Chapter 643 Forget it
It's so infuriating that people compare to others...

In my previous life, I was fine, but my youth was delayed for three years, I had no children, and I was in name only.

If they get divorced, she can be happy whether she is looking for a man or not.

But in this life...

Not to mention that the social environment is completely different. Even if she herself does not have the concept of chastity, most people in this world still have it. It is difficult for them to tolerate a woman looking for a quickie like a man.

And she also has two children...

In modern times, which were relatively open in the previous life, it was difficult for both men and women to find people who were willing to accept divorce and raise two children.

Let alone this life...

Chu Qingge felt that his spring would basically never come again...

But what about Lu Siming?If he separates from her, he could be carefree in his last life, and he can still be carefree in this life...

It makes me angry just thinking about it!

Then Chu Qingge realized that Lu Siming was right, it was better to stay married.

Even if she gets divorced, she can't happily find her own spring, so why should she divorce?

Inseparable, you can also appreciate the fairy's appearance from time to time, making it inconvenient for the other party to find a second love.

She herself was not doing well and was harmed miserably by the other party. Why couldn't she harm the other party?


Never leave!
The idea that I was so angry before and thinking about how to persuade the other party and ensure that I would not expose my origins disappeared instantly. Now Chu Qingge is instantly open-minded.

He even threw away the geography book in his hand pretending not to peek at anyone, and looked at the person opposite him openly.

Lu Siming had never read the book. Although he actually tried to read it at first, for the first time in his life, the book in his hand did not allow him to concentrate. He naturally noticed the changes in Chu Qingge. .

He didn't have as many little thoughts to cover up as Chu Qingge, so he directly raised his eyes from the writing and looked at her, and then met her eyes staring straight at him, "What are you doing?" "Look at you." Chu Qingge admitted very directly that she admired Lu Siming.


Lu Siming was silent for a moment.

Although he felt that he understood Chu Qingge relatively well, sometimes the other person's brain circuit...

He still couldn't catch up.

I originally wanted to ask, what do you see me doing?When it came to my mouth, it turned into, "Well, then you have a look."

He lowered his eyes and continued to read. Out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but observe Chu Qingge. Then he found that she had been looking at him, and sometimes showed expressions of appreciation, sometimes love, and some pity.


Forget about admiring and liking it, what the hell is a pity?

Just when he was about to ask, Chu Qingge rubbed his eyes and sighed, "Forget it, I won't read anymore."

I can only watch but can't eat, which is quite uncomfortable...

She fell down and went back to sleep. She originally wanted to sleep in, but she got up because she was about to leave today.

There is nothing else to do now anyway, just keep looking at Lu Siming. It is easy to have the urge to hold the other person and kiss him wildly. He is thinking that if he really does this, he might be beaten to death before he can kiss her. .

So she stopped reading and went to sleep... Anyway, there was everything in the dream, right?

Seeing a certain woman give up and fall asleep, I couldn't explain how I felt.

There is only a sense of being deceived, like "I was ready to be watched by you all the time, but you gave up halfway."

(End of this chapter)

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