Chapter 368 Ledger
"Don't say anything that you will get into big trouble in the future, which is unlucky." Aunt Zhao gently sent Chu Qingge and the others out.

After Chu Qingge and Chu Huaifang walked away, she closed the door and returned to her home.


After Chu Qingge and Chu Huaifang returned to their old house.

Chu Huaifang first scratched his head and called his grandparents, and then called his second uncle, third uncle, second aunt and third aunt.

Two cousins ​​and three cousins ​​also said hello.

Unlike his sister who had almost no contact with the old house in the past, Chu Huaifang, as the eldest son of the eldest son...

I still have a lot of interactions with the old house, especially with my grandparents.

So his greeting was quite natural, and the people in the old house didn't seem too offended when they saw him.

"These days, the land you farm in the west of the village is pretty good." Before Old Chu was disappointed with Dafang, he had high hopes for Chu Huaifang.

Although his expectations were more that he hoped that Chu Huaifang could be better than his father and pass the exam.

But after it was completely confirmed that Chu Huaifang was not good at reading, Old Chu was not too disappointed.

After all, this eldest grandson is not crooked. Even if he is idle in the village and fishes in the river, his character is still passable.

This is very good.

As for Chu Huaifang, the grandson who lost his mother when he was young, Yan felt very sorry for him, but his eldest son didn't live with them.

She couldn't take much care of Chu Huaifang.

Later, after she fully understood the true identity of her eldest son and the Liu family, she kept letting Chu Huaifang return to his old house.

It was just that Chu Qingge had other plans, so she didn't say anything.

Now that I saw Chu Huaifang, I missed him so much that he took the initiative to ask: "Are you hungry? I've stewed a chicken with milk. Can you eat some first?"

Today, because Chu Qingge and Lu Si came back, Yan, who has always been stingy, rarely contributed a chicken.After the chicken was put into the pot, the aroma of the stew made the greedy children swallow their saliva.

However, because it was not yet cooked, Mrs. Yan did not let the children taste it first. By the time Chu Huaifang arrived, the chicken was almost ready.

So she didn't wait for Chu Huaifang to refuse, turned around and went into the kitchen, got bowls for several children, and filled them with a few pieces of chicken.

"Thank you grandma..."

The grandchildren thanked each other, hugged their own small bowls, and gathered together to eat chicken.

Chu Huaifang originally thought that he was an older child, how could he eat chicken with a group of younger brothers and sisters...

But grandma’s stewed chicken is so fragrant.

Although he didn't lack for anything during the time he lived at his sister's house in the west of the village, and he ate well.

He can eat one meal of meat at least every two days, which is better than most people in the village.

But a teenager who is in the growing stage cannot be dissatisfied with the lack of meat.

So he couldn't help but took the bowl handed over by his grandma, and joined the team of several children with a slightly red face.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qingge frowned.

"Qingge, this is the account book." Several children went to eat chicken, while Yan took out the account book that Chu Qingge asked her to get.

"You asked me to record some of my family's expenses and income, and I also recorded them all." Yan said, "If you want to see it, I can show it to you."

"What do I do with my family's expenses?" Chu Qingge said, "I just look at the accounts of Doubanjiang and the food stalls."

Chu Qingge opened the account book.

Finding that the fonts in the account book were very neat, she couldn't help but take another look at her cousin Chu Huai who was eating chicken over there.

(End of this chapter)

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