The Ninth Princess is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 630: Go find your little prince

Chapter 630: Go back to your little prince

Chapter 0630: Go back to your little prince

Two days later, all the soldiers in the army once again saw the power of the ninth princess of Chu.

She said that it took two days to clear up the haze, and it really faded away a lot on the third day.

The most important thing is that during the past two days, I followed the instructions of the Ninth Princess, fetching water, traveling and resting.

Thirty thousand troops walked through the barren mountains and ridges in the haze, but no one was injured.

Several of them who suffered from colds recovered after drinking the herbs found by the Ninth Princess in the mountains.

Finally, the most impressive thing for everyone was that there was really a sandstorm outside.

Walking out of the mountain stream, we came to the next city, where the people were still rebuilding their homes.

Everything the Ninth Princess said came true!

After all, Zhang Yan was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time. Even Mu Bai and Feng Liye, without saying anything, felt a little admiration in their hearts.

No, it’s a lot of admiration.

I don’t know where I learned this knowledge. Why does this little girl who was raised in a deep palace know so much?
"We will be able to reach Beilan Pass in three days. Master Zhang, will any spies come back to report the situation in Beilan City?"

In the past three days, Zhang Yan liked to come to Chu Qingge whenever he had nothing to do.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Chu Qingge was their little highness of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

"I just came out of the hazy mountain stream yesterday. I immediately sent someone to inquire. But these two days have been either hazy or sandstorms. I'm afraid the spies won't be able to get back until early tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Qingge is indeed a little worried, but when marching and fighting, the most important thing is to avoid being impatient.

Worry can also make you impetuous.

She took a breath and said: "Don't mention Beilang Pass in the army for the time being..."

"Princess, shouldn't the brothers be reminded of their relatives and soldiers at Beilang Pass at all times, so as to arouse everyone's determination to rush there?"

Zhang Yan disagreed with this. She thought that only in this way could the brothers fight more passionately!

"The passion should be used on the battlefield, but now, everyone is resting."

Qingge glanced outside.This was the first night the brothers camped to rest after emerging from the haze.

"When the blood is boiling and there is hatred in the heart during rest, the brothers will not be able to eat and sleep well, which will affect their health and cause them to lack physical strength."

"This..." This was the first time Zhang Yan heard such an argument.

Didn't we always stimulate the blood of the soldiers along the way and make them fight to the end without fear of death?

However, hearing what the princess said, it seemed to make sense.

Let them eat well, drink well, and nourish their spirits so that they can have better physical strength on the battlefield.

That is, it always feels contrary to traditional ideas and concepts...

"You should go and have a good rest. You have to hit the road tomorrow morning." Qingge waved her hand.

Zhang Yan was reluctant to leave: "Princess, do you have any detailed plans for the battle against Beilang Pass?"

"We haven't arrived yet, not yet. We need to analyze the specific situation in detail and let me know what the situation is now at Beilang Pass."

"But, I'm afraid it will be too late to deploy..."

"Then what if we deploy now, only to find out when we arrive that the actual situation is too different from what we thought?"

In ancient times, it was indeed not as convenient as in modern times. It took ten or eight days to get to the border, and we didn’t even know what was going on at the border.

It would take several days to wait for the spies to report back, which was too troublesome.

If, there is a powerful communication network...


"That's enough, she is the princess of Chu, not your little highness of the Southern Jin Dynasty!"

Feng Liye, who was sitting aside, couldn't bear it anymore. This guy had been annoying his woman for at least half an hour.

"Master Zhang, if something happens, go back to your little prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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