck."


Mrs. Xie subconsciously held her breath, waiting for the final answer.

Mrs. Ming waved her hand.

"I don't know if there is a miracle doctor. Anyway, I haven't seen one. However, the doctors in Renhe are very good and have relieved my old headache."

Mrs. Xie was a little disappointed.

Renhe was well-known in Shencheng. Before there were rumors of miracle doctors, she took her son to try several famous doctors.

Unfortunately, those so-called famous doctors are of no use.

Now only the miracle doctor is worth trying.

"Is that so..."

The atmosphere became somewhat condensed.

Mrs. Xie was silent for a while and quickly adjusted her mood.

"Hey! Look at how rude I am, letting the distinguished guest stand at the door for so long, come on, come on!"

When hosting a tea party at home to entertain relatives and friends, how can one indulge in sadness all the time and neglect the guests?

Her eyes swept over the three young girls behind Mrs. Ming, and then turned to Jiang Yining.

When the girl's appearance and body shape were clearly seen, a flash of surprise flashed in her shrewd eyes.

She is a pretty and well-behaved little girl.

Mrs. Xie led a few people inside and asked questions intentionally or unintentionally.

"Is this the new kid in your family? He looks quite cute and cute." Mrs. Ming glared at Jiang Yining.

"Why don't you come over and say hello? It looks like a piece of wood!"

Jiang Yining, who followed quietly behind everyone, heard the words and looked at Mrs.


Old Mrs. Ming was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

"You damn girl! You are so disrespectful!"

Ye Tang frowned in displeasure, "Mom, the child is just afraid of life. How can you talk like this?"

The anger on Old Mrs. Ming's face deepened, and her eyes turned to Ye Tang.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse, Mrs. Xie quickly finished the game.

"Hey, it's inevitable that the child will be afraid of life when he just gets home. Just teach him well in the future, and don't let the old lady get angry over such trivial things."

The old lady Ming still wanted to give her the host's face, so she reluctantly extinguished her anger.

A group of people came to the backyard where the tea party was held.

At this time, many people had gathered in the yard, almost all residents of a villa community.

The Ming family is a new big family in Shencheng. It is very expensive, so it is naturally one of the people here who are chasing after and making friends.

Even if you don't make friends, for the sake of face, you still have to come over and say hello.

As soon as the group stepped into the courtyard, they were surrounded by people.

Suddenly, it was very lively.

Ming Qingcheng and Luo Xinting quickly integrated into a group of young people.

While Ye Tang was dealing with the noble lady who came up to say hello, he reached for Jiang Yining, trying to keep her by his side.

Mrs. Ming quickly asked:
"I can't have no one by my side, so just stay with me and wait on me!"

This time when I went out, the nurse didn't come with me.

Of course, this was her deliberate arrangement.

Jiang Yining gave her a noncommittal look. He didn't agree, but he didn't say no either.

After staying in the yard for a few minutes, the old lady of the Xie family came over with the help of Mrs. Xie on crutches.

Mrs. Ming greeted her with a smile.

"Sister Yue!"

"Ai Ling, you have returned to China! I thought I would never see you again!"

In my twilight years, I live less and less each day, and I don’t know when I will say goodbye forever.

After the two old men sighed and chatted for a few words, they deliberately lowered their voices and whispered, and their eyes glanced at Jiang Yining from time to time.

Jiang Yining leaned against the wall boredly, looking at the scenery outside the yard, as if he couldn't feel it.

After that, the two chatted for a while, and Mrs. Xie looked sleepy.

"Hey, as people get older, their bodies become more and more useless, and they won't be able to hold on for just a short while."

Mrs. Xie answered immediately and suggested in a low voice:
"How about we go inside and sit down and chat? It's not that noisy inside. You can just rest when you're tired."

Xie old lady nodded.

"Ai Ling, let's go in then?" She said while extending her hand.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Xie immediately stepped forward to help.

"That's fine." Mrs. Ming didn't refuse. She turned to Jiang Yining and scolded her, "Why don't you come over and help me? You didn't even wink. You're so stupid!"

Jiang Yining looked at her for a few seconds, then walked over happily and reached out to help her.

Old Mrs. Ming hummed softly, her face softened a little, and she was finally satisfied.

The servant opened the glass door connecting the living room for several people and entered the house.

All the way to the warmly decorated Japanese room.

(End of this chapter)

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