Tian Qi puzzled: "Miss Si, why don't you chase them? I can catch up with them!"

"The girl who was kidnapped was not the only one in the car, and she cannot be the only one who needs to be rescued."

Si Jiu had previously encountered a gang that specialized in kidnapping women.

It was the time I saved Su Xiaoxiao.

The two people arrested at that time later died and were silenced. The police did not find any clues.

Just now, she figured out that the criminal organization behind the kidnapping gang was not an ordinary person, and these women fell into their hands not just for profit, but for sacrifice...

There were so many lives that she had to save.

What's more, she also wants to know why the evil clan that she destroyed long ago still exists in this era.

She dared to attack Fu Lanci, so she had to find them and deal with them completely.

"Tian Qi, go back first."

Fu Lanci naturally held Si Jiu's hand and said to Tian Qi. Then he looked at the girl next to him: "Don't worry, my people will listen to your arrangements. You are not alone."

He never showed how powerful he was in front of her, but he also didn't deliberately avoid her.

She wanted to know, at any time.

Si Jiu said 'hmm', thought for a while, and then said, "We alone are not enough. Now is a legal society, and we need the police to help."

"Then go to the police station first."

The driver of the off-road vehicle turned an intersection and saw that the car behind him had not followed. He spat fiercely, "Damn it, you still want to follow me."

"I was a racing car back then, so I can catch up with you bastards!"

"Hehe, Brother Ping is still awesome!"

"Brother Ping is the best, Brother Ping is mighty!"

The two men who kidnapped the girl quickly boasted.

The driver, known as Brother Ping, smiled proudly, then turned the steering wheel and turned back to the main road from the intersection of a small road.

Driving quickly towards the suburbs.


Tian Qi drove the car to the police station.

Officer Wang looked at Si Jiu, whom he had met frequently recently, and his head felt heavy.

"Miss Si, why are you here again?"

There was no result yet on Lin Qingwu's disappearance at the police station. He thought Si Jiu was here to ask them about this matter.

Si Jiu got straight to the point: "Have the police received reports recently that many girls are missing?"

Officer Wang's expression condensed: "How did you know?"

They did receive a lot of reports, not only from this police station, but also from other police stations.

So many cases of missing women alarmed the authorities, who demanded that this criminal gang be found as soon as possible and the kidnapped people be found and rescued.

Last time we managed to catch two suspects, but unfortunately, they were silenced.

Si Jiu said expressionlessly: "Because, I just saw a girl kidnapped on the roadside."

Before Officer Wang could speak, he heard her continue: "I can help the police find the kidnapped girl."

"Really?" Officer Wang couldn't believe it. "Can you really find the kidnapped girl?"

His tone became serious, "Miss Si, this matter is important, don't joke!"

"Officer Wang, I never joke, and I will not joke with so many innocent lives."

Si Jiuyi looked fresh and cold, saying, "Actually, I can save them without the help of the police, but working with the police will be more efficient."

When Officer Wang heard her words, he subconsciously looked at Fu Lanci who was standing next to her. Fu Lanci played with Si Jiu's hand and said calmly: "You can't make the decision, let the director come over."

"Si Si is sure of this. If you want to rescue the kidnapped people as soon as possible, just do what she wants."

He will naturally support whatever she wants to do.

As long as the location is determined, it is not difficult for his people to rescue the kidnapped people.

Officer Wang didn't have much hope in Si Jiu's words. After all, she said last time that she could find clues to Lin Qingwu's disappearance, but she didn't.

But both she and Frankie said so, and he could only go to the director and let the director make the decision.

Not long after, the director hurried over.

He called Si Jiu and Fu Lanci to his office, and the three of them discussed inside.

"Miss Si, how can you prove that you have this ability? You have to know that this is not a trivial matter. It involves the safety of many innocent lives!"

The director's expression was solemn, and his brows were tired from the past few days of hard work, but his eyes were still sharp and bright.

Si Jiu sat opposite him with a calm and cold expression, "I can prove it, but you may not believe it."

Nowadays, spiritual energy is exhausted and metaphysics is declining. If she uses divination to prove herself, she might be labeled as a feudal superstitious person.

Especially educated people feel that feudal superstition is undesirable.

"You prove it first. As for whether it is true or false, I will make my own decision."

The director would not believe Si Jiu's words casually, he had to verify it with his own eyes.

"That's fine." Si Jiu picked up a few documents from his desk.

The director wanted to stop him, but thought of something, then paused, staring at her with burning eyes.

What is recorded in these documents are all unsolved cases for which no clues have been found.

Si Jiu read the contents of the document, covered it with his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and his whole aura suddenly changed, becoming as sacred as a god.

Fu Lanci, who was closest to her, could clearly feel a wave of energy.

This wave of fluctuation actually made him feel extremely familiar!

Before, his health was too poor to use the power in his body, and his perception was severely reduced. He had never sensed such an abnormality.

Now that his physique has been greatly improved and his abilities are gradually being unlocked, he can naturally feel more things than before.

He looked at Si Jiu quietly, his eyes getting darker and darker.

He always felt that he and Si Jiu had known each other for a long, long time...

The obsession with her, with the contact with her, is now deeper than revenge.

Is there any connection between her identity and him?

Otherwise, why would it have such a big impact on him?

Fu Lanci didn't mind the mystery surrounding Si Jiu, as long as she stayed by his side, that was enough.

The director was enveloped in an indescribable sense of oppression, and his whole body was forced to tense up.

When Si Jiu opened his eyes again, the oppressive feeling that made him suffocate disappeared.

Afterwards, Si Jiu told him the key clues of several keystrokes and the suspects one by one.

The director looked stern. Although he thought it was a bit absurd, he immediately called and arranged for people to investigate according to the clues given by Si Jiu.

Investigating cases takes time.

Si Jiu left his contact information and returned to Mansion No. [-] with Fu Lan.

When we arrived outside Mansion No. [-], someone was already waiting here.

Fu Zhengyang was sitting on the solid wood Taishi chair that had been moved by his servants. He was dressed in a black Tang suit and had an extremely fierce aura.

He is a warrior and one of the only master-level warriors in the Fu family.

"Fu Lanci, the unfilial descendant of the Fu family, won't kneel down when he sees me!"

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