Spring night kiss

Chapter 228 I can give up everything for you

This really sounds like a curse.

Xue Zhan's expression became even more tangled. He looked at Zhou Yinghuai's expressionless face and asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhou, have you ever experienced losing a very important person?"

Losing someone very important.

In Zhou Yinghuai's mind, the scene of Jiang Tan crying and leaving on that snowy night emerged.


"That's all very reasonable." Xue Zhan finished muttering in a low voice and coughed lightly: "So recently, have you started to feel this way again?"

Zhou Yinghuai was silent at first, and then his voice was low, hoarse and said to be gloomy: "Yes."

As for who it was, Zhou Yinghuai didn't say it, but Xue Zhan also guessed it.

"That's right!" Xue Zhan subconsciously clapped his hands, realizing that his attitude was too exciting, he quickly corrected himself and concealed it: "You have an anxious attachment problem. Your worries about Miss Jiang during this period are actually It’s all because of yourself.”

"You mean, it's because I'm too afraid of losing her, that's why I'm so nervous?" Zhou Yinghuai finished speaking calmly, then looked at Xue Zhan with cold eyes: "What's wrong with this disease?"

He was easily convinced, or perhaps this suspicion had been buried in his heart a long time ago.

"This is a psychological problem and will not have any physical impact." Xue Zhan paused and then said: "But your illness will have a great impact on the lives of you and the people close to you."

After Xue Zhan finished speaking, he observed Zhou Yinghuai's face, but the man's face was as dark as water, and he couldn't even see the slightest clue.

Xue Zhan spoke with some curiosity: "Mr. Zhou, do you believe that? Aren't you going to get more professional treatment? My current evaluation of you is only based on my own clinical experience."

"I will do the evaluation, but I believe what you say." Zhou Yinghuai lowered his eyes, hiding the complicated look in his eyes.

The corners of his lips curled up, showing a hint of complexity. The next moment, he said softly: "At least, it's better for me to be sick than for her to be sick."

Xue Zhan was a little stunned.

Due to Zhou Yinghuai's identity, he did not dare to show it too obviously, so he quickly said: "If you have time, you can come to the hospital for a comprehensive examination."

Zhou Yinghuai said he understood, his mood was very light.

Jiang Tan was busy late at Chenxi, so Zhou Yinghuai drove his car and waited for her downstairs in Chenxi.

The night was dark and warm, and Jiang Tan walked towards her from the thin light, her eyebrows and eyes too pretty.

Zhou Yinghuai felt a gentle tap on a certain part of his heart.

He subconsciously tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and what Xue Zhan said came into his mind.

Not long after Xue Zhan left, Zhou Yinghuai went to the hospital for a checkup. Just as Xue Zhan said, it was anxious attachment.

The doctor in a white coat sat in front of Zhou Yinghuai and said with a serious face: "This is usually a personality symptom formed in childhood. At Mr. Zhou's age now, he has such a disease. Did he receive any stimulation?"

Nothing exciting.

It's just that people have weaknesses, so they step down from the altar and can no longer look at all living beings with the same disdain as before.

Anxious attachment.

How ridiculous.

He actually has such a problem.

There was a hint of complexity in Zhou Yinghuai's eyes, but it was quickly covered up the moment Jiang Tan opened the door.

Jiang Tan sat down and felt the cold scent of cedar and ebony approaching from Zhou Yinghuai's body.

He was fastening her seat belt, and his gesture had an indescribable tenderness.

Jiang Tan was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his lips, "I met the friend you introduced to me today. He is a very interesting person." "Are you talking about Xue Zhan?" Zhou Yinghuai smiled and followed. Hearing the sound of the seat belt being locked, he raised his head and looked at her with a gentle smile in his eyes, "I also think he is a very interesting person. Tan Tan can chat with him whenever he is bored."

"Aren't you jealous, Mr. Zhou?" Jiang Tan smiled half-heartedly.

Zhou Yinghuai said he was not jealous. How could he be jealous over such a small thing even at my age?

Jiang Tan seemed angry and smiled, but the smile became thinner as her eyes fell. She said, "Zhou Yinghuai, I'm not sick."

That's right. How could a person as smart as Jiang Tan know nothing?

She has noticed it.

The smile on Zhou Yinghuai's face froze, and his dignified eyebrows showed a rare feeling of uncertainty.

The warm atmosphere in the car suddenly became very depressing.

Zhou Yinghuai slowly sat back in the driver's seat. He stared straight ahead for a long time before saying softly: "Tantan, I know, I'm just worried about you."

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me." Jiang Tan held Zhou Yinghuai's hand, "We are getting married soon, I will be fine."

When Zhou Yinghuai heard this, his slender fingers tightened slightly on the steering wheel.

He really wanted to ask Jiang Tan, will you stay by my side?

But when the words came to his lips, he still swallowed them.

Jiang Tan will be by his side, but this is no longer pure love.

She wants to use him as a blade to take revenge on the Zhou family.

So Zhou Yinghuai said: "Tantan, I will be fine too."

If I don't do well, what will you do?

Only I can protect you unconditionally.

Just when the atmosphere was quiet, Zhou Yinghuai's cell phone rang.

He connected, and Zhao Qi's nervous voice came from the receiver. Zhao Qi said: "Mr. Zhou! News from the Chu family said that Chu Anning was missing in the intensive care unit!"

Zhou Yinghuai subconsciously looked at Jiang Tan, who also heard it and showed a very complicated smile.

Zhou Yinghuai frowned and said in a deep voice: "Investigate carefully and we must find her."

He hung up the phone and looked at Jiang Tan, "You have already guessed that Chu Anning is not unconscious."


"You said those words in the ward on purpose so that Chu Anning could hear them."

Jiang Tan smiled, his eyes as clear as before, but his voice was cold: "Yes."

"What do you want to do by irritating her? Tan Tan, if you want to take revenge on the Chu family, you can tell me. You know, I will let you do anything."

Zhou Yinghuai's eyes were filled with emotional pain and bloodshot eyes, "Why don't you believe me?"

"I believe in you. I believe you are willing to marry me and that you love me." Tears began to appear in Jiang Tan's eyes at some point. "I just don't believe that you can give up everything for me."

"You didn't ask me."

"Is there any need to ask this kind of question?"

Zhou Yinghuai held Jiang Tan's shoulders, his eyes full of stubbornness and determination, and said word for word: "Tan Tan, I can give up everything for you, as long as you want, I can."

Jiang Tan was stunned, her pupils contracted for a moment, but soon her eyes regained their composure.

She brushed away Zhou Yinghuai's hand on her shoulder, "But I don't need you to give up anything for me."

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