A large group of guards rushed in.

"Where is the assassin!"

The Queen pointed to the knife on the bedpost.

The guards immediately searched the entire palace!

Eunuch Li helped the queen, who was shaken to a pulp, up from the ground, "Search carefully! No suspicious person can be let go!"

The queen took several deep breaths, but still couldn't calm down completely.

Suddenly, he found Bai Qingluo walking around the bed.

"Bai Qingluo!" The Queen overreacted, "What are you doing!"

Bai Qingluo turned around and said, "The girl just checked and there doesn't seem to be any other institutions nearby, except for this -"

She raised her hand and held up a rope.

"What is this?" The queen was very wary and did not come close.

Bai Qingluo tugged, "Beef tendon, which has been specially treated, is generally used to make bow strings. It has great elasticity. If this thing is used to make a mechanism, the assassin can be used to make the knife on the quilt without the presence of the assassin himself. It flew out the moment it was opened."

The queen signaled to Eunuch Li.

Eunuch Li immediately went up and took the beef tendon from Bai Qingluo's hand. After inspecting it carefully, he turned back to the queen and said, "Hui, my dear, it is indeed beef tendon used to make bow strings."

"Miss Qi! We have searched inside and outside, and we have not seen the assassin!" The guards have completed a round of searches.

The queen suddenly panicked, "Your Highness Ninth Prince! Have you seen His Highness Ninth Prince!"

She almost forgot that she was here to find her son.

Now that something dangerous has appeared in her son's place, and her son is still missing, the queen has an overwhelming feeling of bad premonition!

The guard shook his head, "No sign of His Highness Ninth Prince!"

The Queen was really going crazy, "Then what are you doing here! Go find him, even if you turn the entire palace upside down, you still have to find His Highness the Ninth Prince!"

"Empress!" Eunuch Li quickly stopped him, "We are currently receiving envoys from various countries outside. Why don't we make the matter a big deal first?"

"Asshole! Is the disappearance of His Highness Ninth Prince a trivial matter?! It's because of your incompetent servants that His Highness Ninth Prince escaped from the palace and was injured last time, and disappeared for no reason this time! Is there a traitor among you?"

Bai Qingluo raised her eyebrows slightly. She didn't know whether the queen meant what she said or if she said it casually out of anger.

But she was really right.

There is definitely a traitor here.

"Queen mother?"

Suddenly a soft and waxy voice came from the door.

Everyone was stunned, and the queen turned her head——

He saw his son being led by his master and just coming in from the door.

Ye Wuxin saluted respectfully, "See the Queen, the Ninth Prince just said that he was bored in the house and wanted to go out for a walk. I was worried that the Ninth Prince would wander around and miss the time, so I took him to the Imperial Garden for a while and quickly brought him back. ”

"My son!" The queen excitedly held His Highness Ninth Prince in her arms, with thousands of words swirling in her throat but unable to speak.

The child is still too young, so it is better not to let him know some things too early, so as not to scare him.

Mo Chenxi patted the queen's back stiffly with her little hands, "Queen mother, please don't cry, I will never run around again."

"No, no, no! You ran well this time, you ran right!" If Mo Chenxi hadn't gone out, the queen wouldn't have known whether the knife just now would have pierced her son's body!

The queen nodded towards Ye Wuxin, "Teacher Ye is really a responsible tutor. In the future, we must remember not to leave His Highness Ninth Prince alone at any time."

Ye Wuxin Shi Shiran responded, "Yes."

"Mother, time..." Eunuch Li reminded him softly with a smile.

The queen quickly straightened her expression and checked Mo Chenxi's forehead again and again to make sure that there was almost no trace of the original scar. Then she took her son's hand and said, "Let's go, Bai Qingluo, you are following too, just in case." just in case."

Bai Qingluo, "Yes."

She did come here with a purpose today. She was originally thinking about how she could sneak into the banquet in good faith.

After all, it was a formal occasion to receive envoys from various countries, and ordinary people were not qualified to enter. I didn’t expect the opportunity to come so suddenly.

She glanced back at Ye Wuxin, and then at the rags on the sheets that were torn by the knife.

Ye Wuxin responded with a confused expression.

After Bai Qingluo and the others left, Ye Wuxin sighed, "This look is too poisonous. I really can't do any bad things."

The agency was left to him.

The purpose is not to hurt anyone, but to make the queen extremely wary of everyone.

Concern leads to chaos.

She becomes panicked when her son's safety is involved.

Only when things are messed up will things go wrong.


"I am very gratified and moved by the sincerity of all the envoys who have come from afar. I only express my feelings with this cup!" The emperor raised the golden cup in his hand and made an impassioned speech.

He seemed to be very energetic, but he was so close below that if he raised his eyes slightly, he could see the obvious black circles under his eyes.

Although he looked very tired, the emperor was still very energetic.

This sense of contradiction made his whole person look a bit weird.

Everyone below stood up and raised their glasses.

After the emperor drank all the wine in one gulp, he immediately followed and drank the wine in the cup.

The emperor laughed and waved his hand, "Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly a discordant voice cut in.

Everyone couldn't help but look over there. Who would want to destroy this harmonious atmosphere?

Take a closer look——

What appeared to be a group of envoys dressed in Xuanye Kingdom costumes.

In an instant, everyone looked back at the stupid people they had looked at before, and they all lowered their heads and pretended to drink and eat vegetables.

If it's Xuanye Kingdom, then it's fine.

Throughout their continent, two kings competed for hegemony, and there were many small countries.

These two kings are Chaoyun Kingdom and Xuanye Kingdom.

These two countries occupy the largest land area and are the strongest in all aspects.

Their other small countries are just caught in the middle and drift with the crowd. They are more inclined to follow whichever big brother has meat to eat.

There are die-hard members of Chaoyun Kingdom, pawns of Xuanye Kingdom, and some who drift back and forth between the two.

The basic treatment of the wallflowers who come and go is not very good, and they are definitely not as good as loyal fans.

But this is also a survival strategy for others. As long as it is useful, it has value.

Now that the two eldest brothers are fighting, they should stay as far away as possible. It's not something they can afford to interfere with!

The emperor on the dragon throne narrowed his eyes in displeasure, "This... the envoy of Xuanye Kingdom, do you have something important that you must tell me now?"

The implication is that if it's not important, just retreat on your own. What's the waste of time?

Anyone who knows a little bit about winking should sit back at this time.

But the envoys from the Xuanye Kingdom didn’t understand the word “eyes” at all. “Of course it’s an important thing! General Hu Lu, the most important member of our Xuanye Kingdom’s envoys, was fine before. Now he’s here in your imperial capital. That’s what happened! Shouldn’t your country give us an explanation?”

The envoy said, and pulled out General Hulu who was lying behind him.

Everyone exclaimed!

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